
Riverpeak Front

Inside the main tent of the camp, Minos found the general in charge of the area sitting at a table with a map of the region on it.

Ignoring the many details on the map, Minos looked at the General, a man he had little interaction with within the guild, but whom she had seen a few times in recent years.

"Is General Minos just passing through, or will he be staying with us for a while?" The level 113 Sovereign asked, standing next to the level 114 General.

Minos picked up a glass and a pitcher of drink from another table over there, while Abby and Ruth looked at the map of the region. "I'm looking for information. We're just passing through this camp."

"That's too bad. You could join our men," said the General, taking his eyes off the map. "Where are you going?"

"Riverpeak Front," Ruth said in her husband's place, pointing with a finger toward the enemy territory marked on the map.

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