
Chapter 16: A Secret Revealed

The taxi slowly went over to in front of the restaurant as we're finally on the same road. I could see the amounts of rich and sophisticated people in the area. Wow. Now that this is the environment I don't think we'd stand out here since compared to them we look like a bunch of homeless people...

As I looked around the crowds of rich people. A person particularly caught my eye.. that's! It's PENELOPE and a particular man was beside her and it's none other than the root of all of this chaos... Claude Montresor...

"Why do I suddenly feel so cold.." Yuri shivered in his boots as I tap him on the shoulders. "Hey! It's them over there!"

We both turn our heads to the back of the car window to see the two targets walking over to the planned restaurant area. I grab the binoculars in one of the bags and proceeded to take a closer look at them.

Claude has this soft yet sinister smile on his face as he held Penelope's hand tightly while Penelope is walking giddy and erratic as usual. Totally head over heels in him. It's as if she's addicted to his presence.

"Um? Why do you people have binoculars?" The driver chimed into our snooping mission.

"A friend of ours started to look like a granny after dating someone so we're trying to get into the bottom of it," Yuri explained nonchalantly.

"Wow. That makes sense. Totally something you see every day." The driver chuckled as he made a dash to the left for me to get a closer look at them.

"The eagle is almost in the nest!" I shouted.

"The fuck's the eagle?" Yuri raised his eyebrow.

I took off the binoculars and then handed it to him. "They are heading close to the restaurant now. So driver. Please just drop us off somewhere near there." I informed the driver to drop us off now. He complied and proceeded to drop us off on the side of the road.

"Good luck on your mission or whatever." The driver left us some parting words as we dropped off the car.

Immediately we were blasted with the realization that our "disguises" actually just made us more noticeable amongst these white and rich people UGH! Our plan to actually blend in actually failed. This is why you should seriously study the location first!

"So what are we going to do now? The bitches are already inside the restaurant." Yuri asks me.

"Why are you asking me?! Aren't you the one who asked us to do this thing. Surely you have some kind of plan before we came here." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Actually I do." He grabs something from his bag. "I have a feeling that these bitches are going to stay in that restaurant so we should view them in a distance. Don't you agree?" He tells me as he brought out another pair of binoculars.

"Um. It's going to be night time soon. Also, this restaurant has a limited field of vision so I doubt your binoculars are going to help." I brought up the holes in his plan. Making him squint his eyes at me.

"Well, sherlock. Do you have better ideas then?" He scoffed me off.

"How about we actually go inside the restaurant and then pretend we're ordering so like we can watch them more thoroughly and more comfortable, you know?" I suggested.

"Sure. Let's go ahead and do that." He nodded to my idea as he started to head over to the restaurant's entrance.

The restaurant's main entrance was generously decorated with red ribbons and roses. It's as if it was a garden in the middle of the busy road. A handful of people that are wearing very extravagant clothing are lined up outside.

We stepped on the entrance's red carpet to step inside but suddenly the receptionist stops us as he blocked the door.

"Hello, sir, and ma'am. Do you have a reservation here?" He coldly asks us. Both of us shivered to the bone as we heard those words. As if we were getting interrogated by a police officer with how this feels like.

I looked at Yuri with wide eyes. "Wha.. what.. re.. reservation?" I stutteringly responded.

"You need a reservation to dine here at the Rose Garden Restaurant. Our abundant amount of customers has caused quite the trouble. So we run on reservations so that we could eagerly serve the number of people we'll feel comfortable with." The receptionist explains.

"Oh.. we aren't looking to dine or anything. We're actually going to look and talk with someone from inside the restaurant." Yuri explained to the receptionist.

He looked up and down at us. Trying to remember our faces. "And whom are you referring to exactly?"

"Claude Montresor. We know he's here." Yuri answered.

"Oh. Mr. Montresor is having his date. He informed me to not let anyone disturb them so you aren't allowed to go inside sorry." The receptionist informed us, as he escorted us to the side of the road.

Oh my god.. that was embarrassing... I wiped my face from the embarrassment as I looked at Yuri squinting my eyes.

"Hey. Don't go look at me like this is my fault. How the hell should I know that the restaurant was reservation only." Yuri retorted to me.

"Well, there goes our plan to go inside and spy on them." I sighed.

"You know.." Yuri rubbed his chin. "Don't you find it odd that they requested for them to be alone?"

"Not really.. I'm pretty sure they just wanted to be alone for their date or something. Even I would request that." I responded.

Yuri did a little thinking before his eyes lighten up with an idea. "How about I distract the receptionist! While he's distracted. You can go inside the restaurant and then look for them. Just make sure that you don't get caught." He suggested.

"Really?" I said with skepticism. "Is getting potentially arrested for causing a disturbance worth it for doing this?

"Listen. We're not going to know the reason why Penelope is acting weird if we don't look at them. So just do as I say. I'll try to distract the receptionist while his attention is on me. Go inside and look for them."

I gulped and decided to go with it. I mean you only live once right? Though I do hope this is worth all this aggregation. I took a deep breath as Yuri made a dash over in front of the restaurant.

"HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! BITCHES I'M THE CUTEST ONE IN HERE!" Yuri chanted loudly in front of the road to get everyone's attention on him. He did a little erratic dance to get everyone looking directly at him.

I hid behind his attention diversion to walk closely to the reception area. In the distance, I can see the receptionist being aggravated by the noises and proceeded to go to where Yuri was.

Now's my chance! I said to myself as I tiptoed inside the restaurant which is relatively quiet. The area smelt of roses and the place was decorated as if it was a French restaurant. I looked around to see a lot of people eating and in the distance. Here they are.

Penelope and Claude are eating at a dinner table with Penelope looking like a literal corpse while Claude had a soft smile on his face as they ate dinner together, spoon-feeding each other as romantic couples do.

Ugh. I looked around to find a vacant table and sat down there. I placed the menu on top of the table to hide my face whilst trying to watch them. I peeked in close to the sugary display of affection that's enough to even attract ants. Ugh. Get a room you two geez.

As I was looking, something in my pocket rang. Oh my! Someone's calling me! I grabbed it from my pocket and picked it up to see Yuri the one calling me.

I answered it. "Hey. Are you safe there?" I asked him straight out.

"Yes. I managed to get away from the security guards that chased me. Did you get inside the restaurant? Don't tell me you didn't." He sighed, panting from all the running he did.

"I'm inside the restaurant right now and I'm carefully looking at the targets." As I said that. I could see Penelope and Claude standing up from their table.

"What? Why did you suddenly become quiet?" Yuri asked.

"Hey. They are going somewhere... I'll call you back okay." I hung up the phone as I decided to silently follow the two of them to a secluded part of the restaurant. As I reached the end of the hallway to where they were. I saw him...

His eyes were glowing like a thousand rubies and something made me chill to the bone as I saw his face planted onto Penelope's neck and wait...


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