
As dangerous as them.

"Frenemy? Didn't you just say that the Hasegawa Clan is the one who provided you almost everything that you have right now?"

B is leaning on the table then sits on it, he nods in agreement.

"That's true, and you can say that we are the dog who bites the owner's hand."

I'm starting to feel unsafe here and a bit worried about myself getting help from him. I think I should reconsider what Kyouko-chan said about them and start to be careful around them. I guess I should stop relying on them from now on or I will regret it in the future. B is staring at me while squinting his eyes and it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable but then he chuckles while shaking his head.

"I think you're thinking that we are as dangerous as those people now, huh?"

I look at him and I don't know what to say but B stands up while walking toward me then he puts his hand on my shoulder.

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