
21: [Spoilers]

Klein waited for the kid to wake up as he healed the others who had woken up he, unfortunately, couldn't save some of them and they died. Those who were alive began to mourn their dead in silent cries or full-blown tears and wails as they cried, even Max and Chloe shed a single tear as they looked at the four corpses, three males and one female. This group of children with superpowers formed a total of 14 individuals, 10 now that 4 are dead. Daniel did what he could to save everyone, but his efforts were worthless as they were already dead... Klein knew they were dead, but they have been dead for approximately 5 minutes so there was still some hope.

If someone miraculously was brought back to life after they were dead for 13 minutes, then they maybe are yet gone! Suddenly, electricity raged and cackled In Klein's hands as he used [Meta Powers: Electric Generation (C)] to create electricity on the palm of his hands and touches the chest of one of the boys, charging electricity to his heart and at the same time using [Meta Powers: Healing (B)] to give energy to the cells to try and activate back the heart. Suddenly with the huge electric current and the healing, the boy he just touched the chest gasped for air as his body flinched in pain, everyone looked at this scene shocked as Klein moved to the next three who had just died, their injuries were completely gone by the time he was done.

He looked at Sean, who was hugging his brother trying to comfort him because he was just crying a few moments ago because he could not save everyone, they were now looking at him too with shocked expressions. It's not every day you see a human sterilize (A/N: Is this the right word?) another human and revives them!

"You see it, Daniel? You can't save everyone. But sometimes, even the dead need to be saved from death." Klein said as the electricity in his fingers stopped cackling and shocking people around. "Now... You might already know who we are..." Klein moved his head to the group of children before him, his golden wings were very much seen by this point, and his sunglasses could not completely hide his deep red eyes that he changed using [Meta Powers: Shapeshifting (A)] just because he can... Also, why not? He can have any haircut he wants! He can change the color of his hair and eyes every single day, just ro be fancy! "So? Who is the Time Traveler here?" Klein asked as he sat down apparently on empty air just to suddenly float slightly above the ground, this was an exercise that he developed for Daniel to train his Levitation technique and it was so comfortable that he began to do it unconsciously every time he wants to sit.

"W-why would we tell you anything!?" Some blond guy shouted, trying to fake his courage when he was afraid, scared shitless that they almost died and 4 of them did die and we're brought back to life by this... This handsome man... Focus! "Because we saved your life?" Commented Sean as he also sat down on the ground, he just worked hard on moving heavy things to save people and he needed to rest a little bit. Daniel also did the same as Klein and floated a few inches above the ground im a spotting position, as if he was sitting in the air. Max and Chloe sat side by side, holding hands, Max saw Chloe die several times through her travels through time, so she was a little sensitive to death because it reminds her of her traumatic experiences with Chloe dying several times.

"*cough*!" Suddenly someone coughed, Shunsuke woke up suddenly and tried to get up as he felt his head hurt, he opened his eyes to see the Wicked Angel, floating a few feet before him... Suddenly his eyes turned to him and even when he had sunglasses on, Shunsuke could see his red glowing eyes. He also felt another pair of eyes eying him and when he broke eye contact with the Wicked Angel, he saw a girl, the Time Thief sitting there looking at him. "So you are the Time Traveler?" Both said at the same time in English while looking at him, making everyone look at them in shock because how would they know!? "Yes, I am." Shunsuke smiled and answered the question, everyone was now looking at him.

"My power is to travel back in time," Shunsuke said in English as well, his English was good enough to hold conversations at least. "So the Wicked Angel and the Time Thief came just as I predicted," Mikaboshi said from behind Shunsuke, he said it in Japanese to his friends but they couldn't do anything but watch as Klein pointed towards Shunsuke while saying: "You know what you are doing? Butterfly effects are dangerous. Kids these days playing with time like it is something harmless..." Klein shouted angrily, Max hid her face a little embarrassed as Klein sighed and said: "Now, tell us... What happened to make you go back in time?"

-Scene Break-

In a hidden base, deep underground, a man was wrapped with chains and cables as he screamed in pain and terror as another man touched his forehead, the second man had a tall and muscular stature, his fingers weren't really... Fingers. They looked more like black-red tentacles that were touching the man's forehead and slowly going inside his head...

The man screamed louder and louder as the cables and chains were starting to show signs of breaking, the other man continued to slowly insert his fingers on the other's forehead, and deeply it went until the man stopped screaming, his head hung low as there was no more light on his eyes. The man was dead...

"Subject N-0-A has failed the experiment and eliminated the experiment, requesting removal of both subject and experiment's corpse" An older voice echoes from a speaker, after some minutes a team enters the containment chamber and removes both the subject and the corpse. The camera slowly fades to black as the back of a scientist is seen, he mumbles: "He should learn it soon... Soon he will be able to effortlessly steal abilities... I know what I should call his ability... All For One! All of their abilities for One person, for one purpose, make me powerful!" The man begins to chuckle to himself as the camera faded to black again...

Title: All for One

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