
So bright

I was having so much fun hanging the lights with Sunny I had no idea how long it took to do. She looked like a fairy delicately hanging the string lights up onto the hooks. Her dress flowed in the breeze the yellow shon to me like a beacon of warmth. I had never really thought about how dark and dreary the world seemed before. Now all I could see was her radiant light shining so bright, filling my head with nothing but her smile.

We placed each string of lights from one end of the yard to the other, creating a woven blanket of lights. We hung up the last string of lights across the back of the yard and it had started to get a little darker out. We climbed down from the ladders and looked at all the lights now hung.

I took Sunny's hand in mine and thanked her for helping me put up the lights. We looked at each other, both moving closer into a tender embrace. Without warning the lights came on, Al was probably behind this. I looked down at Sunny and she was mesmerised by the lights above us. Her gorgeous green eyes sparkled as she looked out at them in awe.

"Wow they are so beautiful, I wanna stay looking at these forever", she breathed deeply resting her cheek against my chest. Her voice was so gentle and delicate it was like a soft caresses on my skin. "Sweet", she spoke softly, melting me as she looked up into my eyes. "What's your real name?", her eyes filled with sparkles, wrapped me up in them.

"Ben, what's yours", my voice almost shaking as I held her close to me.

"Ben", hearing her say my name sent shivers down my spine, I smiled blushing as she said my name softly. "It's cute I like it, mines Daisy", she said in almost a whisper. Her cheeks flushed as she confessed thinking my name was cute. Her name was so soft and gentle it swirled in my brain as I imagined white daisies.

"Hi daisy, your name is very sweet", i sighed happily finally learning the girl in yellows name. "Can I tell you a secret though", I whispered taking hold of her hand on my chest. She leaned in closer to me nodding furiously. "I like that you call me Sweet, when I hear it I know there's only one person it could be and I can't wait to see you", I professed to her turning red and looking away for a moment. She took my cheek in her other hand and turned my eyes back to hers, she was smiling sweaty. "Daisy I..", i breathed heavily as I tried to get out my words, but she placed her finger on my lips to stop me.

"Sunny, I like when you call me Sunny", she shrugged her shoulders nervously. "You make me feel brighter when you call me Sunny and when I think of that name I think of you", she pulled in her lips looking everywhere but directly at me in an adorable way. I kissed her finger softly showing my approval, she snapped her eyes back to mine and moved her hand back to my cheek.

"Sunny, I really like you", I mustered all my courage to say. I held my breath waiting for her response.

"I really like you too Sweet", she sighed blushing intensely as we both grinned widely, looking deeply into each other eyes.

"Too sweet?", I chuckled raising an eyebrow playfully as I took her cheek in my hand, stroking it tenderly with my thumb.

"Never", she whispered barely making a sound. I lowered my head to hers and guided her face to mine with my hand. We were inches apart, she smelt like meringue and strawberries. My senses collided in my head, I could think of nothing else but kissing her. I pressed my lips to hers gently, a bolt of electricity shot into me from her. My heart was beating aggressively against the inside of my chest, I could feel her heart pounding in her chest as I gripped her waist tighter. I parted my lips and she reciprocated, our kiss was soft yet full of feeling. I felt an uneasiness in the pit of my stomach, thinking to myself this must be what butterflies feel like. I hugged her to me tighter as she moved her hand behind my head. She pulled my head towards her making me kiss her more deeply. I smiled as we kissed feeling giddy and I could feel her smiling just as brightly as I was.

Our lips parted very slowly, I stole smaller light kissed as we separated. I squeezed her tightly to me never wanting to let her go. We both breathed heavily trying to catch our breaths.

Suddenly Sunny gasps darting her eyes to the sky. "Crap! It's so late it's already getting dark!", she spoke quickly becoming frazzled. "My mom will send out a search party if I don't get back soon", she sighed her emerald eyes looking sad up into mine. I kissed her releasing all her worry as she raised to her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around my neck. I groaned against her lips savouring every second. She pulled her lips away and pressed her forehead to mine.

"It's not very late can't I keep you longer", I pleaded squeezing her to me tightly, breathing her in.

"I really don't want to go", she sighed smirking playfully, I kissed her again this time only for a moment. "I really should be getting home", she murmured in a tone that sounded like she was trying to convince herself. I kissed her one last time deeply taking as long as I could.

"Okay sunshine, but I'll be a wreck until you come back", I grumbled turning my head away. She giggled at me and my heart thumped at her sound. She slid herself out of my arms making me frown slightly and held my hands in hers.

"Don't be sad, I'll be back tomorrow", she beamed as the corners of my lips curled up into a smile. My day off tomorrow sprang into my head.

"Well actually… it's my day off tomorrow", as I spoke a jolt of disappointment shot across her face. "Oh I mean!", I quickly clarified my point, "I was going to ask if you wanted to go out with me tomorrow on a date, away from work that is". The silence after I spoke made me nervous, I could feel my insides wriggle as I waisted for her answer. I hoped she's put me out of my misery soon.

"A date!", she lit up, her emerald eyes shimmering. "Id love too Sweet", she blush turning her head down but still looking up at me. "Now I should probably set off home though", she shuffled on the spot.

"Oh let me walk you home, it is getting late", I insisted. I turned and walked with her hand in hand across the yard towards the Restraunt.

"So it's not too late when you want more kisses but it is for me to walk home alone", she scolded pointing at the sky. She had me there but I could tell she was trying to get under my skin.

"That's absolutely right", I stated, "it's never too late for me to kiss you but it's definitely too late to walk home alone". I explained matter of factly, "besides I'd say anything to keep kissing you, your delicious". I winked at her as she turned very red covering her face with her free hand.

When we went in the back door I was relived it was empty, it seemed everyone had gone upstairs for dinner. Al had left 2 pizza slices on the counter top for us with a note that read:

Here's some slices for a job well done, you mustn't forget to eat.

You 2 kids have fun.


I quickly wrote Al a note letting him know I was walking Sunny home and I'd be back later. Sunny and I grabbed a slice of pizza and left the restaurant. I had no idea where she lived so I was following her lead. The streets were so quiet that I could hear her softly breathing as we walked. I decided to break the silence.

"You're not from around here are you?", I said more as a statement than a question. She looked at with surprise as if she thought she fit in immediately.

"What makes you so sure, I could have lived here my whole life", she jested "me and my mom just moved here, I had the choice of getting my own place or coming here with her and well here we are". She shot me a sweet smile as she took a bite of pizza.

"Well I know everyone in this town I've lived here my whole life", I shrugged sounding very uninteresting. She finished her pizza and looked like she had a burning question on the tip of her tongue.

"So.. how come … you don't have a girlfriend? Unless you do then this is awkward", she blushed lightly looking away from me.

"Well for starters I don't have a girlfriend", she sighed in relief. This made me burst out laughing that she was actually being serious about that part. She halted me to stop by my hand and looked at me, her face adorably annoyed.

"Why is that so funny!", she growled, " you're sweet, kind, talented and you look positively yummy", she stopped dead in her tracks as I smirked mischievously. She held her hand to her mouth trying to eat the words that had come out. She turned herself away from me and faced the path we had just walked down. I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her holding her to me.

"I don't have a girlfriend because I didn't like anyone", I explained softly stroking her arms. "I would like to take this girl who just moved to town out on a date tomorrow, I heard she thinks I'm yummy", I grinned with a cheeky smile. I turned her around to face me her cheek were pink and she was trying to hold down a cute smile.

"I meant to say funny!" She protested, grumpily folding her arms.

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