

It's been a few months since I've gained consciousness, being a baby is really weird.

All I can do is eat, shit and sleep, not in that particular order most of the time. There's nothing I can do to stop it because I still can't speak and ask to be taken to the toilet. All I can do is cry whenever I need something.

Suddenly aunt Rebecca barges into view and I can't help but notice the panicked expression on her face.

What's going on? Why is she panicked.

"Oh we have to go Alex." Aunt Rebekah says as she picks me up from the sandbox.

Huh where are we going? I wanted to finish my sandcastle. I pout looking back at the ruins of my glorious castle.

Very quickly I'm strapped into the child car seat of aunt Rebekah's car.

I look to the left and see my sister strapped into a car seat next to me.

My sister Hope. My sister isn't as intelligent as I am and I can tell that she isn't by the mostly blank expression that's always on her face. Even though she isn't as intelligent as I am, I still love her. We have a strong bond, of that I'm certain.

I notice aunt Rebekah talking on the phone and she seems scared.

I'd love to ask her what's going on, but I still haven't been able to figure out how to speak.

"I'll see you at the diner." Aunt Rebekah says before hanging up.

Aunt Rebekah turns around and faces me and Hope, she smiles bright. "Alright kids, we're going to meet your uncle Elijah." She coos at us.

Uncle... Elijah, he must be my fathers brother. If he's anything like aunt Rebekah, I can't wait to meet him, I think to myself excited.

Unfortunately I couldn't stay awake as the subtle shaking of the car quickly lulled me to sleep.

When I awakened again, we were inside a house with white wooden walls and I was laying inside a baby cot with my sister, who's currently asleep.

Out of nowhere my stomach suddenly growls.

Ahh... I'm hungry, time to cry I guess. *Wahhhhhh!!!! Wahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!*

"Ohhh someone's finally awake." My aunt answers the call.

The volume of my wail decreases once I see her because I know she's got my message.

"Someone's probably hungry, I'll go make you your bottle." Aunt Rebekah says and picks me up from the cot.

She rocks me gently in my arms until I stop crying.

"Elijah be a dear and hold Alex, while I make him his bottle." I'm suddenly passed off to an unknown man with short neat brown hair and brown eyes.

His face lights up as soon as I'm in his arms. "Hello little one, I'm your uncle Elijah."

"Bahhh(Hello)" Damn this stupid baby mouth, I wish I could hold a conversation.

Uncle Elijah chuckles at my attempt to speak. "Don't worry your food is on its way." He assures me.

Even though I don't know him I feel a closeness to him, the same closeness I feel to aunt Rebecca.

While waiting on my food, uncle Elijah and I were having a conversation, of course he understood nothing I said but something paculiar happened while we were waiting. When I grabbed uncle Elijah's finger he looked at me in shock.

"Rebekah!" He calls loudly out to aunty Rebekah.

"Coming Elijah." Aunt Rebekah walks back into the room with a bottle in hand. "What is it?" Aunt Rebekah asks.

"The boy is a siphoner."

Aunt Rebekah pauses in her tracks and looks at uncle Elijah in shock. "A siphoner? are you sure Elijah?" Aunt Rebekah asks hurriedly.

"I'm positive Rebekah, I felt a small drain on my strength when he grabbed my hand." Uncle Elijah says in awe as he looks at me.

"Well seems he'll fit in with this family just fine, what with him being an abomination of nature just like us." Aunt Rebekah says in a joking tone.

Huh what does that mean? What is an abomination of nature, I don't like the sounds of that.

Uncle Elijah smiles down at me, as if noticing my worry. "How anyone could think such an adorable creature could be an abomination of nature truly baffles me."

"I know, he's such a darling little angel." Aunt Rebekah coos as she takes me from uncle Elijah.

"Hehehe..." I have no idea why, but I truly enjoy receiving their praise, it makes me happy.

Aunt Rebekah starts feeding me and almost immeadiately I started feeling drowsy and my eyelids were getting heavy. I can't even hear what my aunt and uncle are discussing anymore. Before I knew it the light faded into darkness and I quickly drifted into unconsciousness.

The next time awoke, me and my sister were all alone in our cot. A few boring hours of staring either at my sister or the ceiling passed before someone noticed I was awake. Hope also seemed to have awoken as aunt Rebekah loomed over our cot, she did not wake up peacefully and immeadiately started crying.

After our diapers were changed and we were fed, aunt Rebekah took us outside and set us on the porch in our baby carriers.

She seemed to be setting up for something, I wasn't sure what it was for though. She hung up some weird decoration on the door, it had a bell on it that I wanted to play with, but I still can't speak and I couldn't tell her that I wanted to play with it.

Uncle Elijah was entertaining my simple minded sister, when aunt Rebekah spoke up. "Its alright, Elijah she won't break. Everything you did, was in the name of protecting them, I'm not worried."

Huh what did uncle Elijah do? I can't help but feel curious.

Aunt Rebekah's words seem to ease uncle Elijah's worries because he gently picks my sister up. "Hi sweetheart." Uncle Elijah utters as he picks Hope up.

"Is that what I think it is?" Uncle Elijah asks aunt Rebekah.

"It's bonfire season, and I am reviving a family tradition, especially since we're all going to be together." Aunt Rebekah informs him.

Huh what's a bonfire? Wait if we're all going to be together, does that mean I'll get to see my parents. "Hehehe!!!!" I can't wait.

"See Alex is excited about it."

"Yes it would seem so." Uncle Elijah smiles down at me.

"However the circumstances of our gathering is rather dubious." Uncle Elijah says with a grim expression.

Huh why is it bad? Are my family in trouble. I can't help but worry.

"Why is our family always at war." I can hear the tiredness in uncle Elijah's voice.

Aunt Rebekah walks over to me and picks me up into her arms. "I don't know, but being with them has made me see things differently." Aunt Rebekah smiles warmly at me and gently caresses my head as she speaks. "We're not so bad." Aunt Rebekah leans down and plants a gentle kiss on my forhead.

"Ahhhhhh." I exclaim pleased with her affection, this makes aunt Rebekah smile even more prominent.

"We're not the monsters our parents think we are."

How can they be mosters? Aunt Rebekah has never done anything like those monsters in the stories she tells us.

Out of nowhere aunt Rebekah and uncle Elijah turn their heads and look into the distance. I also look in the same direction and see a black SUV approaching the house.

I wonder who that is? I think curious.

The car stops a few feet away from us and two unfamiliar people climb out of the car, but as they get closer a I smell a familiar scent, a scent I haven't forgotten as months went by. It's my mom she's here.

After climbing out of the car, my mom runs over towards us followed by the man who I assume is my father.

As they reach us my mom looks between me and my sister in disbelief.

Uncle Elijah quickly passes Hope to my mother, who seems to cherish having her daughter in her arms for a few seconds before passing Hope to my father.

Aunt Rebekah then passes me over to my mom who swiftly takes me into her arms and immeadiately examines me from head to toe, not that I'm not doing the same thing. My mom like aunt Rebekah is absolutely beautiful, maybe even more so then aunt Rebekah. My mom quickly hugs me to her chest and starts sniffing me. Huh why would she do that? I mean I don't really mind I guess, but it is a little weird.

Suddenly my father envelopes both me and my mother in a hug and presses us against him. He gently kisses Hope's forhead then my own and smiles down at both of us. This is a day I will never forget, the day I officially met my parents.

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