
Day 24 Night Exposed

Lin Hong approached Ye Xinghe that night. Muttering a few things to him and asked him to come with him for a talk in private. Despite a few misgivings, his default personality made him want to believe in people.

Seeing the two walk-off Xia Yuning thought it odd.

"Where are you two going?"

"You all just stay here first, I'll have a chat with Lin Hong." Ye Xinghe walked off with out waiting for a response. A grave look on his face as he left.

Xia Yuning turned to look at Liang Yu. He gave her a signal letting her know it was as she suspected already. The two got up and slinked off to follow along. Liang Jian would cover for them if anyone asked. Linlin was talking things over with Zhao Ninger.

Lin Hong and Ye Xinghe were looking over a cliff as they talked. Liang Yu stopped Xia Yuning from moving closer and helped her focus to listen in on them.

"When did you figure it out?" Lin Hong asked.

"Actually, I already suspected you long ago." Ye Xinghe said somberly. "The mark on your arm when I healed you previously didn't help at all."

"The Blood Demon Enchantment on my arm." Lin Hing kept looking forward then leaned back. Ye Xinghe confirmed the statement reluctantly. With a deep sigh, he continued. "I didn't think that after hiding my identity so well, and executing the plan I would be exposed that way."

"That wasn't the only reason, Liang Yu made a few comments that made me think hard about a few matters."

"That little fucker just outed me." Liang Yu mumbled pissed off. Xia Yuning wanted to laugh but the situation was to serious at this time.

"But this isn't about him, this is about you." Ye Xinghe shook his head trying to refocus on the situation. "It was when you came to talk to me that I finally confirmed what I had suspected. I can not believe you are part of the rebels."

As Lin Hong spun his sob story, Liang Yu stifled a yawn as he tried to remember the deeper details about what happened. So far he drew blanks. Xia Yuning and Ye Xinghe were very sympathetic to Lin Hing's plight.

As the two talked things over further, Liang Yu and Xia Yuning backed away. The girl was shaken about what she heard. Unable to fight as the two agreed upon to kill Lin Hong. Making it back to the camp quickly lead to a different matter.

Liang Yu didn't want to test that the group would be attacked by a summons from Lin Hong to much now. If they would have attacked him however, nothing for the other group to be worried about really.


Wrecked Camp-


The majority of the students were on the ground beaten down. All taken out by a single opponent. Chu Xian had done it. By the looks of it though, he would not last long himself. Liang Jian was keeping him at bay for the time being.

LinLIn was by the students after stopping a strange beast from killing them. By the looks of it, she was not doing to well either.

"Well damn." Liang Yu muttered. Xia Yuning went to help An Xueyun who took a bad blow to the gut. Liang Yu couldn't help the smile on his face from that. It would have only been better if he did it himself. "Seriously, taking that guy out is more important!" He said to her. It fell on deaf ears.

"Sorry.. he took something that increased his strength to much." Liang Jian said to Liang Yu who approached him. He was disappointed in his self. Even angrier than Linlin was almost critically hurt. Ah, young love. "At least we can take him out with your help."

'At least the students aren't tied up or anything.' Liang Yu looked them over but they were in no real condition to fight really. 'If they all die.. well I will have some resources. But if they live.. they will owe me big. Also fix my reputation in the meantime a little.'

"Liang Yu, no matter how strong you are you still can't save them all!" Chu Xian said a little crazily. His eyes were bloodshot and his muscles tensed. Scorch marks all over his face confirmed something. HE was the one that caught the flame spear earlier. Much to Liang Yu's dismay. "I need to pay back for what you did to my face!"

Removing the cloak revealed severe electrical burns. Some bone was actually visible. The eye socket barely held in place the bulged-out eyeball. The skin charged and slightly melted on closer inspection.

"Damn.. what it do Two-Face!" Liang Yu could barely keep from laughing as he covered his mouth. "I am game for a fight." He turned to Liang Jian. "Keep the princess and the others safe.

"Understood!" Liang Jian was happy for the break.

"I am at the 5th Heavenly Layer! You think you can beat me!" Chu Xian charged at Liang Yu. His dragon transformation looking twisted in a way than before. The scales on his arms looked cracked. "Taking out a member of the Dark Moon Family will help pave the way for our cause!"

*Pat!* The strike was deflected by Liang Yu knocking it away. A little fire and electricity on his palm. Liang Yu stepped in channeling his qi into his finger tips. Traces of the Flame Vortex qi being the dominant amount.

'That feeling again!' Chu Xian felt fear as Liang Yu's fingers came close to his chest. He retreated immediately dodging the attack. Well mostly. "Shit!" Pieces of flame passed over his skin. His clothing burned off for the most part.

"Don't run from me!" Liang Yu dashed forward like a boxer. His arms tucked in before he exploded with power. Jab after jab went out striking Chu Xian in the chest. He kept pursuing not caring about any outside attacks. 'How much of my qi can I inject in his body I wonder?'

The two continued to fight leading away from the others.

As he fought Chu Xian, Ye Xinghe had made it back to camp. Lin Hong took the chance to attack Xia Yuning. Which caused a bit of an issue for Ye Xinghe who was still troubled over matters.


Foolish choice-


After exchanging some attacks, Lin Hong pleaded with Ye Xinghe to fall back.

"Xinghe.. why do this?" Lin hong sounded sympathetic to them but a few felt something was wrong with him. "To sacrifice your life for a woman that you've only known for a few days, is she worth it?"

"Worth it or not, who knows.." Ye Xinghe was holding his side trying to control his breathing more. "It's not just her I am doing this for. I am doing this for you to!"

"Ye Xinghe, if you continue to get in my way, I will kill you!" Lin Hong said adamantly. A normal person would understand this person was not a friend really. But not Ye Xinghe."Our beliefs.."

"Lin Hong, I won't let you take Xia Yuning away!" Ye Xinghe said with a burst of strngth exuding from his body. His main character staus in full effect it seems.

Liang Yu was on his way back after leaving a mark on Chu Xian's face. He was not about to chase him into an ambush that was most likely waiting. He made it back in time to see some major fuckery afoot.

Lin Hong reared back summoning a spear made of Dark qi. Throwing it directly at Ye Xinghe with the intent to kill. If not for the intervention of someone, he might have died.

*Splurt!* Black gushed out in front of Ye Xinghe as An Xueyun had pushed him out of the way taking the attack in the process. She looked back giving him a forced smile.

"It is the least I could do... for you Xinghe.." An Xueyun muttered as she collapsed.

"Ahhh! Big sister An!" Ye Xinghe cried in horror. Lin Hong looking on with a cold look. "You are going to be ok! I can heal you!"

"Xueyun!" Xia Yuning cried out. She was about to run to her side but was stopped by Liang Jian. He shook his at her saying no. "I have to help her!"

"She took the attack.. I am sure she was aware of the consequences." Liang Jian would fight her if he had to. Which he really hoped he didn't. "You need to conserve your strength in case more of the rebels appear."

"She's not dead yet Ye Xinghe, protect her internal blood flow to stop the worst of it." Lin Hong said.

"Internal bleeding is pretty bad." Liang Yu said offhandley. "Might have nicked an artery. Defintely gonna die." As Ye Xinghe worked away on her, Lin Hong made to move against Liang Yu but stopped. "Man, I can not believe you hurt your boyfriends' girlfriend like that, really bad form. That's a thrupple for yah. Someone always gets hurt."

"You!" Lin Hong stared at Liang Yu in anger. A few of the plans were thwarted by him. Not to mention what happened to Chu Xian. To many of their targets were alive still. "Shut your mouth Liang Yu!"

"An Xueyun better be ok Lin Hong!" Xia Yuning yelled. "Your family is a vassal under her, how could you do something like this!?"

"I didn't want to harm miss An, but I must take you with me today." LIn Hong towards her coldly. "It's impossible for me to turn back on this path. Otherwise, more of our people will continue to die!"

"People are going to die because of you rebels.. so I guess it's ok as long as it is not your people like you said." Liang Yu nodded in jest. "Man, that logic is nice. Very self-serving." He continued to nod his head. "I like it, I like it."

Lin Hong was about to rebuke Liang Yu but Ye Xinghe's qi flared up as he stood. In his hand a weapon appeared somewhat. It looked to mostly be made from ice and qi really. Looking down at An Xueyun, he felt some type of way.

"Take this!" He threw something from his pocket. "It is a Life Heart Spirit Jade. Placing it in mouth will help a person stave off death.."

"Just gonna take something from your enemy and hope it works, what are you nuts?" Liang Yu stroke the flames as some of the students had recovered a little more. If they all attacked they could take care of Lin Hong and Ye Xinghe if he makes a wrong move.

*Tap!* Chu Xian arrived bleeding a good bit. Liang Yu gave him a smile happy to continue were they left off at.

"Lin Hong, the North Guardian men will be here any second!" Chu Xian kept his eyes on Liang Yu. Just in case. "We need to leave now or we won't be able to leave at all!

"Let's go." Lin Hong turned to leave. But he just wasn't fast enough. Liang Jian jumped in his way as Liang Yu jumped in front of Lin Hong. "You dare stand in our way?!"His face twisted in a scowl.

"Of course I do. I am just like that." Liang Yu taunted. He wagged his finger at the two that glowed with qi. The Royal Guardians appeared and started to confront Lin Hong and Chu Xian as well. Well not getting caught in the direct crossfire." Liang Yu and Liang Jian moved away. The divine guardians might hit them on mistake.

"Yuning... just let them go." Ye Xinghe said downcasted. Seeing Lin Hong and Chu Xian fight for their lives made him feel some type of way. "If not for lin Hong's Life Heart Jade, Xueyun wouldn't have been saved." His look matched his voice.

Pathetic really.

"But Xueyun was hurt because of his actions. If it wasn't for her, you would have been injured!" Xia Yuning yelled. Her emotions all over the place. Her duty, her feelings for Xueyun, and her conflicted feelings for Ye Xinghe making it worse. "He should be made to pay for breaking the law! How many people were hurt in the last few days by his rebel group!?"

"And then what? Does he need to pay with his life before it is enough?" Ye Xinghe pleaded.

"Yes, that if that is what the law demands." Liang Yu said coldly. His voice devoid oa any emotion. "We all must be responsible for what we have done. Take a life be prepared to suffer or have your life taken."

Standing over Ye Xinghe, he was ready to kill him at this rate. Xia Yuning could tell what Liang Yu was prepared to do. An Xueyun eyes opened a little looking at Liang Yu. She felt true fear from him for the first time that caused her heart to beat spordically.

'His eyes are glowing!' An Xueyuan wanted to warn Xinghe but didn't have the strength.

Xia Yuning felt bad for Lin Hong and wanted to let him escape after hearing Ye Xinghe's statement. But she still had her duty to uphold.

"Guards... let them go!" Xia Yuning ordered. The guards kept fighting however.

"Princess, when your father sent us here, he gave us explicit orders that we must apprehend the culprit!" A royal guard said while attacking still.

"You refuse to listen to me?"

"Sorry princess, we dare not disobey the master's orders!" Another royal guard said. He continued to push the assault and moved in for a critical blow towards Lin Hong.

*Woosh!* A blur shot pass Liang Yu who was going t strike Ye Xinghe down. An Xueyun had mustered all her strength to grab his leg. Liang Yu was about to attack her but Xia Yuning stopped him.

"Tch!" Liang Yu sucked his teeth displeased. An Xueyun already having fainted from having overexerted herself. His attention was refocused on other matters in a second.

A row of ice moved in to block the attack by the divine guardian. Lin Hong took the chance to fall back and regroup.

"What the hell is this idiot doing!?" Liang Jian asked incredulously. "Is he out of his mind?!"

"He is out his rabid ass mind yes." Liang Yu said gravely. He stepped forward wanting to push for Lin Hong to be killed. Chu Xian had a foot in the grave already so he was not a priority anymore. "Ye Xinghe thinks this over, Lin Hong is apart of a rebellious force that have killed several innocent people. Doing this is blatantly joining their side."


"You dare to get in the way of the North Guardian Lord's arrest decree, you must be tired of living!" A divine guard said outraged.

"Xinghe, you don't have to get yourself involved in this, you have a bright future ahead of you still!" Lin Hong said. Realizing this was a terrible situation he got his friend in. "If you offend the North Guardian Lord, your situation will become extremely dangerous!"

"Pft, he doesn't care about that, selfish little shit!" Liang Yu cursed. "Think about your clan you pretend to care so much about! What do you think will happen to them you asshole!"

Liang Yu thought that would be enough to convince the idiot to change his mind. But no dice. The fool was to stupid to make the right decision, the most logical decision.

"So what if it's the North Guardian Lord, or if it's his divine guardians?" Ye Xinghe said with a self-righteous tone. It almost made Liang Yu sick to his stomach to hear the sheer stupidity coming from his mouth. And it only got worse. "I only know that Lin Hong is my brother, so what if I die here today defending him. I won't allow anyone to take you away either!"

"Why are you so upset co.." Liang Jian asked. But realized the implications in a second. 'If Ye Xinghe shows tie to the rebels, that will make them look closer at the Dark Moon Family!' His jaw dropped as he panicked. 'Let alone the family, me and cousin Yu might be killed for not finding a traitor out and taking care of it ourselves!'

The young man's mind was spinning out of control.

Status: Liang Yu Health: 800 Qi: 1200

Power: 25 Defense: 17 Willpower: 27 Intellect: 23

Connection: 2


Flame Vortex: 4th Heavenly Layer

Flame Martial Arts: 4th Heavenly Layer

Metal Seed: 2nd tech level

Fire Body: 2nd tech level

Astral Sense: 1st tech level

Magmatidecreators' thoughts
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