
Chapter 349. War Meeting

While they had their steeds galloping back towards the main army, Jeanny asked Captain Salem, "Why didn't they just attack us while we were still unaware? They would have had an easy win if they ambushed us. Coming all the way just to declare their intention seemed pointless."

"That is their way," Captain Salem replied. "For any orc to go into a conflict, they need to declare it to their opponents before they go into open combat."

"So they never ambush their opponents or use tricks in a fight?" Jack asked.

"Ambushes and tricks are justified after their enemies are made aware of their hostility. Attacking when the other party is unaware is a cowardly and dishonorable act to them. Especially in war, the other party will be allowed one natural night to prepare."

"That is the dumbest thing I ever heard," John commented. "How the heck did such a nation survive with such stupid rule?"

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