
Hiding in the shadow.

I'm not sure if he's joking, messing with me, or telling the truth, but the way he said it, it seems that he's serious about it. I look at B and she's just enjoying her cup of coffee and doesn't bother with what Ren just said. I honestly want to ask him if he's being serious or not but I feel like it's none of my business and so I'm just going to stay quiet and don't want to know about it.

"So how long are you going to stay here, Ren? Are you back in Japan just so you can have a talk with me or is there any other reason?"

Ren looks at me and shakes his head while crossing his arms on the table.

"No, there are a lot of things that I need to take care of."

I'm humming with understanding.

"I see, so you're going to go back to Italy once you're done with those things?"

Ren is furrowing his forehead while chuckling.

Next chapter