
Finals start

"...So you are saying that I cannot participate in the finals because my teammates are in no condition to fight. Now this is bullshit," said Sekke as he looked at Marx with his arms crossed.

"...Please wear some clothes before we discuss more of this," said Marx with a sigh.

'How can 'it' be that big?' thought Marx feeling a bit inferior.

"Hm...wait," said Sekke as he used his magic to summon his storage safe and got in only to back a minute later fully dressed.

"Aw." said multiple women in disappointment, with one of them being Anna. Mimosa didn't say anything but she too felt a bit disappointed.

"So as I was saying. Let me fight in the finals."

"But your teammates are down."

"Yes and?! Look I don't want to boast about it or anything, the only one who was even useful amongst the two of them was Willie. Adrian was just being an asshat." said Sekke.

Marx knew what Sekke was saying was true since he monitored all the matches.

"Sorry, Sekke-kun. But rules are rules. This exam was held to choose the best magic knights among all of you. And you all were split up into different teams to monitor your teamwork capabilities. If there is no team then how at we gonna judge your teamwork?" said Marx.

Sekke stood silent for a moment before he started speaking once again, "It's true that strength and teamwork are important for the magic knights that you are selecting...but a magic knight should have the mindset for finishing the task given to them even if their comrades are unable to fight."

"...you really gonna play the morals card now?" said Marx.

"Oh, I sure as hell am," replied Sekke.

The two stared at each other for a while before Marx looked at Julius who was looking at Marx with twinkling eyes.

"...and this magic-crazed idiot is definitely on your side since he wants to see more of your magic. Alright, you can participate in the finals," said Marx with a sigh.

"Hell yeah!!" said both Sekke and Julius simultaneously as they high-fived.

"Good job Sekke-kun! To be able to handle Marx like that, you really are amazing. Teach me your ways."

"Heh, it was nothing."

"Y-You idiots!!!" yelled Marx as he was the two blond idiots jumping around in joy.

"I-Its time to start the 2nd match of stage 3 you two calm down!!" yelled Marx once again sewing that the two idiots were not stopping.

The two immediately stopped as Julius went back to his seat to witness the next match.

Sekke as well decided to take a little rest before the finals.

"Are you sure it will be fine my other half? You don't have much mana left? That last stunt took a lot out of you," said Vritra.

'How much exactly?'

"Around 30% left.... of course, it's a different case if you absorb mana with my help," said Vritra trying to tempt Sekke.

'It should be enough...though that mostly depends on how much the other party is prepared to face me.' thought Sekke.


Stage-3 Match-2

Winners: En, Yuno, Noelle


"...Are you sure you can beat him with only 30% of your mana?" asked Vritra in a hesitant tone.

'...That [Spirit Storm] attack was stronger than any of my base form attacks.' thought Sekke.

"That's a spirit for you, 100% output rate. Not to mention that man is a mana-sensitive being just like you," answered Vritra.

'...Looks like I need to stop holding back.' thought Sekke.

"You will burn through your remaining mana very soon if you did that. Low-output spells aren't gonna work you know. Though debuff is a different case."

'I will only debuff him if things are going to get grim. After all, I am not holding back in this round.'

"You sure don't like to do things easily."

'Easy is efficient, but being a dark lord I need to do things with more oomph. I need to make it very clear that there was no chance of them winning anyway.'

"To set your position at the top of the pecking order, that's so dragon-like. I like that! Alright, let's do this together my other half!!!" said Vritra with enthusiasm.

'No action for you Vritra.'

"WHY?! PLEASE LET ME DO IT!!!" complained Vritra.

Sekke ignored the dragon and focused on the wind spirit user who was still present on the field.

"So, Sekke-kun. Still, want to fight 3 vs 1?" asked Julius.

"It is 1 vs 3 wizard king. And yes, I still want to. How can I not after seeing such a fight?" said Sekke with an excited smile on his face.

Julius smiled seeing the excited look on Sekke's face and ordered mages to fix the field immediately.

Yuno and his team soon returned to the stage for the mages to start maintaining the field.

Yuno who was being congratulated by Klaus and Mimosa immediately looked towards Sekke, and so did Noelle and En.

"Even though you have a disadvantage, I won't be holding back," said Yuno.

"Disadvantage? More like it's now a bit more balanced, hold back? Don't even think about that if you want to survive for a while." replied Sekke.

"Sekke, are you sure you want to do this?" asked Noelle.

"Hm? Thinking about your teacher Noell. Start worrying after you can successfully land an attack on me."

"You are not my teacher!! And it's not like I am worrying about you!!! I-I-It just that it is below royalty to bully someone like this!!"

"Ho~, bully me...be prepared, Noelle," said Sekke with a smile on his face.

'...I have done it now...' thought Noelle with a slight fear as she noticed the smile on Sekke's face.

"Hmph! Be prepared me and my Yuno-kun are gonna beat you so bad that you will stop being so arrogant." said the wind spirit.

"Try as hard as you can Tinker Bell. You and your Yuno-kun will face the bitter truth then," replied Sekke.

Sparks flew between Bell and Sekke as they glared at each other.

"Yuno! Beat the crap out of that bastard!!" said Bell.

"I will win." declared Sekke.

"That's a nice delusion. Try your best Yuno," said Sekke with a smile as he gave a thumbs up.

Yuno's brows twitched at his words, he knew that Sekke was strong. But he believed that he can beat him now since he has improved. He also wanted to pay him back from the star festival, since it was Sekke's squad that won and he got the most stars this time as well.

'I will prove that I am stronger than you.' thought Yuno as he clenched his fist and walked away.

"Let's hope all this trash talk doesn't come to bite you back," said Vritra.

'It won't...I guess.' replied Sekke.

"So even the dark lord is somewhat hesitating about victory? Now that's a first for me," said Vritra

'Oh, don't worry. I will win one way or another. I ain't losing that's for sure. I just hope that my victory is great.' replied Sekke.

"Hah, you and your pride," said Vritra with a sigh.

Sekke didn't say anything and got ready as Julius called both teams.


"Alright! The final match of the royal knight's selection exam! Begin!" declared the announcer.

Sekke's grimoire immediately started flipping and a giant hand made of bronze appeared below him as Sekke took off to the sky.

Yuno, Noelle, and En saw Sekke riding on top of a giant hand coming toward them.

Seeing that all of them turned serious and looked at the other two.

"I will handle him. Protect the crystal," ordered Yuno as he took off to the sky at a far greater speed.

"Looks like Mr. Spirit man is first. Better go back to the ground. He has an advantage up in the air." said Vritra.

Sekke smirked seeing Yuno coming towards him at full speed. His grimoire started flipping as mana gathered near him making Yuno stop as he thought that Sekke was about to attack.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Bronze Rider]

Sekke's bike appeared in mid-air and started falling making Yuno and the others look at it with deadpan looks on their faces.

Sekke then jumped from the hand as well and yelled.

"Kaiser!! [Flight Mode]"

Light came out of the bike and it soon transformed into a hoverboard-like object and stopped mid-air.

Sekke landed on it and immediately pumped his mana into it making a blue light come from its back as it zoomed forward.

"See you later Yuno!" said Sekke as he waved his hands and brushed passed Yuno who just blinked his eyes in surprise.

"Wait!!!" yelled Yuno as soon as he realized what happened and started following Sekke, but because of his speed Sekke was already quite far away.

"Bell!!" said Yuno.

"Yes!!" replied Bell as strong gusts of wind came from Yuno pushing him forward at a greater speed.

[Wind Creatiom Magic: Wind Blades shower]

Various swords made of wind appeared around Yuno and immediately shot forward toward Sekke.

Feeling the blades with his mana detection and ki Sekke smirked as his glider started rising straight up dodging the blades.

"Two can play that game."

[Bronze Creation Magic: Countless swords]

Around a hundred blades formed around Sekke all aimed towards Yuno.

Yuno looked back at Sekke with a serious look as Sekke fired all the blades at Yuno.

Yuno saw the incoming swords without any expression on his face as grimoires started flipping.

[Wind Magic: Towering Toranado]

Swift winds started to gather and started forming a tornado.

But out of nowhere the winds slowed down and the tornado disappeared.

[Time Debuff Magic: Slow X 4]

Yuno's eyes widened in surprise as he saw his spell disappear because the winds were not fast enough to form a tornado. But soon he turned serious as he saw the incoming swords.

"Bell," said Yuno in a calm tone.

"You got it." said the spirit as she blew toward the incoming swords

[Spirit Magic: Sylph's Breath]

A huge twister immediately appeared destroying the incoming swords as Bell stood with a proud look on her face.

"Heh, that's good," said Sekke as he saw the giant mass of mana twister.

His grimoire started flipping as mana gathered in his arm.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Giga Drill Breaker]

A huge drill appeared above his arm and started spinning rapidly.

"Kaiser!! Full speed!" yelled Sekke as the eyes on the hoverboard glowed and rushed toward the mana twister.

Sekke pointed the drill toward the twister and once they collided the winds dissipated instantly revealing a shocked Yuno and Bell.

Seeing that Sekke smirked as he continued to rush towards the two of them.

Yuno frowned and immediately moved away from the path of the attack.

But before even Sekke reached close to him, Sekke changed his direction.

'...He is heading toward the crystal!!!' realized Yuno as he saw Sekke heading toward the crystal at full speed.

"Bell!! Spirit Assimilation."

"You got it!"

Both Yuno and Bell's bodies glowed and soon Yuno's appearance changed.

[Spirit Assimilation: Spirit Dive]

The transformed Yuno was now the faster one as he immediately overtook Sekke and stopped a bit far away from him and started gathering mana.

[Spirit Magic: Spirit Storm]

A huge beam made of mana shot forward from Yuno's hand toward the incoming Dark Lord's attack.

Seeing the attack Sekke smirked and the drill got bigger and started spinning faster as it emitted a blue glow.

The two attacks collided and the drill started to slow down but still kept on penetrating the mana beam.

"You won't beat me," said Yuno as he increased the output making the beam larger as well and slowing down the generation speed.

"Lucky for me I don't need to," said Sekke who appeared beside Yuno on his hoverboard and waved him goodbye as he rushed toward the crystal once again.

Yuno blinked in surprise but soon realized what happened.

"Heh, I really like it when people think I cannot leave my attacks which are attached to my body active after letting go of them," said Sekke, and soon he got close to the crystal.

"Hello Noelle!" said Sekke as his grimoire started flipping.

[Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Roar]

A huge dragon made of rapidly flowing water appeared out of Noelle's wand and roared at Sekke before it launched toward him.

[Bronze Creation Magic: Weapon Make-Gasyer Blaster]

A gate blaster appeared in front of Sekke and started charging mana and soon fired a beam at the incoming water dragon, destroying it in the process.

Noelle's face paled as she saw the incoming attack and her grimoire started flipping once again.

[Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragons Lair]

A dome of water appeared around her, En, and the crystal, and just as it appeared the mana beam hit it causing an explosion.


Once the explosion died down Noelled sighed seeing that her magic was able to stop the attack.

"Don't feel relieved yet," said Sekke as he jumped from the hoverboard and headed towards the water barrier.

[Bronze Magic: Bronze Body-Logia]

Sekke jumped into the dome and immediately the strong force of the water currents started to push him out and cracks started to appear in his body.

"Heh, trying to stop me...that's cute," said Sekke as he started to move forward one step at a time.

"!!!! What should we do?!!! He is not stopping at all!!!" said Noelle in a panicked tone as she saw Sekke trying to enter the barrier.

"Prepare your attack magic Noelle-chan," said En as his grimoire started flipping.

[Fungus Magic: Towering Mr. Mushroom]

A giant mushroom with limbs and a face appeared in front of Sekke and tried to push him out of the dome but soon started to get damaged by the strong water waves inside the water wall.

Noticing what En was doing Noelle turned serious and started gathering mana once again.

[Water Creation Magic: Sea Dragon's Roar]

The water dragon appeared once again and rushed toward Sekke and soon joined forces with the giant mushroom to push Sekke out.

"Well, Noelle finally landed a spell on me properly," said Sekke in a calm tone as his hands started glowing and soon turned gigantic.

Sekke then held the giant mushroom with one of his hands and threw him away while the sea dragon continued to push Sekke.

Sekke's legs glowed as he dug them into the ground preventing the dragon to push him back.

Feeling the ki and mana detection Sekke smirked and said, "Yuno-kun is back. Better give him your greeting."

Sekke's body started to change into a giant hole appeared in him and the dragon passed through him and headed toward Yuno who got hit by it since he didn't expect that.

Noelle frowned in horror as she saw the scene. She was hopeful since she saw Yuno coming but Sekke just crushed her hopes with her own attack.

"What to do now?!" asked Noelle as she looked at En who fell silent.

"Wait for the dark lord's victory," said Sekke as his body got normal once again as he started moving forward again.

"Noelle-chan take the crystal to the other end of the wall and stand behind me. I will try to stop him," said En as he took a step forward.

Noelle wanted to protest but one look at Sekke and she realized that she didn't have any plan that could stop him and decided to follow En's idea.

"So Mr. Mushroom wants to face me. Alright," said Sekke as he finally entered the barrier.

"You really are hard to stop," said En.

"The Dark Lord is unstoppable. Now then, mushroom man. I hope that you are ready." said Sekke as he smirked.

En's mana gathered as his grimoire started flipping.

[Fungus Magic: Mr. Mushroom Bomb Squad]

Four giant humanoid Mushrooms appeared around Sekke, making him smirk as two swords appeared in his hands.

"Noelle-chan, release your defensive magic and move away," said En.

Noelle nodded and stopped using her magic and moved back along with the crystal.

Seeing the dome disappear Sekke got ready to attack since he realized that Noelle was running away with Crystal and Yuno was coming close as well.

Mana gathered in his swords as Sekke's hand moved rapidly slicing the giant humanoid mushrooms and immediately the mushrooms died releasing their spores

"Was that it? Not even a challenge. And where is the bomb part?" asked Sekke feeling a bit underwhelmed.

"Here it is," said En as Mushrooms appeared all over Sekke's body.

"Gross," muttered Sekke in disgust as he saw the mushrooms all over his body. But soon he widened his eyes in shock and started to pull the mushrooms off his body.

"Too late," said En as Sekke got engulfed in an explosion that sent him flying.

"Woah?! That worked!! You are amazing En." said Noelle as she saw Sekke's body flying and landing away from them.

Soon Yuno appeared and landed near them with a surprised look on his face.

"H-His mana..."

Sekke who landed away from soon stood up with smoke still around his body.

"That bastard, really did it," said Sekke with a frown.

"[Fungus Magic: Mr. Mushroom Bomb Squad] releases spores that make mushrooms grow up on the target. Those mushrooms then explode after absorbing mana from the target. So in simple terms-"

"...I cannot use magic, for a while now," said Sekke as he walked closer to them with two swords in his hands and barely any clothes on his chest while his pants were destroyed a bit as well.

'Vritra, how much mana do I have?' asked Sekke.

"Less than 2% my other half. That was a really impressive attack," replied Vritra.

Sekke frowned after hearing that. He could feel that his mana reserves were low, but he didn't expect them to be that low.

Sekke stopped as he sighed and looked down.

"W-wait, does that mean, he cannot use magic? Like at all!!" said Noelle with surprise and looked at En

Yuno looked at En as well for answers wanting to know if there was a catch as well since this made things too convenient for them.

En nodded and said, "Yes, his mana levels are below the range required to cast spells. So you can both rest assured. The victory is as good as ours."

En looked at the two of his teammates with a confident look on his face.

Yuno and Noelle we're surprised but we're starting to get excited.

But all of a sudden a blur passed them and soon they heard a cracking noise.

They looked toward the direction where the blur went and saw a sword stuck in their crystal with a few cracks around it and some of its pieces on the ground.

"The victory is as good as yours....now who decided that,"

Next chapter