
Chapter 55:

I continued to stuff my face with the food in front of me. It's not like I had anything to turn to left. Everyone I have ever loved was gone and it's not like I have the chance to make new ones since I'm just bedridden. So I turned twd.  and it's not like I have the chance to make new ones since I'm just bedridden. So I turned twd.

"Yes. As much as it makes me look like I'm lying when I'm saying it. I do have a normal life like the rest of you. I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I take baths, I sleep, I do all the things everyone does, so I don't think you should be envious of me." She tried to butter up the crowd. Playing it off to not make herself look kind.

Oh please. I'm pretty sure, not everyone is able to eat three meals a day. Some can't even eat one meal. Also, not everyone is able to take baths in a five-star hotel or sleep in a king size bed so she's just seriously pissing me off with her humble bragging.

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