
Red snow.

Everyone looks at the guy and they're all scared because they see him covered with blood. There's no time to think and I need to help him or at least stop his bleeding, I carry him to the backroom with the help of Ryo and Sando. The rest of them are waiting outside because I don't want them to look at this guy's injury. I see a stab wound on his lower body and immediately press it with a towel to stop the bleeding, I tell Ryo to call the ambulance but the guy doesn't want to go to the hospital.

If this guy doesn't want to go to the hospital, I immediately stop pressing the towel on the wound.

"Which family are you from?"

Both Ryo and Sando are looking at me in silence, the guy is staring at me for quite a while as if he doesn't want me to hear the wrong answer.

"I'm from the Hasegawa Clan..."

I'm staring down at him and then I call B to take care of this guy.

I tell Ryo and Sando to keep pressuring the wound while I'm talking with B.

Next chapter