
The young king and his chancellor

He walked slowly, cautiously still it hurt he had to admit but at least finally, after all those months standing still in his bed, young Rudolph Whiteblossom, now sixteen, had started walking again.

His wounds, his hearing and his legs, everything was more or less healed but he had to continue to be careful because the wounds were still at risk of infection.

The boy looked at his feet, the last lights of the evening, penetrating through the window of his room allowed him to observe his treated wounds: his legs, which despite the five months of healing continued to possess a burnt purplish red colour, typical for burns.

On the other hand, nothing guaranteed him that the skin of his legs would completely heal, maybe reddish scars would always remain on them but he didn't care and it was, given his role, better if he started walking again.

Rudolph heard a light knock on the door, he was not surprised by the fact, on the other hand in those last months after the war and their victory, the Whiteblossom mansion was filled with vitality.

Dorothea, his maternal aunt had returned to Scotland for a year now since five long years and to Juniper's great happiness, now the woman had given birth to a child, a baby boy who they named Adrian and Rudolph did not wonder anything, because on the other hand he knew that for his father it really was hard to stay away from his wife for so long.

Most likely with him becoming king, his little brother would have been given the role of future Baron, but this did not interest him, frankly, in his young life he had never been interested in noble titles.

In any case, after a few minutes of silence, the boy said with a faint voice, almost like a whisper, to come inside, on the other hand he was now too busy with the novelty of being able to walk again that he could not be distracted.

The precious wooden door opened slowly and with a slight creak, letting a particular person enter the room, whom Rudolph himself had long searched for without ever being able to find any trace in those long months.

-Michael...- came out slowly, but with a satisfied tone from his lips, he was happy to see that man who had saved his life long ago and in the war -you're back! This news makes me so happy...-.

The man was not in the best of his condition, he looked tired, his face was pale and in the war, due to a mine it had been necessary for the man to amputate his right leg, which was why Lord Hayes was now forced to walk with the help of a solid wooden crutch.

Michael saw the boy shining in all his beauty, illuminated by the bright rays of the evening sun: he saw Rudolph's numerous and wavy red hair, the many freckles scattered on his cheeks, his big grey eyes, he recognised, from what he knew that that boy looked like a mix between Viscount Gilbert Stanley and Duchess Abigail Dallas.

Michael tried to bend his body as much as he could in the presence of the boy, on the other hand he was turning to a king, quite young to rule completely, but still a king.

-Oh, do not worry my friend, as long as you are in my presence it will not be necessary to bend down- the boy reassured him with caution and slowness and still limping, reaching the surface of his bed again to sit and rest.

He learned from the pale face of the man, from his tired and moistened brown eyes that he was seriously at the height of his resignation but that still reserved the young man a smile.

-Only a matter of months Rudolph and you will become the ruler of this whole lands- admitted the man smiling weakly and also, wearily looking for a soft chair, where he could rest -I have no doubt that you will become a perfect ruler...- admitted Michael as the sun's rays illuminated his sweaty, straight brown hair.

The young Baron smiled in his turn, finally sitting on the bed, looking out of the window, the many trees in the valley, the mountains covered with snow and ice in the distance, the sun, which was falling wearily and palely behind them.

He smiled.

-I know, that's exactly why I'm trying to enjoy my teens...- Rudolph joked glancing at his friend inside the room -...I'm very sorry for your leg, Michael...-.

-Do not worry, young lord, let's just say that I don't pay attention to the fact that it is no longer here, so it is easier for me to walk- the man admitted, sadly glancing at the rest of his leg that had not been amputated.

-You will soon become king, you will need a wife and children to continue your line, I have three younger sisters, not very far from your age if this could interest you, on the other hand you are already sixteen and physically, you could already procreate...- Michael proposed trying with an almost sarcastic and joking air, to convince the boy to the alliance.

Rudolph smiled slightly, politely refused the offer, on the other hand he was still young and with a complete life ahead of him to be able to create a family and raise children, as well as get married, anyway he was not at all in romantic stuff at that moment but he didn't want to end that meeting there, he didn't want Michael to leave after all he had done for him, after saving his life many times.

Rudolph looked at the gold brooch given to him by Henry, it was placed on his chest, remembering how many responsibilities but at the same time how much power he had learned by accepting that precious and important gift.

On the other hand, he was a royal-rebel, he had no sides to take nor something to fight for but he had the power, the possibility of being able to find the best choices for his people.

-Michael- nodded the young king pointing his big grey eyes towards the pale and tired face of the man -you saved me from the war, you made me king, I thank you incredibly for this and as such I have the power to make what I want with you without you being able to open your mouth...-.

-Of course my lord- the man admitted slowly and humbly lowering his head, letting some of his sweaty hair fall limply on his pale forehead.

-Precisely for this reason I would like to declare you chancellor and stockbroker of the royal house, on the other hand as a Jew you should know how to get by in the right use of money ...- the young Rudolph admitted jokingly, laying a slight smile on his pale face.

Michael smiled in turn, leaving aside the boy's uncomfortable comments but he was mostly flattered by the task given to him, on the other hand it was not so common for the king himself to give him that important office.

-I am flattered my lord- the man admitted slowly bending over himself, but at the same time trying to avoid the pain that the hard wounds on his leg could create him -I am sure we will build an excellent aggregation from now on- .

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