

Unbeknownst to Daeho, his decision to buy useless skill is affected the higher being in that crossover world who had an interest in him.

Almost all of them were puzzled because of the sudden disappearance of the 'High Heaven' Blessing.


On the sanctuary that looks almost identical to a Catholic cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris,except, this one is thousands of times bigger and had many rooms present, one of the biggest is the main hall. In the main hall of that building is one being that engulfed in brilliant white blinding light. Seemingly sitting on the old-looking throne that made out ancient white marble above the elevated platform that had many stairs surround it that function as its ramp.

In front of it— below the stairs were three people kneeling in one leg. From head to toe, their body is equipped in a clad fully coated silver armor that had a golden lining and silver carving. On their back is silver blinding wings. They each had two pairs of wings on their back.

They kneeled in a triangle formation where two of the winged beings kneeled behind one that seemingly report something to the being who engulfed in brilliant light,

"The remnants 'Monarch of White Flames' forces already defeated. Nevertheless, they were appearing again and wander in 'lower heaven' creating havoc and destruction. As such our Ruler; fragment of brilliant ■■ would like to request your excellency assistance in searching and defeating them."

The being who had previously talked finished its report. It put his head upward to look at the being who sits on the throne, expecting an acceptance from it.

While waiting, the expected answer didn't come. Rather, the being who engulfed in brilliant white light muttered a word that three of them couldn't comprehend.

" 'His' life force... dropped?..." Said the beings who were engulfed in a blinding white light whilst looking at the sky. His voice seems angry for some reason.

The three kneeled beings are shuddering hearing its voice.

"Ruler... please cease your anger." said one out of three kneeling beings as he thinks that the ruler— who is being engulfed in brilliant light is angry. Even forgot to use a formal manner of speech.


The ruler didn't answer the winged being. He stood up from his seat and climbed down the stair to move towards him. Along with his step, the light dissipated from its body and reveal the image of a being who adorned in a celestial silver robe with golden lining to it, the being wore a helmet that had a golden cross on its front and a half-broken halo hovering over its head. The ruler had three pairs of silver wings on its back.

"Don't... talk to me... lowly... silver soldier." The ruler said with an authoritative tone.

Hearing the ruler's tone, the silver soldier who had just reported to it was terrified. Almost instantly he apologize,

"This subject wan—" but, he couldn't finish his sentence.


A rift is created below the silver soldier and swallows his body entirely. When he was dropped to the rift the silver soldier behind him could see that the one who is swallowed body is cut in half cleanly. The rift was closed almost immediately after the silver soldier's body enters it.

"!!!" the last two silver soldiers got alerted and terrified. They kowtowed to the Ruler whose now holding a great battleax that only had a sharp side looking like an oversized queen scallop that had golden ornaments that make it looks great. Hence, the name of ax is great battleax.

"Now... lead the way..." said the ruler with another majestic tone in his voice.

""Understood!"" said both of the silver soldiers. Before they stood up and created a silvery portal between them.


On the platform that is made out of a soft red cushion inside seemingly a subway train passage car is a little boy that busy chewing some lollipop on his mouth. In front of him were two blue hovering interfaces that each shows different things.

The right one shows some numbers and writing that definitely wasn't an alphabetical writing system, the 'word' in that interface keep increasing while the little boy focused his gaze on the left interface.

On the left, it shows a panorama video of Daeho hospital suites where Daeho could be seen sleep in the bed peacefully while Su-Ah holding his hands sleeping on the side of the hospital bed.

The boy seems bored for some reason.

Then when Daeho on the screen wakes up and sits on his bed, the boy's eyes perked up, seems full of stars.

"Oh Hyung already wake up! It took you ■■ days, Hyung! Now, show the world who's the boss is!" exclaimed the boy holding the lollipop shaft tightly.

Then instead of doing as the boy said, Daeho on the screen was assessing his situation. On the screen, a blue hovering interface could be seen in front of Daeho.

The boy was dejected at first since he didn't get Daeho to immediately set an action. But, when the boy saw a blue hovering interface in front of Daeho his eyes shone.

"Hmm? oh, oh, oh, Hyung has a system too?! That was great!" the boys said excitedly. The boy jumps on the cushion beneath him, repeatedly, with both of his hands clenched in front of his body.

But then The boy suddenly stops and got a contemplative expression on his face. He said with cupping his chin,

"Hmm, I must cancel that system if I want him to become a ■■ ■■! But how?!" as he put the expression for a minute or two.

Before comically, a literal light bulb appears above his head and it shone brightly!

"Ah, I know!" exclaimed him while plopping his clenched right hand into his spread left palm.

A third blue hovering screen could be seen appearing above the two-screen in front of the boy.

The screen is much or less had the same unidentified writing like the right screen as its content. And then the screen suddenly bounced up and disappear into the void.

The boy's face looks anxious and giddy for some reason that lasted shortly before the boy's eyes shone brightly again.

"Oh. Oh. Oh! The 'High Realm' approved my request! ku ku ku, you would have it hard, Hyung!" exclaimed him while doing a spin with his hand spread wide to the side.

He does the spin for three times before plopped down to the cushion. And with a smiling face, he watches the right screen who shows Daeho.

Daeho could be seen hugging Su-Ah on the screen. Which made the boy displayed a displeased face.

That very displeased face turned into a shocked one before the boy quickly put his hand over his face, he hides beneath it, clearly embarrassed.

"W-what? AAAAAAA!... it's not safe for a child!" said the boy before moving his finger to make a gap. Big enough that it doesn't look like he hides his vision. He could saw the screen clearly between the gap on his finger.

On the screen, Daeho was sitting on the edge of his bed while Su-Ah could be seen sitting by the chair in front of him.

When Su-Ah exposed Daeho member, it slapped Su-Ah's chin and then stood proudly like a tower. The boy mouth went agape, He exclaimed loudly,

"You're a beast Hyung!"

Before shutting up, when the act escalated further. The event on his screen was making the boy speechless as well as interested. He saw the screen which Daeho and Su-Ah could be seen hugged each other with an utmost focus. He even leaned his head to the screen, while his hand still holding his face.

His breath turns rapid as the act continues. The boy's face flushed red... The boy looks like an innocent kid that learning a thing that he shouldn't. But he didn't care, he watches it until the end where Daeho spurts his seed deep inside Su-Ah.

"Is it finished?" the boy asks to the screen with a quivering tone on his tone.

When the boy knew that Daeho wouldn't continue his debauchery after he's bathing Su-Ah. The boy left a relieved sigh and dropped his hands from his face (who really didn't cover anything). While rubbing his chest the boy said, "Huuu... at least it finished!"

And then the screen that shows Daeho has vanished as the boy slumped his body to the cushion beneath him. He closes his vision with both of his palms and says, "T-that was intense... haaa..."

"Didn't expect Hyung to become that crazy." mumble him softly to his palm.

A while later, he was abruptly stood up from his sleeping position. His red face is nowhere to see and changed into a displeased one. He even had a tick on his forehead.

"The power suddenly dropped?" asked him with an irritated voice.

But then, when he looks at the ceiling of the train passage car his face was formed the widest smile he could produce. Though, the tick on his forehead didn't disappear. Rather, it increased when he felt something and release a loud maniacal laugh while pointing in the direction he sees.

"Ha ha ha!" he 'laugh' at the ceiling. Before continuing while spreading his arm. He said, pointing himself with his thumb, "You couldn't hide from me, Hyung! For me, 'The ■■' is an omniscient being!"

He said with a loud tone that sounded very angry. And then, when he wants to say thing further a voice that comes from behind stopped him. The voice said, "But didn't have any real power besides peeking someone or something in the entire universe and influence the being in some ways with the price of your own power decreasing..."

The boy turned his body to find out who would dare to stop his rant. Only to make an annoyed face when he learns who the perpetrator was. The boy releases a sigh before saying, "Dokkaebi king..."

It was a creature that had the looks of a white furball that had limbs, a comically large face, and a pair of small yellow horn on its head. The creature is almost had the same size as the boy. It wears a formal black stripe business suit as its clothing and black fedora as its hat. 'Dokkaebi King'— as the boy called the creature, was hovering above the boy looking at him with a deadpan expression.

His expression irritated the boy. The disappeared tick on his forehead that disappear when he sigh was coming back to him.

"Come here you bastard!" shouted the boy while hopping and jumping to reach Dokkaebi King.

Alas, the boy isn't tall enough to reach Dokkaebi King. The boy soon got exhausted and slumped at the cushion again. Dokkaebi King looked at the boy with a pity and amused expression.

"Sigh... you shouldn't watch that person, you know. He's too NSFW for a child your age." said the Dokkaebi King as he sighed.

"What about it huh?! I'm already 15!" barked the boy to him. The suggestion from Dokkaebi King is touching all of his buttons.

"But you look like an elementary schooler, it's inappropriate!" The Dokkaebi King retorted the boy almost instantly.

That made the boy taken aback and got into contemplation. He cupped his chin and said, "That's true..."

"How long until Han Sooyung finished her story again? I want to see 'Hyung' in some action!" said him to Dokkaebi King before realizing something. The boy added, "Ah not the bed 'action', mind you!"

Dokkaebi King scoffed hearing his reasoning and question. But still answer nonetheless.

"In earth year? it's ■ years. In ours? ■■ years." Dokkaebi king said while looking at the newly hovering screen in front of him.

"Ugh I hate time dilation!" complained the boy to Dokkaebi King.

"It's 'High Realm' decree. We can't possibly change it." Dokkaebi King said while sighed as he had a powerless expression written on his fur-filled face.

"Loophole!" said the boy while pointing up.

"Can't do." answer the Dokkaebi simply while crossing his small hand to make a 'no' hand sign.

"Arghhh... I want mooreeeee! what a stupid decree that makes me could only watch him one time every ■■ days!" complained the boy while rolling left and right on his cushion.

"You can request to rearrange his story to your liking or possibly using a 'roundabout' to help Han Sooyung on creating her web novel without decreasing your power, you know." suggest the Dokkaebi King.

"No, nada, nehi, arienai, aniya ! I already requested a thing from 'them', I couldn't ask for more! And the loophole for helping Han Sooyung is too much of a hassle! I don't want to meet those tentacle monsters!" denied the boy as he continued to roll on the cushion.

"I want more, I want more, I want moreee!" he nags to Dokkaebi King while still rolling and punching the cushion.

"Ugh... why did our universe strongest beings is this lazy and greedy at the same time?" Dokkaebi King said while put his palm on his own face.

"Let's just watch or read something else..." said the Dokkaebi King before swiping his small hand horizontally.

Many screens could be seen hovering and circling around both of The Dokkaebi King and The boy. It is filled with a scene like movies from a different perspective. There's even writing that looks like a novel with an unreadable alphabet.

The boy stopped rolling on the cushion and sat up to looks at the screen with interest.

"Fine..." the boy finally gives up from his nag. He looks at the hovering screen to search for something interesting. When he scanned the surrounding screen his eyes perked for one screen.

"What is that?" the boy pointed at one particular hovering screen that shows a gazebo with 7 humanoid figures sitting inside of it. Which in answer Dokkaebi King hovers to that screen and looks at it with his hands cupping his chin.

Then Dokkaebi King makes a realization face.

"Oh? They're 'Lost Paradise' guardians. The seven Goddesses of sin. It seems like they'd also had found 'him'." said the Dokkaebi King to the boy.

"Hmm... interesting..." the boy got interested and soon the focused screen enlarged which both the boy and Dokkaebi King could see the people on the screen clearly.


In the middle of a flower garden that spends infinitely to the horizon is a lone wide tree that shade over a gazebo below its dense leaves.

The White Gazebo who had eight sides to it was wide enough to have a big table in the center of it. The white exquisite carved table is surrounded by seven humanoids figure of woman that wore a cloak from head to toes who sat on an elegant chair that looks like from the 17th century. They all had the same outfit and appearance. What differentiates them is their height and the aura color that surrounded their body.

All of the figures had contemplative looks on their face. Except for one figure that slumped on the table burying her head inside her own crossed hands, who had a lazy dark bluish aura surrounding her.

"So you're saying that we should combine our contributions to find that 'Blessed by High Heaven' Person?" said one figure who had a golden aura surrounding her.

Her voice is deep and calculating.

"Yes! Yes! I and Gula already mark his presence and tasked an earthling to search for him. But the one who we tasked to do the searching job couldn't find him! Moreover, before the meeting, our tag was already being busted for some reason! Hence, we need all our contributions point to pinpoint that person's location!" said Luxuria who had a red-pink aura surrounding her, she explains it with an excited voice.

"Do you have his picture?" asked the golden aura figure. She asked with interest, her aura grew intense.

"Sadly no... we only 'tagged' his presence, remember?" said Luxuria while looking down. Since she doesn't want to lie she said it truthfully.

"If you want his picture then you should approve our proposal to use our combined contributions points, Avaritia." Gula who had an aura of black seeing Luxuria couldn't persuade her sister, she butted in, she wants to hook the golden aura figure who had the name of Avaritia.

"Hmm... okay. I got curious." Avaritia got hooked and immediately agreed to Gula's proposals.

It made Luxuria rejuvenated with energy. She wants to thanks her and talk more but got cut by a fierce voiced being who talk faster than her.

"Hey! you accepted it just like that?! do you know how hard it is for us to get a tiny bit of contribution points?!" asked the figure who had an red fiery aura surrounding her, she seemed gritted her teeth below the cloaks.

"Well... I got curious, Ira. My tendencies want to knew the prospect of that blessed person, after all. The prospect of having a person who'd blessed by 'their' blessing is big, you know." said Avaritia to Ira. She explain it while her aura grow intense.

"But!—" Ira want to retort but got cut by her sister.

"I approve. I want to get that child for me." said a figure who had an aura of green while looking at Avaritia. The aura surrounding her seems intense for some reason.

"Invidia, not you too!" said Ira with 'unbelievable' tone on her voice.

Seeing her sister that would go into a debate, a figure who had blue aura surrounding her spoke. She said, "Do you have any suggestion besides using our contributions points, Ira?"

"W-we could use the earthlings to search for him! you have many followers aren't you, Superbia?" inquire Ira to Superbia with clumsy reasoning.

"I have plenty child. But, my tendencies couldn't let me to possibly lower myself to their levels. So, no. I approve Gula and Luxuria's proposal." said Superbia with a resolution.

"Oh, cmon!" Ira said with an irritated voice.

"Then what is your answer, Ira? do you accept it or not?" asked Luxuria. She pressed Ira with a playful tone.

Ira opened her mouth only to had it closed again. She couldn't persuade her sister to think more clearly or reject the offer since it will caused a bad effect on their relationship. She looks at her last defense.

"Ugh... Acedia, can't you help me?!" said her to the figure who had slept since the beginning.

Acedia— who had been slept was flinched for a second before groggily lift her body up. She looks at her sisters with her eyes that contain a galaxy. She wipes her eyes that change it to become normal again— the ethereal eyes. Before stretching her body for a minute or two.

The figure beside her was waiting patiently. It seems that it's Acedia habitual since 6 other figures didn't do anything and act like it's normal for them.

Then she looks at Luxuria and Gula direction across the table with a smirk on her mouth. She said, "No need..."

It made both of them dejected and felt defeated. Other was surprised at her answer. Like it wasn't her usual self to go against the majority vote.

"Acedia! I know you're my best sister!" said Ira while hugging her tightly. She was grateful for Acedia's answer since she wasn't the only one who disapproves of the proposal from Gula and Luxuria.

Because if there are two goddesses that against the majority vote. It was a standstill until there's only one who rejected it, and the proposal couldn't be processed.

"His... Fate... Hoaam... His fate interlinked with us." said Acadia lazily while yawning.

"" Huh? "" was come out from everyone except Acadia. They didn't know what the meant of her words.

Rather than that, 'His'? the 'Blessed person by high heaven' is a man?! this is new discovery!

"It's said that we will become his 'woman'... in other words... wife." Acadia continued her word. That felt like a bomb to other goddesses.

"There's no way!" refute Ira release her hug from Acadia. She had an angry tone in her voice while her aura intensified. While other goddesses had the same 'couldn't believe' aura surrounding them. They were speechless as well as surprised.

"That's... you... could ask... Chief deity... hoaam... I use mine to ask about his fate... I got interested..." using her usual demeanor of speaking Acadia explain with an intermittent sentence.

"You use your contributions points?!" asked Luxuria with a surprised tone. The other goddess was the same as Luxuria who looks like a surprised person.

"Yup... so... hoaam... let's just wait until this year tutorial begins." said Acadia while stood from her seat. She had the smallest build between the sisters. Acadia looks at her sister with a wide grin.

"Bye bye~ see you... in March." Acadia said while waving her hand before disappearing like a gust of wind.

Everyone was speechless at the revelation from Acadia. and a silence descended upon the gazebo vicinity. Only a hush of wind could be heard. The goddesses were too surprised they all looks like a petrified person.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm..." a humming from one of the goddesses broke up the silence. It was coming from Avaritia. She had a playful demeanor on her body as she hums while cupping her chin. She continues while laughing, "We will become his woman? Ahahaha can't wait! bye, sisters."

And she disappears the same way as Acadia after bid farewell to other goddesses.

"... Must be a dud on its side." Mumble Invidia who had her green aura turn chaotic as she disappears from her seat.

Bang! a loud sound reverberated on the place. It come from a collision between a fist and a wooden table. Even though the punch was very strong the table didn't break, it's doesn't even get a scratch. The punch was coming from Superbia's fist as a gritted sound could be heard from her mouth.

"How dareth thy mortal want to become my husband?! Unbelievable! I must ask chief diety! it must be false!" shout her denying Acadia's statement, her blue aura that was supposed to be calm and tranquil was fierce and dangerous after she punches the table. She vanished after finishing her sentence.

Ira who had a speechless demeanor since the beginning of Acadia revelation of her using her own contribution points was walking to the side of Gula and Luxuria. She didn't say anything except looking at her sisters while suppressed her aura. After a few seconds she opened her mouth.

"... I must back to my abode, sisters. I'm sorry for getting angry at you..." Ira apologizes while bowing 45 degrees to Gula and Luxuria's direction.

"!!!" which made both of the receivers very alerted. Ira never apologized to her sisters because of her fiery tendency. This was very worrying.

"What's happened, Ira?" asked Luxuria while holding Ira's shoulder. She had a very worried tone in her voice.

"... please don't ask. Goodbye." Ira shakes her head before vanishing herself. Leaving the worried goddesses in place without an answer.

Then, a very dangerous aura could be felt by two of the goddesses, It spread far and wide on that place coming from the horizon. Both of them smile wryly after feeling the Aura explosion.

"Well... now I know what happened to Ira..." said Luxuria before slumping on her seat again.

"Sigh... at least we know that the blessed person will come to this place..." sighed Luxuria to herself. She looks at Gula with a grin.

"But, husband? pfft, I don't think so, don't you think the same, Gula?" joked Luxuria to Gula that sits beside her.

"..." Gula didn't answer her. Instead, she was cupping her own chin and looking down at the table seemingly think about something that only she knows.

"Gula?" asked Luxuria while grabbing Gula's shoulder.

"Hmm? ah, nothing... I just think... about something..." said Gula while removing Luxuria's hand. She stood up and continue, "Let's end the meeting, Luxuria."

Then, she vanish from the place. Leaving Luxuria alone at that place.

"Weird Gula..." mumbles Luxuria looking at the place where Gula vanishing.

"Then again... husband? now I'm really interested in that person..." said her to herself while leaning on the chair. She moves her head upwards to looks at the Gazebo ceiling before closing her ethereal eyes, her hand slumped to the side. Luxuria seems on a deep thought.

"Should I... descend to earth, perhaps?" mused Luxuria to herself before vanishing from the Gazebo.

Now that infinite space that holds a gazebo and endless flower garden was looking very desolate and void of any living being who occupied its beautiful landscape. It was very peaceful until a movement from the gazebo railing could be seen, a very small bug that had a polka dot pattern on its wing could be seen flying away after hiding in the gazebo's railing. It disappears from the place after a slight ripple eats its body.


Meanwhile, in a mortal world, Daeho who doesn't know a thing about 'higher being' matter was still looking at the hovering notification in front of him with a loss on his face.

[Ding! Yun Seohui affection +200]

The notification was hovering in front of him while moving up and down very slowly. Like want to mock and laugh at Daeho's misery.


Alt. Title : -The cheap skill that confuses Gods and goddesses alike.

A.N :

Yeeognge nilgh'rinah ph'nglui ephaiagl.

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