
Chapter 36



Nie Li looked around himself exhausted, gazing at the bodies of various demon beasts lying around dead everywhere. The carcass were innumerable, even Nie Li stopped counting after engaging into a battle of attrition, but currently he is till not done. There is an advisory still left in the wake of this massacre.

Nie Li eyes turned focused as he look up and gazed at the 4-meter huge giant which was enraged due to the loss of so many of it's followers, looking at it's wisdom and power it is easy to distinguish it was the leader.

Nie Li and the huge beasts were only a few meters away from each other and without any warning they simultaneously run towards each other.

In an instant the gap was covered, the demon beasts striked frontally with it's sharp claw trying to crush the puny human, but Nie Li dodge to the right side of the creatures, his eyes were calculating and extremely calm even in the face of such a dominating beats irrespective of his fatigue.

The demon beasts instantly followed up it attack by sweeping it's right paw in the direction of an airborne Nie Li. As the paw was about to connect, Nie Li disappeared instantly causing confusing and bewilderment to the demon beasts but it didn't had much time to ponder as Nie Li appeared at the same position as soon as the paw crossed his coordinates and Nie Li attacked the sweeping arm of the beast with his 'Black Mass' throwing the right arm and disabling it's future retaliation.

Right before Nie Li was a unguarded beast without anyway to dodge or parry.

Nie Li took out a Gold rank dagger and slashed the beast from one ear to another, cutting open it's giant head and destroying it's brain in the process, cranial juice gushed out as the sliced crown of the head was thrown in the air. The beast died instantly and Nie Li stepped down on the ground still breathing heavily bathed in demon blood.

Currently Nie Li wasn't in his previous attire instead he was wearing a thin full body black outfit underneath and an unadorned armour outside his body. The armour wasn't eye catching but was a Gold rank treasure fairly capable of protecting him, unfortunately it only covered his chest, torse and various vital organs but the hands were unprotected and exposed.

Nie Li looked around himself shaking his head. There were various corpses all around with different fatal conditions some were burn to a crisp, while some were pulverized, some had pale sickly complexion as if poisoned, some were cleaved in half, and some far thrown bodies had the wounds similar to the aftereffect of 'Black Mass'. Nie retreated his gaze and looked at his own broken forearm. In a moment of carelessness he got his arm snapped, although it isn't much and could be recovered with medicine and rest in a few days, it still taught him a valuable lesson in the art of fighting.

Nie Li has developed a bizarre way of combat, he isn't a flashy cultivator with eye catching marital arts moves and devastating attacks rather he believes in using the best tactic to kill most effectively. He uses potions, poison, attack inscription scroll, various flying weapons, and his unique abilities granted by both the Inventory and Shadow Devil to the maximum to create a sure kill fighting style. He has great observational skill with high optical prowess enabling him to decide the most direct form of confrontation.

It was only by mistake of overestimating his physical ability in the face of demon beast that he gained this injury.

Nie Li quickly thew some highly valuable corpse in his interspatial rings and he hastily left the premises of his battle as the blood could attract other beasts. He was currently making his way to a small cave he has settled in for a while.

It's been around a month since Nie Li came here, he at first fought in Bronze rank Demon beasts area gaining some much needed maneuver tactics and a feel of fighting against beasts, slowly he worked his way to Silver and now to Gold. The battle right now was a fight against the whole group, most of them were bronze and silver with only the leader being Gold rank. Nie Li didn't shrink to the opposition and hold on since his life wasn't in any danger, with his Void Form in addition to his various life saving method, it is quite hard to kill him, and if nothing works he has the inventory too so, Nie Li took this chance to test himself otherwise he wouldn't have made such a reckless move.

Soon, Nie Li reached his base and after passing a series of defensive measure that he has placed beforehand he entered inside. The inner appearance resembled a cave without much of anything, there were some spiral dents on the inner portion where Nie Li used to practice and hone his 'Black Mass', the cave is very sturdy so he doesn't have to fear destructing it and being buried alive.

Nie Li sat down and began to firstly wash himself, changing clothes and then proceed to treat his injuries carefully smearing herbs and tightly binding his arm. The break is quite clean so it wouldn't be a trouble in setting the bone and bandaging it, although not an expert Nie Li has lot of theoretical knowledge as well as some practical experience in the field.

After a while, Nie Li sat down resting. He reclined on the single furniture in whole of the hidden cave. Nie Li then proceeded to look at his game trying to search for the thing he actually fought so recklessly for...

Nie Li has collected a lot of valuable corpse leaving behind normal ones since even his space has a limitation. Various of these corpses parts are good materials for inscription, alchemy, blacksmithing and even the demon spirit.

Soon after he withdraw something from inside his interspatial ring. Nie Li's right hand stroke it as it was a demon spirit.

After his outing for such a long time he figured out an amazing use of his unique cultivation technique. He had a feature to absorb and devour a beasts spirit later on in his cultivation so, he thought what if he used this ability to strengthen an already merged beasts, could he possibly raise it's ability.

Once the idea struck him, he could only experiment so he hunted a group of Nightmare Demon beasts trying to find a demon spirit but unfortunately such a finding is extremely rare, it took him almost the whole month to get a single demon spirit.

The reason why he choose the rare Nightmare Demon Spirit is to use the same attributes Demon spirit into the realm to refine, there is a chance that it would refine out a stronger demon spirit. Of course, there is always a chance of failure.

Amazing enough, he succeed although the Shadow Devil wasn't mutated and gain any new ability. It's strength was raised and in extension this also raised Nie Li's strength too!

Afterwards he tried other combination which all resulted in failure then finally he received a reward from the system. It was called the - Talent and Testing : Demon Spirit.

It explained that the differentiation of demon spirit by the strength of it's soul, Which is the Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold, Legend and so on. The category followed in Glory City isn't the end of a spirit study!

What ordinary people don't know is, every demon spirit is different in terms of their growth rate, even if it's a low-grade demon. But if it has a powerful growth rate, it's not impossible for it to grow powerful to the point of being able to kill a Legend rank demon spirit.

At the same time, the growth rate of some demon spirits are much stronger than ordinary demon spirits. For example, Nie Li's Shadow Devil Demon Spirit.

The growth rates could be divided into six levels. Which are: Poor, Ordinary, Good, Excellent, Extraordinary and God levels. The Shadow Devil Demon Spirit is, without a doubt, a demon spirit with a God level growth rate. Which also means that the growth of the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit is not limited.

Ordinary people don't even know how to differentiate a demon spirits growth rate, but Nie Li after getting the accounts about the beast spirit categorisation knew how to do it. Just like humans, the growth rate of the demon spirit can be differentiate by the use of soul crystals. Except the method of telling the differences is different.

With this Nie Li found out where he was wrong and he also found that increasing the potential of Shadow devil isn't possible at least not right now even if something above God level exists so, the use of spirit could only act as a nutrients for his merged beasts. But the actual increase isn't very gigantic either, Nie Li with his Heavenly Anarchy Techniques along with the help of Abstruse Gemstone isn't very attracted to the idea.

But something that did attract him was the prospect of refining a beasts potential.

Nie Li's Heavenly Anarchy Techniques enables him to merge with various Demon Spirit. As for this second integrated demon spirit, it will have a deep impact. Therefore, Nie Li has to carefully choose his second one and he wouldn't have welcomed the idea of having just any beasts but now..

"I already have an assassin-type demon spirit. Shadow Devil Demon spirit is extremely powerful and under normal circumstances it's best to not reveal it so easily but I need something with raw power or destructive strength too " Nie Li thought awhile.

Nie Li looked at the demon spirit in his hand and he decided to buy many spirits and then attempt to create a stronger growth-rate beasts.

Nie Li would very much like to merge with more demon spirits because after every integration, Nie Li's strength and cultivating speed will be greatly increased.

Nie Li is also prepared to make a demon spirits that could be helpful for Xiao Ninger, only he knows how useful she has been throughout their friendship. Nie Li knows that Xiao Ning'er is more suitable for a Lightning attribute demon spirit.

Nie Li doesn't really mind as it would only cost some money and take some time. Throughout the month Xiao Ninger has helped him sell a lot of items using her family leverage, although the Winged Dragon Family's reach isn't very high class it's still a respected Noble family which prompts people to buy items at higher and justified rates than a no-name Nie Li would get, and after every transaction Xiao Ninger will hand out every bit of a profit to him.

Although this method could leave a trail behind, it's not a troublesome thing at all, the inflow of treasure isn't a new thing in Glory city. Many people risk their lives in different expedition and then proceeds to sell them accordingly so, if the buyers were to track them all then it would attract the resentment of all of the commoners and treasure hunters so, unless the item are extremely rare or the seller is very suspicious no would be bothered to care.

"Well money isn't a problem." Nie Li thought. After taking a feel of different organization's attitude, he distributed and sell lot of his items to the three Institute : Snow Wind Family, Divine Family and Hong Yue Auction House. At first he didn't wanted to do that because of being traced back, but eventually he decided because none of the items were above Gold rank level and items at only that category isn't good enough to stir the greed in these three organization. They could also be considered as the most righteous but Nie Li's knows that the moment something that catches their appears, all the goodness will go down the drain.

Like, if he were to sell his elixir to them then, he would be thoroughly checked and targeted, but this isn't something which he would do unless he is sure to become strong enough to not be bothered.

"Time to return and also the time to tie some loose ends have come." Nie Li smiles as a malevolent smirk appeared on his face.


Initially, I wanted to show the whole drama in the wilderness but with my release schedule it would have taken around a month and a half to go through with it and it's not something that motivated me enough so, I just time skipped.

If anyone has any ideas for the next chapter then feel free to share.

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