
Chapter 9.

After an unknown amount of time had passed after Chiron testing John, I decided to end the situation and try to move forward.

Alec-''John, You don't have to worry about my friend Chiron here, he is of no threat to you as long as you are not a threat to him. First off, I want to welcome you. I have summoned you from your world to mine. I know about your world, how mankind has been fighting an alien race that sought to make mankind extinct. I also saw how you managed to destroy the ark, and with your comrade and your A.I went aboard Forward Unto Dawn. However, the portal collapsed and only your comrade made it. You and your A.I Cortana was left behind and was about to die until I pulled you to my world. However, you don't have to worry too much about your duties there since you have essentially completed it because shortly after, the war between mankind and the Covenant ceased. Now mankind is no longer facing the threat of extinction. So now I'm hoping you use your skills to help this worlds mankind for a threat in the following future.''

I lied. I lied about him about to die when the portal collapsed. But I had to. There is no other plausible reason that I can make in order to make him be somewhat understanding and also somewhat accepting in helping me without thinking too much about his sense of duty to his old world which might affect him.

Besides, I didn't fully lie because it was indeed the truth that the Covenant and Mankind ceased their war, leading to mankind being temporarily safe. Until new threats show up that is. But he doesn't need to know that.

Whilst I finished my explanation to John, I saw him standing there motionless, just looking at me.


POV John-

John-''Cortana, what do you make of this?''

Cortana-''About how we transferred to a new world? Or the part where the Covenant and Mankind war is over?''


Cortana-''Haa~ What he says is highly possible. I wouldn't fully know without me obviously seeing it for myself, which makes me wonder how he knows of us so much. However, what he says does make sense. We killed the Prophet of Truth along with the Flood in the Ark by detonating the new Halo ring. With all 3 Prophets gone, there will no long be a leader to manipulate and unify the Covenant, which means the Covenant disbanding and going back to their own respective homes, tribes, cities etc. Regarding the Flood, last time we checked, the Gravemind along with his spawns didn't have a way nor time to get out of the Ark, which pretty much ended the floods threat to humanity.''

So humanity is saved huh? Now what? My whole life, I knew nothing but fighting for human kind, fighting to protect them. Now I know that they are safe, and that my sacrifice wasn't in vain. However, now this... Alec, requires my help to protect this worlds mankind from future threats...

Well it doesn't matter if they are mankind from my world, or mankind from another, my whole life was to serve and protect mankind, so being in a different world means nothing when I'm executing my duty as a Spartan.

Finding my new resolve and goal, I decided to go back to my duties in protecting mankind. Breaking my line of site on the 2 individuals for the first time, I looked around and saw myself in a building with a high ceiling with chandeliers hanging down from them, providing light.

Changing my gaze, I looked to my right and I froze momentarily. In front of me were people I knew. My brothers and sisters that I fought and bled with. Blue team. I even saw Jerome and his Red team. I also see another team that I haven't seen before, but I do recognize one of them. One of my brothers, Spartan-052, Jorge, looking as bulky as ever I see. Then I cast my gaze on the individual to his right that is smaller then Jorge having an armor that looks similar to an ODST. He seemed different compared to the rest of his team. His aura seems... lethal... like a razor sharp sword out of its scabbard.

I stared at this individual for a while until I break my gaze away and turned back to Alec.


POV Alec-

I stared at John looking at one of the Spartans for a while. Curious, I looked to see who he was looking at, I noticed it was actually Noble 6, the only other Spartan that was categorized as hyper lethal besides Chief himself. The only difference was that Chief had something that he didn't, can you guess? Luck.

It was unfortunate how Noble 6 died in Reach along with his team and hundreds of other Spartans. If SIX didn't die, he would most likely rack up achievements and become as decorated as Chief. Even if he wasn't, he would be up there with him.

My thought was broken when John looked back at me then spoke a few words:

John-''Will you free them?''

Alec-''I will, however, you need to know that I summoned or sealed these individuals in different times in your world. For instance, the team with 6 Spartans was pulled during the fall of Reach. Their team is called Noble team and are comprised of mostly Spartan III's with one Spartan II. It's the same with Blue and Red team, they were summoned in different times. For that reason, I need you to calm them down when they come to so we won't have a repeat of what happened with you.''

John just kept his gaze at me then simply nodded. With that sorted, I walked to the rest of the sealed Spartans and prepared to summon them...

There will be a small time skip in a few chapters. It won't be a big timeskip but will be enough to progress the story abit.

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