
chapter 66

chapter 66:

N/A: As I explained in the previous chapter Ethan will be very strong like Nemesis only until the beginning of the arc of resident vile 0, after that he will only be as strong as marvel's Captain America, I am talking about the weakest captain America who can only lift 500kg, something that Nemesis surpasses by far since the man can resist a rocket launcher and Captain America can't even resist a bullet without his shield.

So I think that with that power no one will be upset, people who want Ethan to be very strong, well they will have one that will be stronger than a normal person, people who want development of Ethan's strength, well they will have it since Ethan's strength is not even anything for real biological weapons, since I want the story to be as similar as possible with resident evil and what will stand out the most in the strength of other characters and Ethan's is just the weapons and technology.

Chapter 66

"What is that? "Ethan said to himself, as he saw a person coming down the hallway, he could see that he was walking slowly and staggering, so he went another way, but the person followed him.

"What's wrong with you... "Ethan said exasperated, while he saw how the person continued to follow him from afar, it was impossible that the person was following him because he wanted to capture him since no guard appeared and with respect to the bodies lying full of blood...Ethan had already decided to ignore them a long time ago... "if you don't see them, they are not there".

Well, you already pissed me off! Ethan said before turning around to face the guy, but something scared him when he saw how the person he thought was following him was actually not a person, as it turned out to be a monster.

* Shouting

Ethan's scream echoed down the hallway, when the monster ahead that looked like a dead person walking around full of blood did nothing to him, the opposite being ignoring him and going for the people in front of Ethan at full speed.

"What's going on here...? "Ethan wondered, as he watched the creature that was attacking people not attack him, but other people.

"Will it be karma for experimenting on people or the grudge they have for the scientists for experimenting on them "Ethan said to himself, as he thought to himself that the reason the creatures that were attacking the scientists was because they had experimented on them and that the hatred was still in the creatures.

"Well it's not my problem "Ethan ignored the shouts of the scientists, as he left the place in search of the exit door, he wanted to get out as fast as possible from that place that was filling up with more death every moment.


The sound of an explosion caught Ethan's attention, moments after he turned away from where the creature went after the scientists.

The explosion apparently was a firearm, but much more powerful, so Ethan decided to run away from there, after all, he was a normal person, he could not resist a shot if at some point the person who has the gun feels like shooting him.

In Ethan's flight, he kept seeing the dead bodies of people, which caused him more fear every second.

While it was normal to feel fear at the sight of the bodies of dead people and another body even with the organs out, that was not what terrified Ethan, but the fact that he felt nothing but hunger at the sight of the corpses on the ground.

What's wrong with me!

Ethan screamed, as he continued to run away from the corpses, which gave him a stronger headache.

Ethan didn't know where he was, as he ran without seeing anything in front of him, so once he felt that there was no more blood on the floor, he decided to open his eyes to find a dark hallway.

"Well where am I... "Ethan said to himself while doing his best not to look back, as he continued straight ahead down the hallway.

The creatures continued to do Ethan no harm, for which he was very grateful.

Walking through the corridors, Ethan did not take long to reach what looked like the reception of the kind of laboratory where he was.

The people were apparently nowhere to be seen when the giant exit door and what Ethan knew so far to be the only way out was closed.

Fuck...why is this happening to me...! Ethan complained as he backed away, there was no way out of the facility, as apparently they were locked in after all the monsters escaped from the facility and started eating people.


"Well, I just have to look for something that will help me to get out of this place "Ethan said to himself, while he started to search the whole room of the reception where he was.

Ethan did not take long to search when he found the bodies of some guards lying with several bites all over their bodies, which suggested that they had been bitten some time ago.

Ethan, knowing that they would no longer be needed, snatched the weapons from the two guards, who had strange weapons that Ethan had never seen before.

(N/A: For those who want to see the gun, it's called mamba de rogué company)

Ethan, without thinking about it when he saw the weapon, took it along with some magazines that were in the magazine holders that the guards had, they were small belts where there were spaces to put several magazines, which Ethan did not wait and took both.

Ethan's father had taught him not to steal, but at the time when the guards were involved in the plans of those people who were experimenting with all those people, who were now turned into monsters, in Ethan's eyes they were nothing but trash, so Ethan felt nothing about stealing the things from the guards' corpses.

Ethan, who was leaving, noticed some movements of the bodies of the two guards, which took him by surprise, so he inadvertently fired a round of five shots with the gun he now had in his hands.

The shots did not hit either of the bodies of the two guards who were now like the other monsters, because Ethan had not aimed at them in the first place and because Sara's mother had only taught him to use small arms, so Ethan had to learn as quickly as possible to shoot with the gun he had in his hands if he wanted to survive.

Ethan's thoughts were in turmoil for a few moments, but it was back to the way it was when he encountered the previous monster before him, none of the now monsters in front of Ethan seemed to have it in mind.

This filled Ethan with doubts, since this time he had stolen from those two people who should have some resentment towards him.

"What's going on here "Ethan said to himself in confusion, as he watched both now reanimated bodies go the other way.

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