

Sapphires POV:

"Hurry up my child we need to go, your sister is already ready" my mom yelled from downstairs. As you can tell I just finished packing and on my way downstairs. "Mom do we have to go I don't wanna see alpha chase he is such a jerk" I yelled from the kitchen.

My mom giggled nervously while walking in the kitchen "He is a nice boy, you need to give him a chance you don't know what he has been through" and she starts with the lectures. It happens every time I see her 'you need to do this' and 'don't do this kind of lecture."Mom he gets on my nerves" I sighed while eating the sandwich I made, peanut butter and pickles. "Ummm, honey? He is not a wolf shifter he's a dragon shifter one of the last.... he is pretty powerful" my wolf started talking after my mom stopped 'we need to go outside tonight to shift into another animal'

I groaned, oh have I mentioned I'm still shifting into different animals? I guess not. Well, I started thinking and I remembered I don't know what kind of animal I'm shifting into. So I asked my wolf and she said she didn't know. Omg, she is so frustrating sometimes. We then proceeded to get in the car and drive off towards our destination. We were on the road for about 6 hours when we saw a hotel and decided to stop for the night.

I then went outside to get ready to shift. 'It's about to start, get ready!!' after she said that my bones started to shift. Holy crap I forgot how awkward it feels to shift without any pain. It feels like all your bones are broken, then put back together, but with no pain. Just an uncomfortable feeling, like having a 50-pound weight sitting on your whole body.

About an hour later I was done. I had transformed into a dragon! Awesome!!! I flew over to a small lake and looked at myself. I was pure black with red swirls all on my wings, which were on fire! OMG IM SOOOO AWESOME!!!! Wait Alpha Chase is a dragon shifter. I then connected the pieces. OMG, I can't believe my mom would do that! I flew to the hotel we were staying at for the night and shifted back to my human form(with clothes on). I opened the door to our room and went to my mother's room. "MOTHER how could you, you know how I hate him! And you just had to give me him as a mate, and you had to lie about 'Jacob' and use that as a name trying to cover up what you did!" I yelled as I entered the room, my hair was blazing fire by the end of my yelling. "Sorry, just give him a chance please," she said pleading. "I'll think about it, good night," I said heading to my room my hair calming down.

Tomorrow should be interesting!

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