
Chapter 1184. Naivete

An immense number of troops crossed through a vast expanse of grassland. The grassland was part of the Lanoskh region, a border region filled with grasslands and savannahs between Liguritudum and Hydrurond.

Beyond this grassland, the troops could see the mountainous terrain that filled many of Hydrurond's landscapes.

At the border where the grassland and the mountainous terrain blurred, another army lined up and waited. This second army was composed of the draconian race.

The first army that crossed through the grassland was composed of the ethereal race. This ethereal army stopped a distance away and they started forming a line formation.

While the army reorganizing itself, the leaders of the army convened at a temporary command station. Before these leaders was a war table that projected a 3D image that showed their surroundings.

"Have we found out about their numbers?" Master asked.

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