
Day 22

The plans given by Xia Yuning helped Liang Yu to fix some of his quick-made plans. Liang Jian listening in adding only a little bit himself. He was suprised how his cousin talked so easily with the daughter of the North Lord Mansion.

She would keep quiet that Liang Jian survived his wounds to herself after hearing who was involved. Xia Yuning did not believe it completely of course. Her teacher was part of the Academy after all. She left to confirm her own suspicions after the coast was clear.

Liang Jian focused on recovering more amd Liang Yu crashed for the remainder of the night. Sleep came easily as he was still feeling exhausted from previous matters. One thing he did find out was that the Connection that appeared in the Status window was due to Liang Jian.

Since Liang Yu had used his Flame Vortex Core qi previously on Liang Jian it created a connection of sorts. To what extent he had know idea besides it helping to increase the quality of one's qi. But not with out great pain. It was a Waterdown effect of his own ability so far.

*Rumble! Rumble!* The ground started to shake crazily. People started screaming a landslide was happening and started running for their lives.

Liang Yu got up looking at Liang Jian. The two already agreeing on the next course of action if something major happened. Liang Yu couldn't tell the latter he knew this was about to happen without being labeled crazy or something.

*Woosh!* Liang Jian broke down into qi and was placed inside Liang Yu's Internal Space. Having tested the effects were ok if the person was conscious. Meditating helped keep ait consumption down a good bit.

Liang Jian just had to keep a stable mind. Which was good to help deal with his personality some. It was better than dying or people finding out he was alive just yet. It would ruin a few plans they made.

Liang Yu left his tent to head into the woods. Considering some students and teachers would be killed during the ensuing chaos, it was best to get away from camp right now and regroup later. That was the plan anyway.

As he moved, he heard a few voices that were right on time for some events.

"Run!" A student yelled with a fat student next to him. "It's really bad back there!" They were referring to the landslide already causing trouble. Followed behind the two were a few more students running.

They passed by Ye Xinghe who just came out from cultivating a little. His first response not containing any concern for himself.

"I wonder what happened to sister An and the rest?" His eyes turned to a mountain in a distance as shaking ensued once more. "Landslide!?" He took off in a sprint to look for his friends. "Damn it, this is troublesome!"

The first tent he checked was Lin Hong's. Panic taken him after not finding him.

'This guy really cares about that boyfriend of his.' Liang Yu thought perched in a tree. Using Astral Sense as best he could, he searched for other students that could be helped. Xia Yuning's job was to also round up students as best she could to prevent casualties. 'Good way to help build respect from the commoners is to show you care about them little dragon.'

As the students continued to panic and moved about Xia Yuning caught on to the fact this was to chaotic. Almost as if it was planned. The teachers were nowhere to be found. The students lacking leadership and anyone one to lead them.

'He said this would happen! They are so unorganized!' Xia Yunning thought to herself. She was experiencing firsthand what a little discord could do to people. Especially if someone they trust was involved. She shook her head chalking it up to coincidence for now. 'No way is he right about everything! I need to get a handle on some of these students!'

Rallying was not here forte at all. Besides An Xueyun who she couldn't find at the time, her people skills were lacking. Xia Yuning had much to learn about being a leader it seemed.

Liang Yu turned to the first set of students that made it far away from camp. As soon he left to head that way, Xia Yuning roused the students up and headed to get some more. Unaware a traitor was in their group.


Guess you just want to die-


Liang Yu caught up with the students as they tried to recover from running. Before he could speak with them however, a teacher appeared. Supringsly enough not one with the traitor group as memory served.

"Glad some of you met up with each other!" The teacher said happily. He spotted Liang Yu walking up by himself. Which was slightly odd. "Liang Yu, where are the members of the Dark Moon Family?"

"I havent the foggiest idea." Liang Yu gave a shrug. Since it was the honest truth. None of them had come to his tent when everything was going and he did not try to look for them off the bat. Not until he made it to his lookout spot did he think about them. And only in passing. Only a few of them were worth a damn really. "Hopefully they found a teacher to help them in this craziness."

"Hopefully." The Teacher gave a wry smile. He took the implication that the students would be relying on him. With the look of some of the students, he hoped not. 'I took the wrong year to become a teacher. Should have waited another year like mother said.'

As the teacher had a mental debate about his decisions, a robed figure approached the group from the trees. Walking right into Liang Yu's sporadic perception field, a suprised met him.

*Fwip!* A rock was tossed in the general direction. Infused with the two qi's. The speed was enough to catch the stalker off guard but not enough power to one shot them. The teacher turned to see as he felt the energy flux.

*Boom!* The rock exploded upon contact. Suprised the cloak figure took off. Abandoning the ambush that was prepared. Despite the level difference, no since in risking problems. The death glare given to Liang Yu was ignored.

"I thought I saw a demonic beast out there." Liang Yu said sheepishly. He scratched his cheek wrly giving a nervous look. "Just have the jitters I think from everything going on."

"I understand." A student said from the side nodding. "Just hope we can find the others soon."

"Help!" A student cried out running there way. It was the young woman with black hair and red eyes. The one who hung out with Zhao Ninger. It was right around the time she was killed afterall. "We were all attacked by a demonic beast!"

She ran past the teacher all the way to Liang Yu. Immediately looking back to make sure she wasn't followed by the beast or if another student was still with here. That did not happen.

"What the hell is your name?" Liang Yu arched a brow at her. A willing participate would allow him to check something with his Flame Vortex Core qi afterall. It was about time he used his status for some benefits. Or at least making things easier since Xia Yuning had her guard still. "Where is the Zhao girl that is usually with you?"

"Zhao Ninger is with teacher Lin last I saw her!" She was still slightly panicked as she spoke. By the cuts and bruises she sported, she at least put up a fight before running away. "My name is Linlin. A subordinate of Zhao family." She finally settled down as another student came to console her.

"Calm down!" No name teacher barked seeing the students get restless. Despite himself, he did not want the students to think he was a coward and didn't have a handle of the situation. With false bravado, he made a decision. "You all wait here and I will try to go and see what I can salvage from the situation."

"Be careful!" A few of the students yelled. Some thought the teacher was great for this. Liang Yu thought he was either running away to safety or had another way to protect himself. He was after all safe by himself earlier. Despite coming from the same direction as Linlin did earlier. As the students focused on recovering and consoling one another, Liang Yu had other plans.

'I have got to take that risk to see what I can get from the situation.' A small glance at those near him helped make up his mind really. He wasn't captain save the day, but keeping them alive would help with numbers for later fights. 'Hopefully, they won't get trigger shocked later. I need more resources.' The fact that bodies were a type of resource passed his mind briefly. 'Hopefully, I do not make a habit of looking for corpses. This place does not have counseling of any sort from what i remember.'

"Young master Liang Yu," a student he never spoke to came up to him. He had been watching him the entire time he looked off in the distance to where the teacher ran to. "do you think everything will be ok?"

"Just Liang Yu, we are fellow students afterall." Liang Yu turned with a small smile. "I think we can survive this if we stick togethor and if we fight when the time comes. I think everyone must steel themselves to be ready to fight as if their life depended on it."

"Will it come to that?" Another student asked. One of the few who had trouble killing the demonic beast during the beginning of the trial. A reason it existed was for matters such as this. "Has to be a better way."

"That's right.: Another student chimed in. "I say we let the teachers handle it." As slight dissent grew amongst them, Liang Yu had heard all he needed.

"Do what you want then." His eyes turning slightly cold as he looked them over. "I am gonna check to see if the other students could be saved. Then I will come back, if you all died I won't shed a tear. Nothing but cowards!"

*Woosh!* He shot off focusing his Astral Sense in a general direction. Some fighting had taken place as they were talking just then. If luck had it, he could ambush whoever was involved. The students behind looked at each other worried.

*Rustle!* Something in the bushed moved. They all jumped in fear. Out jumped a demonic beast. A white rabbit that looked at them then hopped away.

Not only were they all ashamed of themselves for being afraid of one little rabbit, they realized how their current situation might lead to them all dying from just a small mistake.

Liang Yu counted his find lucky. The no name teacher was dead with his blood still leaving his wounds as well as two students. Each with large scratch marks down their backs. Searching around didn't lead to him finding anyone.

'Damn, this prick moves fast.' Liang Yu tossed the bodies into the Flame Vortex. He would wait till later to see what could really be gained from the process. None of the bodies had anything on them of note. So that begs the question. 'How did that no name teacher survive to meet up with students? Was he used just be followed or something?'

As he heads back, Liang Yu thought about the best way to use this in his favor. Information given to the students who were currently in a fragile state will help. It was time to throw Chu Xian under the bus he so desperately needs to be under.

Panic and fear used just right can help a lot.

Unfortunately, some other students had found the group when Liang Yu made it back.

Status: Liang Yu Health: 600 Qi: 900

Power: 23 Defense: 16 Willpower: 26 Intellect: 22

Connection: 1


Flame Vortex: 3rd Heavenly Layer

Flame Martial Arts: 3rd Heavenly Layer

Metal Seed: 2nd tech level

Fire Body: 2nd tech level

Astral Sense: 1st tech level

Magmatidecreators' thoughts
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