
The incandescent description of necromancy - part one


Once upon a time, there was a poor vampire girl who fell under the spell of a zombie fairy with zero independence (she relies on her family and the teeth with a few cavities of a rather confused girl) who has a strangely magical tree (from cavity dust) where the water she consumes comes from the friendship she has maintained with her large number of female friends over the years.

You can be sure that she wants to preserve her friendship for many years to come.

Anyway, the tree gives them the supernatural potential but getting the powers that are mandatory for her friends to visit her in her fantasy world, that's exactly what this game was invented for.

What can I tell you?

You have to earn your friends like you earn your cavities, or so says the zombie fairy's family.

Anyway, I know you have heard this little phrase that says: "I would move heaven, sea and earth for you". Well, here it is possible and it was possible; it turns out that a supernatural being met this beautiful fairy and fell in love.

Here are the reasons for his love:

The zombie fairy is whiter than the snow-covered icy mountain that looms over our noble knight's world of giants.

It is said that this icy mountain is nothing but an incubator of zombie fairies that is cooling the lands too much. The only way to warm it up would be for there to be a middle ground between cold and warmth, that can be achieved by humans, or so the forbidden books have told him... pure necromancy.

Only the zombie fairy has the ability to attract the friendship of humans, she is a special fairy.

The blood and her half split head alone make her unique in her species, but being the only one comes with a loneliness that annihilates the magic of any being. It is for this reason that the zombie fairy has seen fit to take the path her family is setting for her future.

The zombie fairy needs the warmth of her great friendship to keep the fairy bodies alive inside the incubator that her friends will possess as soon as the game ends.

The blessed problem is that attacking the very nature of a being, pretending that a being stays in a dimension that is not hers, is not something that the PACHAMAMA (mother earth) will let happen.

That is why she has sent to the land of the giants a terrible frost and; even if the zombie fairies are released after the next (it is only a matter of hours) birth, this winter will leave the lands hopelessly infertile and then a war between dimensions would be unleashed.

Each dimension would have to steal from the other the resources it needs and this whole world would result in intergalactic chaos.

"God forgives sin but not scandal".

This is precisely why our knight must, not necessarily annihilate the incubator; the most peaceful and practical solution is to move the incubator elsewhere. The incubator must be in a place that can provide the point of balance between cold and heat.

Yes, this is the reason why all the characters in this story are here in this game... humans are fire and ice.

However, this is not going to be achieved on its own. Our knight has moved heaven, sea and earth of all the characters thanks to certain powers granted to him by THE PACHAMAMA.

From being the smallest knight he has become the greatest. It is precisely because he has moved the earth that this macabre place exists where Luz is at this very moment.

He clings with all his strength to the chain (it looks like gold) that carries a black and very soft sphere under Luz's feet.

The chain gives a back and forth movement, with the speed at which Luz moves to avoid traps like fire cannons emerging from the rocky walls, Viking axes coming from the roof where it rains sweet sand.

The problem with this sand is that the candy awakens the zombie fairies from their wonderful nightmares. Remember that these fairies love cavities and are infinitely better dentists at removing decay from teeth than humans themselves.

The point is that Luz hasn't been able to stop herself from eating some of the sweet sand, she finds it too appetizing. However, when she fills her mouth with this sweet she sees above the gloomy water that her smile has disappeared as if by some macabre magic.

Luz can only see her smile as the darkest night of all. There is no blue or white stars in her sky. She screams and one of the axes cuts her lower back, reminding her of where she is.

It looks like a cave with only two traps or so it seems. There is dark water like his new smile. To tell the truth, in the middle of the water a hollow has formed in the shape of his smile. It seems to have some depth and sounds like the fall of a waterfall.

He can't even think with the axes and cannons spewing fire that as it crashes against the walls illuminates the place like a flashing, incandescent light. Although it can put her life in danger of being roasted, if it were not for her light she would not be able to see either axes or cannons or zombie fairies approaching her.

"You're our mother's suitor's red sign lady aren't you?"

Luz can't even speak because it's hard for her to concentrate on not being sliced by the axes seeing three little fairies that the axes pierce and makes their blood gush out but they don't even flinch.

She suspects that someone wants to drain all the blood from each of the three little fairies so that the zombie part of each one is as good as it should be... And Luz who reproached her mother for being a "living dead" when her father was at home.

All three look half as pale in the face but not as pale as their guide.

I can't talk about dark circles under the eyes or the whole face of each one because you can't see them.

All of them are wearing a hairpiece that covers the entire upper half of their faces. All three have brown hair and wear the same hairstyle: the ends of their loose hair cross and form a circle where an eye lies, which I assume is the one each can see out of.

Thanks to the modesty of I don't know who, the hair is long enough to cover each one's reproductive organ, of course, if they have one.

Should I think they can see with sexual instinct?

I know, I'm not going to draw conjecture or I really will be a bad storyteller and I don't do any bad jobs...maybe a few and that's why I also left my world or was forced to leave...okay, this is not the story of my life.

Yes, all three are zombie fairies but with Cyclops ancestry running through their veins if they have any.

All three were naked, but perhaps a mixture of blood and candy magic; little by little, after each axe stroke, the blood gushes out and paints their breasts red. Then, when their breasts are covered, they try to avoid the axes.

"Of course it's her, didn't you hear that she said she was an almost vampire addicted to candy and everything edible, with potential to live with half a brain and you have to have half a brain to eat a candy of dubious origin; although it's worse if you know that a zombie fairy has brought you here... it is evident that in a psychological game they will take advantage of your weaknesses".

The one who speaks has her eye all of one color: green.

"She is the half-brain of our mother's THE WORST IS NOTHING, I wonder what other half-brains our mother's other suitors have chosen? don't you girls dream about it...the best GOOD FOR NOTHING, aren't you curious about the nothing Bethany?"

The one who just spoke has a blue eye, but the one she is asking, Bethany, has her eye closed, which makes me curious because she is the only one of the three who hasn't opened her eye since she woke up.

"Well... it's just that this is... I hope my mom chooses the half-brain's suitor (she says pointing to Luz), I think this is how disturbed the lady would look when she was young, drawn on one of the pages of the book of Necromancy that contains the secrets of the other world of humans that at the same time is unknown even to themselves."

While the three zombie fairies talk about the latest news of their fantastic lives; Luz begins to hear sounds quite familiar in her stomach but not in the same way.

Before the stomach sounds created a melody that Luz would describe as harmoniously unpleasant to human ears. Now she feels that something is going on inside her intestines and she touches them in such a way, it is as if she is trying to fix the sound of her guts or what her guts process.

Luz wishes she could see her belly because her imagination is brutal when fear eats away at her. But of course she will do that because she has to concentrate on not being split or charred. A tremendous anger towards those three little fairies overwhelms her... "Do you expect mercy from a zombie fairy?"

"No, I expect a rope to lead me to the exit."

You see reader, one tries to put her in context and she responds by teasing me without hiding it at any time.

"Why are we talking about this, the important thing is that this book contains our nightmares and one of the three has to char the girl, uncle Marcelino bread and wine said that in the first nightmare we will go to a place where it is forbidden cold and exercise have not generated a drop of fright; although it should not be her fault right?"

Says the one with the green eye to the one with the blue eye, which "turns a blind eye" and turns around Luz so that she gets scared. Not only because she is amused by her turkey face, but also because it's been half an hour since she has raised her temperature, not even with these little games that she has meticulously prepared... "Luz, I don't know what you're trying to do, but they're going to carbonize you anyway, you really love drama".

"While Tetania causes her to be burned or dismembered we have to decide who of the two of us is going to accompany her, who is going to take us out of this pigsty that now has human putrefaction as a background sound and I have enough with my putrefaction.... make it fall at once!"

Shouts the one with the green eye to the one with the blue eye who tries to look serious; but the truth is that she laughs at the comic-tragic passages of Luz's life.

Guess who is blowing her good memories?

"Well then... don't you think so... I'm a little nervous, you know..."

The one with the closed eye smiles shyly and the one with the green eye rolls her eyes, always bored of the same thing.

"You're nervous when you know you have a chance of winning."

Both had to compete to accompany Luz to the outside for being the first to wake up from their respective nightmares that are recorded, as all the facts of this game, inside the book of Necromancy of which the two fairies spoke a few paragraphs before.

The two fairies must read this ancestral book so that one of the two can have enough affinity with the human turned vampire so that she does not die when she comes out prematurely to the outside.

Remembering our noble knight small in size but great in virtue; he moved as I told you before heaven, sea and earth for the zombie fairy guide to demonstrate that he is not a charmer but a being in love because nobody lies to LA PACHAMAMA.

Although the fairy guide also likes him, she is not fit to leave home of her own free will. Without her and her, let's call them, "sleeping friends" the fairy world would perish. She may have initially done it more so that there would be fairies with her condition and not feel excluded from the world; but the zombie fairy project went so well that the population of this type occupies almost the entire fairy population.

The fairies from before suddenly disappeared out of fear and others perhaps as a precaution. The point is that it is already a national right in the fairy lands.

The rest of the supernatural beings, especially the giants, have tried to come to an agreement; but the tree of the sleeping friends has enough power to protect the fairy lands and let there be no doubt that they want to conquer as much of the world as they can.

Now all the supernatural beings have faith in the noble knight who at midnight will begin to tell the first story that took place when the moon was only a few months old and did not look like it does now.

The noble knight will narrate it inside an enchanted castle characterized by making anyone who utters a word forget what he was going to say, whether it is a speech or a story, that is why it is called "The castle of oblivion".

This is precisely why the noble knight needs the help of the zombie fairies; only they know where the book is and how to win this game.

The noble knight believes that with his crystal ball he will remember the three stories ... he is a total delusional.

It is curious that they have chosen Luz, the most forgetful girl and the most devoted to fantasy.

Next chapter