
A Tales from the Past

'Once upon a time, in this beautiful world, there lived all kinds of magical creatures. In the blue sky, the harpies flew through the clouds. Below the ground, there were voices of dwarves building long tunnels. In the open seas, the mermaids sing with a flock of dolphins. Other nations such as humans, elves, and others lived side by side with each other. However, the greed of the demons destroyed that beautiful world. The demons began to disturb the tranquility of the world with war and destruction everywhere. They burned the forest where the elves lived to ashes. They littered the beautiful sea of the mermaids with blood and poison. Even the lush land where fairy perched on flowers they smash into barren deserts. Destruction, hatred, despair, have turned that beautiful world into a very dark world. Not a single being dared to oppose the power of the demons. Until one of those creatures starts to fight back all the evil of the demons. That creature is a human race. The humans started to fight against all the evil of the demons even though they didn't have any strength. But that is what makes other races like the elves race who have magic power and dwarves with their ability to make weapons start to have hope and desire to fight demons. They also unite their strength to fight the demons by awakening the strength of other races such as the harpies race in the sky, the mermaid race in the sea, and small races like fairies with their cunning. With that power, all the races in this world managed to defeat the demons and sealed their power into the magic stones that had been made by dwarves and fairies. Five magic stones are used to seal the power of demons. All of those magic stones were hidden in different places by the fairies. In the end, the demons have lost their power and world peace return.'

"How about the story, you like it?" asked an old man to the five children in front of him.

The children just stared at the old man. The old man just gave the children a warm smile.

"After you are 15 years old, you will get your own Fantasia," said the old man as he closed the storybook he read to the children.

"Fantasia! I want to become a warrior!" a boy screamed.

"I also want to! Fantasia!" another boy screamed while jumping on the sofa.

"Fantasia! Fantasia!" a boy yelling at his friend who is jumping on the sofa.

One of the boys just sat there in silence.

"Grandfather! Can I also get Fantasia?" asked the only girl there.

"Of course, everyone will get their own Fantasia," replied the old man.

"Yeay!" the girl was pleased with her grandfather's answer.

"I hope you all get a Fantasia that suits you," said the grandfather.

'Fantasia, the power that everyone in their fifteenth years gets. Divided into nine classes. Melee class, Warrior, Fighter, and Assassin. Intermediate combat class, Guardian, Lancer, and Summoner. And finally the long-range attackers, Ranger, Mage, and Cleric. These nine Fantasia classes have their special traits in terms of fighting, skills, and endurance. Each person will only receive one Fantasia class mysteriously and cannot replace it.'

Fifteen years later...

In a village in the foothills of Mt. Esval, there lived a young man named Alexander, or often called Al. Al lives with his grandfather and four of his friends in an orphanage in the village of Leefside.

Location: Mt. Esval

Al is at Mt. Esval, looking for firewood requested by his grandfather. However...

"Take this! Sword Skill: Wind Slash!" Al attacked a man who was carrying an ax.

"Ax Skill: Stone Wall!" The man hit the ground with his ax to create a wall from the ground.


Al's slash was successfully blocked by the young man with his protective wall. Al also jumped away from the man because his attack failed to penetrate the protective wall made of earth.

"As usual, you always use those skills to block my slashes. Don't you have any other skills, Gray?" Al asked the man named Graymond who was his opponent.

"This Stone Wall skill alone is enough to deal with my underclassmen's attack," Gray replied underestimating Al.

"Don't feel cocky because you got Fantasia two years ahead of me, Gray. After five years I trained with my Fantasia, I already have some pretty strong skills," Al said arrogantly.

"Then let's see who is stronger. Ax Skill: Sand Swing!" Gray ran towards Al by pushing his ax on the ground until his ax was covered in sand to attack Al.

"I won't lose either! Sword Skill: Aero Sword!" Al jumped at Gray by raising his sword and focused his strength on the sword until the sword was enveloped by the wind to fight Gray.


Gray's ax which was covered in sand and Al's sword which was covered in wind collided with each other. Al and Gray fight each other to see who is the strongest among them.

"Those two... even though it's just training, but they are very serious," said a man who watched Al and Gray practicing.

"Al and Gray are very passionate about practicing their skills, you should also be more serious in practicing, Marc," said a girl who was beside the man named Marcus.

"A long-range fighter like me does not need to practice like that, Lia. You should know that because we are both long-range fighters," Marc replied to the woman named Emilia.

"You suck," said a man who was lazing in a tree near Marc and Lia.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?! Though your work just lazing course, Leo!" said Marc, offended by the words of the man named Leonardo.

"There, there, please stop. It's time for us to go home. Grandfather must have been waiting for us," said Lia.

Marc and Leo stopped fighting.

"Al! Gray! It's time to go home!" Lia calls Al and Gray who are practicing to stop their practice and invite them home.

"Okay!" shouted Al answering Lia.

Al, Gray, Marc, Leo, and Lia finally walked back to their village, Leefside village.

"The training after looking for firewood was fun. I never get bored with it," said Al.

"Even though you just finished practicing. But you don't look tired at all," said Marc.

"You never change, Al," said Lia.

"Hey! I saw a girl lying on the ground up ahead!" Leo shouted from the tree.

"What are you doing up there?!" shouted Marc from below.

"Since when was he up there?" asked Gray.

"Hey! You can't hear me?! A girl is lying on the ground up ahead!" shouted Leo.

"He's right. Look! A girl was lying on the ground over there," said Lia, pointing at the girl.

"Let's help her!" Al immediately went over to the girl.

On their way, they found a girl lying on the ground and decided to take her home to take care of her.




To Be Continued...

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