
Night 10 A visit

Eating healthy providing the right level of nutrients had Ye Xinghe and the now Frost Bird named Techlis. It was at the 2nd Heavenly Layer and pretty smart. The cultivation given to the Demon Beast was showing further as it now cultivated correctly on its own.

*Shine!* Rich qi lit up in his eyes. Doing handstand pushups while circulating his qi rapidly was showing results the fastest with the Frost Air Body. Especially the Fire Vortex Core qi pushing through it. It drained quickly into damaged tissue and the cracked bones.

Torn muscles devoured the qi in moments. Less than 1 hour later, he was completely tapped out of qi. This time he made sure to work in the back room. Every pore of his body screaming as toxins were flushed out with the Runes inscribed everywhere internally.

"Kuff!" Ye Xinghe coughed up some small black residue. Every part of his body was pushing out the worthless cells. The ones devoid of rich potential. "Kuff! Kuff!" A hard cough had some lung tissue come out. His qi had already built new bone. "Huff... huff... just enough food to help push it along. Gonna need money soon. Can't waste time."

Exhausted, Ye Xinghe picked up a Rune needle. Making the marks was extremely difficult to do on a small object and took time.

"Even a small trace of the strengthened Star qi can improve the bones. Sending it deeper into the bones under the multiple layers will be a good way to improve my body faster." The needle was to act as a guide. "Time to get started."

The needle was wrapped in qi. Moving it caused teh qi he focused on in his body to do the same. Visualizing was great and all, but this helped a lot better as he made changes to the runes inscribed.

Osteoclasts: These are large cells with more than one nucleus. Their job is to break down bone. They release enzymes and acids to dissolve minerals in bone and digest them. This process is called resorption. Osteoclasts help remodel injured bones and create pathways for nerves and blood vessels to travel through.

'With the application of qi, I was able to push this along and actually nudge this process along faster previously.' He could always have the other help him but that would slow down the progress for him. 'I needed ways to accelerate the process of Osteoblasts previously. Took a long time to get it their before. But I have the knowledge now. When I recreate my body everytime, I can also make sure to improve it better each time starting off. Just need to adjust it now.'

Osteoblasts: These are responsible for making new bone and repairing older bone. Osteoblasts produce a protein mixture called osteoid, which is mineralized and becomes bone. They also manufacture hormones, including prostaglandins.

'If I make them richer now, it would make the process of recovery even better. Which will allow me to save on qi in some situations. I defintely will cause trouble soon. Taking out Lin Hong is just a small matter. The North Lord's Mansion might be an issue if those Guardians get snippy with my actions.'

Each additional correction caused his runes to flow better. His blood flow started to be better with his qi flow. An understanding of his body and soul that he didn't have before. Only a thin margin preventing him from grasping something.

This did not prevent him from trying however. As the hours passed and he finished, the only thing left he wanted to do was go to sleep. But that was not meant to be.

"Hmm?" A small breeze entered the room. Alerting to the presence of another. "To think the Vice-Principal had strange customs like this." Ye Xinghe was not polite considering the man came in unannounced in his room. He didn't get up to greet him either. 'Shouldn't he have gone to Liang Yu instead?'

"Very perceptive." Old Xu said as he moved in front of Ye Xinghe. Not minding his behavior. Chalking it up to the late-night as well as the fact he entered unannounced. "Just came to talk is all my disciple. As well as see how you were doing. I spoke with Liang Yu a few hours ago actually."

Old Xu looked at what he was doing and took note of the pool of sweat, as well as the dried blood matted to his body. The hard work displayed right now was way more than what he thought the young man was capable of. As well as what Liang Yu suggested.

"So, what's the matter?" Ye Xinghe asked. Removing his outerwear, he started to bathe with the help of a towel and water. "I may sleep all day tommorrow to give my body some rest. Pushed a little to hard."

"Oh, that tired are you?" Old Xu asked. He couldn't place it, but he felt he was in the room with an old family member in a way. The same feeling Liang Yu had given him actually. Every moment he found himself liking these disciples more an more. Only downside was the family ties. "Maybe pace yourself more."

"A good idea, but that is how one dies to another hand. Not being prepared or being to weak." Ye Xinghe didn't look up or change in his breathing. "One thing I found in the books, was that several people died from lackluster efforts and not training enough. And these were just the ones I just browsed through. "

"Hopefully enough hints and warnings to prevent to much trouble from arising in the young." Old Xu stated.

"I can only imagine the others that did not make it into books for various reasons." Going behind a screen and removing his trousers, he finished washing up and changing clothes. "Being weak is a sin, I want to correct that as soon as possible. Only training and effort can fix that. As well as money in my hands. Which I do not have any of currently."

"The Azure Feather Family is facing some hard times. Liang Yu can only do so much but he mentioned you have some plans to fix that from within." Old Xu was getting ready to make his proposal soon.

"I have a few." Ye Xinghe came out shaking his head in dismay. "But they have to obey for better living conditions. Current beliefs just won't work. They will have to find their own way if they do not listen at all. I won't participate in change without the effort of those who need it. I found quite a few methods regarding Star Martial Arts that can help."

"Then the Academy itself would be a god help, no?" Old Xu stood up as something on the outside caught his attention. Someone moving along the school grounds when they shouldn't be. 'Liang Yu passed me some information about a few possible infiltrators. But without hard proof, have to wait a little more.'

"While I was out at night once, a few students were up to something strange. Sneaking around and acting weirdly." Ye Xinghe did not go into details but wanted to plant the seed their. "I have a few small insights in techniques. Hopefully, they are worth something to you teacher Xu."

Old Xu took the notes nodding in understanding. His proposal was going to be in regards to this. But Liang Yu and Ye Xinghe had passed over different changes. But enough to warrant decent pay to them both.

"Something has come up, study this when you have the time." Old Xu was not just cutting it short as he detected someone sneaking around outside.

*Woosh!* A manual was placed on Ye Xinghe's table as he shot out the way he came in.

"Do yourself and the academy a favor, if you find some people doing something they shouldn't, take care of them." Ye Xinghe's words stopped the vice-principal in his tracks outside. The words were transmitted directly to his ears. "Let's just say I heard some rumors about some students and some teachers in the academy. Discontent and jealousy are strong. I am sure you have heard a few things yourself."

Looking out the window, Ye Xinghe only smiled kindly. Basking in the light of the moon.

Old Xu stood there for a bit then vanished from the rooftop. His skill was just for show really but the words caused him to act a little bolder. Which in turn pushed his cultivation a little more. If the old man kept this up, he would eventually be recruited by one of them.

Pulling the manual over, he read over the cover. It was titled Astral Sense, the same as last time given to Liang Yu. A support technique to help with detecting one's surroundings. Considering the complicated routes needed to learn it, Liang Yu had difficulty learning it last time in the beginning.

'No need to cultivate this again. I will given it to the other for he can refine it and possibly gain additional insights from it.' Moving to his actual bedroom, Ye Xinghe started reading a different book in regards to weapons-making. 'Need to make some money faster. As a Star Martial Artist, I can treat people that way along with my Medical Skills.'

*Fwish!* Cold Flames appeared around him. He moved to the room he had prepared to get ready for the reforging. It came a lot faster and stronger this time. In front of the Flame Vortex, the blue-white flames encircled him completely.

As his brain was melting, the runic lines shined brightly. As well as his soul freezing before turning to ice dust, scattering in a single location reforming faster and stronger than before. The faster the Vortex spun the more he burned away.

In a matter of seconds, the Dantians forged and shattered. Then returned once more but completely empty and hollow. Pulling outward, he watched his body form out of a hardened ice. The runes appearing on them are stronger than before with an increase to the regeneration process and duarability.

As detail as a world class sculpture, he moved his frost bones under his will. The very air turning into helping hands to mold them. His muscles, and various organs regrowing as well.

One of the Dantians filling up as Yi Xinghe drew his first breath of air. The methods of something called Air Beast martial Arts filling into his head. It was something that he had know idea how to push normally.

'Well, maybe the Flame Vortex Frost Phoenix Martial Arts developed can help with this Dnatian.' Low and behold it did so. 'Good thing I refined the Demon Emperor and the Steele he had! I will defintely have to take that again in the future!'

Circling the Heart Method next, he felt his mind turning sharper with knew instincts from the Air Beast Dantian. The Frost Bird, Techlis jumping around happily. The air had a nice chill to it that was very beneficial.

Status: Ye Xinghe Health: 500 Qi: 2100

Power: 13 Defense: 18

Willpower: 24 Intellect: 28

Connection: 2

Flame Vortex Frost Phoenix: 3rd Heavenly Layer

Demonic Star Martial Arts: 2nd Heavenly Layer

Air Beast Martial Arts: 1st Heavenly Layer

Heart Method: 4th tech level

Frost Air Body: 1st tech level

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