At Hydrurond's Northern defensive line, the defenders struggled under the assault of the overwhelming demon army and Beelzebub's bugs. Beelzebub also continued to cast one spell after another.
The mass of demons and bugs prevented Syndrillis, Tetsuo, and the ancient champions from reaching Beelzebub. The devil continued to cast spells without interruption. Many of his spells had extremely long range, hitting the wall and its defenders.
"Hah!" Agamon shouted. The golden disc behind him glowed and revolved at high speed. Multiple beams shot out of the disc in all directions. The flies and roaches swarming around them were evaporated upon contact with the beams.
"Hmph…," Beelzebub grunted in displeasure seeing the scene. The beams from Agamon's disc could instant-kill weak demon-type summons. His demon bugs were only elite grades, so they were susceptible to Agamon's beams.
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