
I wish I were there.

It's Friday, it has been 4 days ever since the Kimura Clan's men decided to come to my house and since then there's no more movement from them based on the Black Hoodie's information. The last class is almost ended, Kyouko-chan is done giving a lecture and she's stacking the books while the rest of us are doing the same. Kyouko-chan stops and looks at the calendar on the wall behind her, she raises her eyebrows and turns around to look at Erii.

"Everyone, don't forget to cheer for Yamaguchi-san tomorrow! She will represent our school in the tournament and we should support her."

Everyone looks at Erii and they're cheering for her, all the girls are going to watch the tournament tomorrow while some of the guys are also going as well. Ryo is looking at Erii but it seems those two haven't made up yet, I wonder why. The bell rings, I immediately get up and leave the classroom first while the others are surrounding Erii.

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