
Chapter 452. Carpet Bombing

Bowler read John's message again, making sure he didn't read wrong. He then replied, "dude. This is not the time to be joking around. If we let them through, it will be like a broken dam. We won't be able to halt their tide anymore."

"Are you the strategist or I am? Just shut up and do as you are instructed!" John said.

Bowler was fuming. Could this guy be any more abhorrent?

Before he could send any retort, Jeanny joined the chatroom, "it's ok, Bowler. Just do as he asked."

"But… that will give the enemies a straight path to the wall entrance," Bowler still protested.

"He must have his reason. It's not just your checkpoints. He also asked for a few others as well," Jeanny said.

"Please note that you need to open them at the same time when I say so, is that clear?" John added.

It took a few seconds before Bowler replied, "fine! Give me some time to relay this command first."

"Make it quick," John simply said.

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