
59: The Initiation

[Flashback Continues]

"I-it's good to see you, Klein-sensei." Toshinori bowed respectfully towards Klein, who knew that in fact, Toshinori was sweating an entire river just by being in his presence and thinking bad things about him seconds ago. That's one of the things Klein finds hilarious, how some of his students will act like this, nervously and completely obvious when they are in his presence and had been just thinking bad things about him... And before you ask, no, Klein did not use [Mental Powers: Telepathy (S)] to read others' minds all the time, only when he wishes to do so, and he isn't like Charles Xavier that goes around mind-raping people willy-nilly... No, Klein is disturbed by his telepathy because of the sub-power that he is desperately trying to suppress.


He already has a lot of emotions inside him, and he is on the verge of snapping now, all his failures in those years of trying to get his [Meta Powers: Meta Space Manipulation (D)] and his [Meta Powers: Meta Time Manipulation (D)] both to (C) was greatly impacting his psyche... And also the stress that came with it, he had taken hard the death of some of his friends and students, Mikaboshi, Amanda, Harold, Kevin, Arko, Shunsuke, Chloe, Max, Daniel... They lived long lives, because of their constant cellular regeneration, they lived an extra 100 years before dying, it looked like their [Meta Powers: Regeneration] got to a point where it could no longer stop their aging process and age caught up to them...

He could have healed them, but they thought they had lived long and happy lives, and not everyone wants to live forever you know? He respects their decision of dying... He only hopes that what he has taught them may give them a slight advantage if they are ever selected to the [Afterlife Battle Royale].

Sean, however, eas not like that, nor Brian. They left, like, this dimension.


Well, Brian found out that his abilities were deeply connected with hell, so he went there. Klein already knew of the existence of that dimension, but he didn't care about it because what he wants to achieve is greater than simple dimensional travel... Multiversal Travel is way harder. Also, before you ask, no, he couldn't learn something from dimensional travel. They are two similar but completely different things and one could not give insight on the other at all.

"So, Toshinori-kun..." Toshinori felt cold all over his body as Klein's calm voice sounded beside him. "When were you going to tell me that you got a... successor?" Toshinori breathed in a cold breath in a slight panic, he coughed a little bit awkwardly and said: "Well, you see sensei, i-" Before he could end his phrase, his phone began ringing. He quickly took it out to see who was calling him at this moment and possibly saving him from his teacher... Then he saw who it was, [Midorya Shounen] was written on the contact. "Oh... So this is him huh? You could have chosen someone better, looking through all the information in the Izuku family, all I could find was that he is officially declared quirkless. Did you choose him because of sympathy? A little pathetic if I say so myself. His body is going to break before he can even use 50% of its full power... Let's hope he has a better talent for martial arts. Better than yours at least."

Klein looked at Toshinori up and down... Then sighed and touched his shoulder, soon a light yellow-white light shone on his hand and Toshinori coughed. His cough carried a black liquid, which quickly dissolved like ash as the wind blew it away... "You know I am your teacher, right? Even though I like to scare you, I still 'care' about you, Toshinori. Now you gonna do all that the One for All users have done in the past? Train a youngster to fight the evil incarnate of this world?" The last question had a thick wall of sarcasm, built with the bricks of mocking and a sneer on his face. "You One for All users are, all the same, never asking your teacher for help... Always going around and getting yourselves killed by that guy. Is that some kind of fetish of all of you?" Toshinori didn't know, but all the consciousness of the previous users of the One for All were all inside the quirk itself. Yoinaegi's ability to stock energy should consider consciousness as a kind of energy.

"So, how do you want to train the kid... All on your own?" Klein asked, he already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from Toshinori himself. "Yes, Klein-sensei... I think your tortut-" he stopped himself when he noticed Klein smiling at him, he coughed hard a little bit of blood, but this time it was because his insides were still regenerating and the blood was black, which turned into dust as an invisible breeze blew it away. "Your teaching methods would not be efficient to the kid... He is, both physically and mentally weak, I don't think he would survive your teachings... Or keep his sanity after." Klein just sighed and nodded, he just checked the Japanese government archives in every information they had on the Izuku family and he could easily deduce that the boy was weak and would certainly die if trained by Klein.

"So the student becomes a teacher huh? They do grow up so fast..." Klein wiped a non-existing tear as Toshinori held himself back from saying something stupid, Klein smiled and said: "But he still needs to go through the initiation." Toshinori's blood froze. He looked at Klein and was ready to say that the boy would not be able to stay awake, but Klein just looked at him, just one look was enough to shut up a Leviathan Threat Level Hero, he certainly was the Chaos Titan. "Have him meet us in the same place you've been training him for the past year. And before you ask, of course, I knew you had a little apprentice slash successor. Just hope you won't regret it, Toshinori. If he fails tomorrow, you know he won't be able to hold himself against All for One, right?"

Toshinori just nodded... He knew Midorya needed to go through the same thing he went through, the same thing every single One for All user went through.

The Initiation.

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

Extra Chapter for you all, it's 1:46 AM now and suddenly my author block went away, so I had to write.

Gonna sleep now.

Good night.

Next chapter