
Day 36- 39 Days before.

Xia Yuning never returned to the academy just like originally. An Xueyun returned to her family to recover as well. And things were in motion to have someone removed from the Academy if the whispers were anything to go by.

"Liang Yu!" Liang Jian came running into the den. Liang Yu ended his cultivation to see what was the matter. "Come quick! Ye Xinghe is getting kicked out!" He was neither happy of the matter or sad. But he thought his cousin would want to know.

The two moved to the departure area to check things out. Liang Jian waved at Linlin who was with Zhao Ninger.

In front of the sedan, Ye Xinghe turned to old Xu with respect.

"Teacher, I'm leaving now. Do look after yourself after I leave!"

"You as well Xinghe!" Old Xu responded somberly. Turning to see his 1st disciple of the group standing to the side, the Old Xu felt a little conflicted. 'From what I derived from the others, Lian Yu was not happy with what went down. I doubt he makes trouble now.'

"Why are you here?" Ye Xinghe asked.

"Just wanted to look at your stupid face is all." Liang Yu gave a smirk. "You really, really screwed things up for you clan. How the hell will you keep them from getting killed?"

"Oh boy." Liang Jian didn't think Liang Yu was aware of some of the happening in the clan consider he mostly cultivated the last few days. 'Welp, better get ready to fight later.'

"I mean you declared a rebel your brother despite everything that happened." Liang Yu's voice started to turn a little hot. Old Xu was ready to interfere if need be. Ye Xinghe just looked away. "Not only did you put your clan you said you were going to protect in danger, you implicate the Dark Moon family. Which means you implicated every vassal's family under them. Do you not understand guilty by association boi?!"

"I.." Ye Xinghe shook a little. He had ample time to think it over but for the most part, he kept thinking about the others. But now that he was expelled, it all came crashing down like a mountain. "..I did what I thought was right at the time."

"Right at the time.. I be damned then." Liang Yu shook his head in distaste. "I hope you never do right by me, I mean heavens knows what will happen. I might have the North Lord's Mansion trying to take care of me to. Can only imagine the crap Xia Yuning is going through because of you."

"What do you mean?"

"I bet she asked her father to spare you and honor her wishes." Liang Yu let that sink a little before continueing. "What do you think someone like that will do over a situation like this? After all, he has to weigh being a leader and a father at the same time. The right thing would be.. well to do right as a leader and have you killed. You are after all a traitor.."

"That is enough Liang Yu!" Old Xu said. "Ye Xinghe is after all your junior disciple!"

"A junior disciple that doesn't listen." Liang Yu shook his head unbothered by old Xu. After all, he only received the one manual from him since arriving and anytime he tried to speak with him in regards to cultivation the vice-principal was to busy. There is busy with work and your private affairs. Then their is ignoring like he had been currently doing. "This could have been avoided. But he.."

"Xinghe!" Mo Yu came running. The little lapdog of Lin Hong was very dutiful. No matter how Liang Yu saw it, thats what the boy was. I mean he hung out with Lin Hong a lot and was around him the entire time of the Smelting Trial. Except for the final fight. But that is just a cover really. "I heard you are leaving!"

He started pleading for Ye Xinghe to take him as well. Most of those gathered focusing on the two.

"As your teacher, I am telling you to drop it." Old Xu said.

"Only person that can tell me drop a matter and expect it done, is myself." Liang Yu did not appreciate being talked down to like this. Forgetting that he was a 16-year-old body and not in his adult body. "I am my own man, stop trying to protect this fool of a boy. How damaging will this be to the school and yourself? Are you going to prioritize one over so many others? The other students do not deserve the treatment they will receive from the rumors."

Before Old Xu could correct the matter further, a voice called out. Making matters worse in seconds.

"Tsk, tsk, if it isn't vice-principal Xu and his disciples." The voice belonged to another old man. That of the other vice-principal. He Yuan had a bit of a rivalry with old Xu. Accompanying him were a few of his students. "Long time no see."

"He Yuan, what are you doing here?" Old Xu questioned. His question was ignored outright. Looking around quickly, the vice-principal did not like the looks of this. 'To much of a coincidence for him to arrive right now.'

"These are the young men who activated six soul crystals during the test for admittance yes?" He eyed Liang Yu and Ye Xinghe. "One a noble the other a commoner. One unappreciated the other expelled from the Heavenly Star Academy, what a waste."

"Oh, this is interesting." Liang Yu mumbled. Old Xu did not like where this was going at all.

"For a teacher to treat his students this way, is quite a shame." He Yuan said smugly. "Kid, why not take me as your teacher instead?" He messed up by calling Liang Yu a kid. Evident by the look of distaste directed towards him. Old Yuan turned to Ye Xinghe not wanting to miss the chance. "You have no future under Xu Li, why not make the smart choice?"

"He Yuan, what do you mean by that?" Old Xu inquired. Eyes narrowing at the very notion of having his students poached.

"I'm talking to the kids here!"

"Humph, a waste of my time." Liang Yu was feeling sleepy actually. So he excused himself. "Good luck saving the Azure Feather clan." Liang Jian turned to leave as well.

"Apologies Vice-principal He, while I do appreciate your offer.." Ye Xinghe starting saying playfully. Not really serious but wanting to mess with the man who insulted his teacher so openly. " .. the ones I've offended this time are people of the North Guardian's Mansion. What can you do?"

"Humph, not much." Old Yuan would not play his game. Especially after the look, Liang Yu gave him. These brats were not taking him seriously at all. "Xu Li, looks like you won't have much to show again at this next round of the Tower of God Tournament!"

Liang Yu did not stop walking which made a few of the students upset. Expecting him to argue back or at least stand ground for them.

"Someone who's suppose to be a vice-principal of an academy actually doesn't have anyone under him worth looking at!" A student near Old Yuan ridiculed. "What a joke!"

"Is that an insult at you cousin?" Liang Jian leaned over asking. He doubts that was the case.

"Nah, I have know idea who they are talking about." Liang Yu shrugged. The two had more important things to take care of. "We need to get stronger. And fast."




Liang Yu and Liang Jian honed their skills against each other when time availed of the next few days. When Liang Jian needed to rest, Linlin took up the task. When she needed to rest, Liang Yu would cultivate instead. No time was wasted. When cultivation grew to much, he would return to the library and read another book.

The reading part, he was joined in by Liang Jian or Linlin sometimes. The two prefer to use that time to become closer. Old Xu having stopped the two with an offer one day that they kept to themselves.

Until now anyway.

Liang Yu had just finished a book called "Myriad Valley," located near Blue Carp Lake. Which is composed of several islands. But the translation was off a bit. The only thing of real note in the town was the fact Mount Beiming was not that far away. Which had several secrets within.

'I need to get to the mountains to get some stuff for myself.' Liang Yu book the book away climbing down the ladder. 'Some nice things are in that area as well. I also need to figure out more secrets of the Flame Vortex Core. Demonic Beats and bodies will defintely work for that. Which the mountain should have tons of from fighting.'

The other thought Liang Yu had, was to head to the military. The number of bodies available would defintely allow him to have almost an endless supply. Then to fight against the Northern Barbarians, that could serve him to learn all sorts of things about the place.

'But that may put me under the scrutiny of others if I "destroy" the bodies of friend and foe alike. They may want to take them home for ceremonies and all that. But resources for me are more important. Covering the bodies inflame on the outside and storing them in my Internal Space after a moment works for now. But the bodies are destroyed a little in the process.'

Liang Yu was so deep in thought, he didn't notice Liang Jian in front of him. Until a hand triggered his self-defense.

*Pat!* Th two clashed for a moment. Liang Jian was already aware that would happen. But not the other students in the library. Some fled others looked around thinking an attack was imminent.

Some students were still dealing with the aftermath of friends turning sides. As well as teachers mind you.

"Can we talk..?" Liang Jian had a wry smile on his face. Despite his higher cultivation, he was reminded that Liang Yu trained more than him still. 'I guess I can not slack off on the harder cultivation methods he gave to me! I just stepped into the 6th Heavenly Layer with all those resources my parents sent, no way am I this weak!'

Liang Jian was forced to take a step back.

"Sure, what's up?" Liang Yu hoped it wasn't about Dark Moon matters. "Congrats on your breakthrough. I think you will be able to push those techniques I gave you a little better now. After you fix yourself of course."

The techniques were found in the library and modified with the information obtained by those refined. A few demonic beats instinctual behavior helped but it would require several more of one type to make a vast improvement. Or one at a much higher realm.

Lore on demonic beasts were not plentiful in the academy for some reason.

"Well.. it is about old Xu." Liang Yu started walking out as they talked. "He took me and Linlin in as disciples. I guess he wants to try and make amends to you. As well as have some people to fight on his behalf in the Tower of God Tournament coming up by the Academy as well as the one in the Capital afterward. Maybe he finally realized Ye Xinghe is not as great as he thought?"

Several students moved out of the way after greeting Liang Yu and Liang Jian. Both had a pretty good reputation thanks to what happens in the Smelting Trial. Gossip had done its job during the downtime as new teachers were vetted and brought in. As well as the praises of teacher Li.

"I doubt he gave up on Ye Xinghe revitalizing and changing things. Call it a hunch." Liang Yu greeted others in response while moving. Just a simple head nod really. Some habits are hard to remove. "What does he want in return?"

The students looked fully energetic. The rewards for the tournament were supposed to be really good. A way for the Academy to try and bring the students back to their side. Help build faith in them again.

"For you to not change teachers for one." Lang Jian remembered how dissatisfied his cousin was over the matter before. One of the reasons he kept in the library looking over stuff. Lots of incomplete skills that required to much time. Like... 10 years. That was just stupid. Especially for an incomplete technique. "And to join the tournament. It is a single-elimination set of matches. Pretty easy I think."

"And thats how you will end up losing. Most have more experience than you do remember?" Liang Yu shook his head in disappointment. "I swear you are impatient to much. Have the others been building your ego up again?"

What!? No!" Liang Jian denied quickly. It was in fact the truth. "Speaking of the family.."

"Ugh, what do they want now?" Liang Yu knew it wouldn't be anything good. They didn't even send some play money for him this month. In fact, they only sent a letter to not embarrass the Dark Moon Family and to come home soon. Liang Yu's response was for them to fuck off. In a very polite way. "Not heading back there, my "studies" are more important after all."

"That would be more believable if you participate in the tournament." Liang Jian took the chance quickly to push the matter. "As well as earn old Xu some face. Which will make him more willing to push back in case the family tries to push for you to come home."

"You have a point." Liang Yu agreed. it was weak but until he had more power and was more comfortable in his abilities, it would have to do for now. "Guess the tournament it is then."

"Yes!" Liang Jian gave a cheer. He did not say he had bets already that Liang Yu would win. If he didn't participate, that would be money lost. "I think we will learn a lot from the competition."

"Yeah... oh." Liang Yu opened the door to his housing residence suprised. Linlin and old Xu were sitting down drinking tea. It was ok for Linlin to currently do this but Old Xu. "What are you doing here?"

"I see you are still upset." Old Xu placed the cup down and stroked his beard. A look from Liang Jian let him know the matter had changed enough though. "About the tournament..."

"I will participate." Liang Yu moved to sit down. "Can't have the academy students thinking I am a coward and all that." He waved his hand off dismissively. "Is there anything else?"

Status: Liang Yu Health: 900 Qi: 1300

Power: 27 Defense: 19

Willpower: 30 Intellect: 24

Connection: 2


Flame Vortex: 4th Heavenly Layer

Flame Martial Arts: 5th Heavanly Layer

Metal Seed: 3rd tech level

Fire Body: 2nd tech level

Astral Sense: 2nd tech level

Magmatidecreators' thoughts
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