
Chapter 7.

Alec-''117... kuku~ kukuku~ So, Master Chief or John is also here. Cortana did say that anything that is related to or resemble Ancient Greece and are recognized as heroes by the population will be shown here in the Altar of Heroes. And since John is part of the Spartan II program along with his 300 brothers and sisters which are based off of the 300 Spartans that fought in Thermopylae, it seems that they are eligible to be in the Altar of Heroes.''

Looking at the other Spartans, I recognize some of them, for instance John's Blue team, Jerome's Red team and even Carters Noble team which comprised of mainly Spartan III's. Who else can be my sparing partners and people that help me in my combat arts then the Spartans that were pretty much bred for war and has seen and participated on many dangerous war. Although Noble team died too early and are not as well decorated as John's Blue team or Jerome's Red team, they are still lethal in their own rights, and if they have had survived Reach, there is no doubt that they wouldn't be as decorated as Blue and Red team.

Breaking my thoughts, I calmly and steadily walked towards Chief and by this time Chiron has arrived behind me and looked at the Spartans with a curious expression.

Chiron-''Hmmm, interesting individuals. I haven't seen this type of armor before, how are they even able to breath or see with no holes? Young Alec, do you happen to know who these fearsome looking warriors are?''

Alec-''Yes, these are Spartan warriors who are arguably the strongest mortals to have ever lived. Don't mistake them for the Spartans that you know of, although they share the same name, they are on a different league compared to them. I have no doubt that if 2 or 3 of these warriors are to team up, they can take down a demigod of Achilles caliber or even Heracles before he ascended godhood. That's how lethal they can be. Individually they can hold their own, whilst in pairs or groups, they are close to unstoppable.''

Standing in front of Chief was intimidating to say the least. Although he was shorter then me, the pressure he exudes even as a statue is incredible. Steadily, I touched his number plate and just like with Chiron, cracks of light began appearing. The light began to become too intense so I had to close my eyes again. Soon I heard the sound of glass breaking, when all of a sudden I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my torso, then all I felt was an abrupt and jerking sensation where my whole body flipped through the air, then I felt the cold hard ground meet my shoulders and neck.

It all happened so quick that when I finally opened my eyes, all I saw was the Chief straddling over me with his left hand on my neck and his right arm above his head with his hand curled into a fist preparing to deliver the blow. Luckily, Chiron was there and so just before John slammed his fist onto my face, Chiron had his sword drawn and placed it against Johns neck.

Chiron-''Stay your hand warrior, we mean you no harm.''

John, who didn't budge from his position, instead asked a question in a deep and stoic voice;

John-''Identify yourselves''


John's POV-

(Moments before awakening)

How long have I been asleep for? Once I asked this question in my mind, cracks of light suddenly appeared in my field of vision. Quickly, these lights spread at a fast rate until everything became bright. The brightness didn't really affect me due to my visor, but then something all of a sudden occurred. Like a glass that has been broken, the light shattered and all I saw was a bare chested muscular man that towers above me covering his eyes. Just behind him, I saw an old man that had a muscular upper body with a lower body of a horse looking at me with a curious expression on his face, obviously the light isn't affecting him.

My instincts kicked in and perceived them as a threat, especially the the half man half horse, might be a new species of the Covenant. Since the half man half horse person is a bit further back, I chose to engage the person in front of me that is covering his vision. A rooky mistake to take your eyes off of an unknown individual.

Choosing the best course of action, I decided to take down the threat in front of me and disable him as fast and as efficiently as I can so I can deal with the other threat. Quickly moving, I decided to take him down fast, so I went behind him, grabbed his torso and did a suplex. As soon as I have thrown him over and he landed hard, I immediately rolled out and mounted him, grabbing his throat and prepared to strike him. However, As I lifted my arm to prepare to strike him, the other threat actually got behind me and placed his sword on my neck.

I was a little shocked, he should have been around 10-15m behind so I should of had plenty of time to disable my first threat and then prepare for the next. However, I immediately disregarded that thought and instead think of a way to get out of this predicament. As I was about to move, the threat with the sword held it a little tighter to my neck, then I heard him speak;

???-''Stay your hand warrior, we mean you no harm''

Hearing him say that, for some reason, my tense body relaxed a bit which confused me. However, I still kept my guard up and instead ask a question myself.

John-''Identify yourselves''

I decided to try and do a different P.O.V to test things out. Comment if you think it's ok and if I should continue to do this every now and then. Also it was my first time writing an action scene, although it was a small section, hopefully you could follow the action.

Pogiako_Jazzcreators' thoughts
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