


Back outside Glow Cosmetics, I remain fixed and stare at the insect entering the cab and driving off. “Alexis, are you okay?” Page waves her hand infront of my face.

“he he he.............. he .......... he......” My throat is so dry and clamped. “G....e..t... me........ wa.....t...er” I stammer

“Ooooh you want water?” Page asks and I nod my head in agreement.

She runs to the car, and brings back a bottle of water, “here you go,” I gallop the entire bottle at once and I feel my throat disentangle.

“Are you okay Alexis???” She asks again

“Yes I am fine, let's go home” I say to which she looks at me surprised. “wait a minute, Alexis, what just happened?"

I ignore her and continue walking to the car, “Page if you are not coming I will ask the driver to start off,” I yell out.

The whole drive is quiet and I try to make myself busy on the phone to avoid Page's questions. I also have no idea of what just happened. I use the silence to recover.

Why was I unable to say anything, why was he also just looking at me without blurtering anything? A lot of thoughts are running in my head, and have never been this confused in my whole life before. It's like I really wanted him to insult me, I really wanted him to get a reaction out of me, I feel disappointed that he just stared at me.

Ooooh shit, what if he felt like I was some crazy nut case, no... no .. no, I'm the one that went up to him and I just stared at him. Yes that's why he stared back with a straight face, he was probably thinking that I'm a nut case. noooo, this can not be happening. Without realizing it I kick the back of the seat and hurt myself, “OUCH!”

“Alexis are you okay?” Page screams out while holding my leg. Melvin quickly stops the car and asks. “ma'am should I take you to the hospital?”

“Why do you want to take me to the hospital? Do I look like I need medical attention? Or are you insinuating that I should be taken to the mental hospital, are you also siding with that insect?” I yell out without thinking.

Both Page and Melvin look at each other surprised and the car begins moving again. I face the window to avoid eye contact. But I can feel them taking a glimpse of me at any chance they get. I'm at war the entire drive.

“Melvin please take us home,” Page finally breaks the silence.

Finally we are home and on the way I was praying so hard not to find Lukas home, I'm not in the mood for him to further rub salt into my humiliation.

I open the door and I find him standing behind the door with a smirk on his face

“Lukas I'm not in the mood, Page please warn him that i'm not in the mood.”

“Else what?? you are going to mistake me for a striper and beat me up with your heels?” Lukas asks while laughing.

I get my shoe and throw it at him fortunately he dodges it and keeps laughing

“Page please tell me? How good looking is this cleaner for her to mistake him for a hot stripper, out of ten please rate him?” Lukas asks

“Well he is more than a ten, 15/10 Page answers him to which I send tasers her way, “Page please inform me if you also want my left heel I warn her.”

“Come on??? if it makes you feel better I also had hots for my maid Loretta, she was a beautiful Latino. they always make them with extra care, I can relate,” Lukas says with a grin on his face.

“What?? Who says I'm having.......

you know what i'm not in the mood for such rubbish, i'm going to take a shower and go to bed, what's for dinner????”

“What???? Why are you both staring at me like I am some ghost,” I ask her, confused.

“Wow Alexis, the stripper really did a bad one on you, you are even having dinner with us or are you scared he will appear in your room??” Lukas teases

“Grow up Lukas!!!” I yell out. And he remains laughing. My brother is one annoying human being. I pick up my shoes and head to my bedroom.

I'm finally at the door but hesitate opening it. What if I really find the insect on the other side, I open the door slowly and there is no one. I throw myself on the bed and sigh. What a useless day today was. A 15/10, what???? Page must be smoking something. Somehow I start visualising his face without realizing it

he's got the face

he's got the height

the hair

the body

the accent

the strong arms though I managed to pin him down......... maybe he was pretending to be weak...... okay then I will give him half for strength

Those shoulders, do they count shoulders?????

“Shit want am I doing??” I slap my face hard, he is just an insect that I can squash with my bare hands, why is he crowding my thoughts, focus Alexis focus. I remind myself

Maybe if I take that shower I will be able to erase him out of my thoughts. I walk to the bathroom and take my shower but I only manage to forget him for a moment. He is still in my head, I need to surround myself with people so I head downstairs.

“Lukas, Page, what if we go out tonight for dinner just the three of us, it's been long since I went out, what do you think guys?”

"They both stare at me in shock, “Are you the Alexis we know or something happened to you???" Lukas asks

“That's a great idea Alexis, let me get ready then, come on Lukas,” Page says, twitching her eye.

“I think I should meet this stripper/cleaner. I am really starting to love the guy, my baby sis has never left this house for socializing purposes, I feel like crying, come here baby sis,” Lukas says moving towards me.

“Lukas, if you value your life please do not talk about that insect."

"Come on please give me a hug,'' Lukas insists, I grant his wish and hug him. “So baby sister what are you going to do about this dashing insect?”

“I will fire him of course.”

Lukas let's go of me and gives me a surprised face, “can you please let me come look at him before you fire him??”

“Get a life Lukas, go get your wallet, you will be paying.”

“Page, does this stripper have a Facebook, Twitter or instagram page I want to follow him or friend him?” Lukas asks which only annoys me more.

“Have been searching for him but nothing is popping up, maybe he is an angel sent from above to..” Page replies.

I look at Page furiously and she points to the door, “I think the driver is waiting for us,'' she says,” I lead the way and I can feel the both of them squeaking from behind.

“Please promise not to bring up anything concerning that insect, are we clear?” they both nod their heads smiling. “I really mean it guys, I want to forget about today.”

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