°It's a first for me so the rythme and the grammar might be lacking so do not hesitate to correcte me° This story will not follow the original story and i will take my liberties when creating it, it like a new story in the same univers. *This story will not contain any gay/insect/McXMc relationship. I do not judge anyone, and you’re a all free(I hope for you) to pratice/read whatever desires you have, as do I have the right to write the one I have* Tenchi Susaku grew up with a professional volleyplayer dad and a loving mom, until one day his all world crumble, will he be able to surpace his terrible event and continue his dream ? How will his relations and his family, friends and love one will react to his life ?
First chapter
third pov :
The stadium was silent after the smash, nobody could believe it, they've done it. Schweiden Adlers managed against all odds to win Japan's V-League.
Nobody believed it but the golden trio managed to carry this new Schweiden Adlers team. The Magician, the Wall and the Ace stopped the dominant Black Jackal from a third league in a row.
After a few seconds of intense silence as the ball continued to bounce on the court, the stadium came back to life and exploded in cheers, shout and tears.
Mc pov :
Today was my fifth birthday, contrary to what you imagine a five years old birthday to be like, mine was in a crowd filled with fans shouting and crying as I watched my dad win the match with his famous spike.
My mom by my side, cried thinking of all the effort my dad put in his practice. This was the best day of my life and also the day I decided to become a professional volleyball player.
I accompanied my mom all season to watch my dad and his team play. My life became centered around my dad's carriere, and I was so proud of being his son.
My dream was to one day become his setter, I wanted to make him pass so he could continue to shred defence. I wanted to become the eyes of the court and control the game and it's players.
On the way back home I couldn't stop my dad and his friend. How it's felt to play at national level, how it's felt to be able to play the sport you like so much, you dedicated your entire life practising it.
And as usual they keep answering me with their usual response.
"The goal of our practice isn't to play at national level, but to keep playing together" said all three players as one and then started laughing.
But this time I was prepared and responded immediately " Then the goal of your practice was to win ?". This question seems to shock them as they stop laughing.
"We don't care if we win or not, we just want to play together, I hope that one day you will feel the same as we do." said my dad.
"Stop stealing the show for yourself with your philosophical quote." Respond my dad friend.
"Yeah, it's the same as in the match, if they managed to stop your spike, I could have gotten all the attention with my block, but of course Banjo Suzaku can't seem to fatigue at the end of the match and miss his spike!" Respond his other friend.
"I've never understood how he managed to have this much energy at the end of the match." Follow the setter.
"You know it's a secret!" Said my dad as he took me in his arms, then they started laughing.
"Stop annoying the kid." Said my mom as her terrifying look gaze started to appear.
My mom is a beautiful woman with black hair, and blue eyes. I don't know how my dad succed in courting her but I hear it was from one of his matches in the Miyagi prefecture back when he played in a Senior High school volleyball team.
While they were chatting/arguing I started to lose consciousness and sleep in my dad's arm.