
The World Of Belda Part 3

Kana had no idea how much time had passed, but if she was forced to estimate how much time she had been stuck playing this stupid game, she would say about two weeks. Currently, she had some glowing sword, shining metal armor with purple hues, some weird monsters that would fight for her, and a bunch of spells that could obliterate everything. 

How did she get all these things? Well, she spent every waking hour looting everything she could find. What she didn't need, she sold. Then she would get quests from people and do this until finally she beat some monster in some huge castle and was now just a few feet away from the path to what looks like the end zone. Now she could have quit the game at the halfway point, but the robot hologram or the one controlling the game sneakily pulled a fast one and had a timed window popup after she fell asleep. 

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