
From one to another.

A few weeks have passed without realizing that it's the beginning of the third term of my last second-year high school student. The past few weeks, we never found out about the guy that Ritsu was with back then and that person is still a mystery to all of us. I don't know if Ren knows about it or not but I would rather stay quiet for now since I don't want to make another problem for him.

I haven't seen Horii and Kyouko-chan for the past few weeks as well, I don't know if Kyouko-chan agreed to work with Horii or not. I know for sure that Horii is still here because so many things happened and the Black Hoodie did their job to keep their territory safe. I remember that Kyouko-chan will be back teaching so I will be able to ask her about her answer later when I have the chance.

One unfortunate event happened to my family but it has nothing to do with anything.

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