

"I received and played your voice message, your call recording with Josh. I thought you are making me jealous.", Rain said while she is scrolling through our conversation.

"Seriously? Getting jealous about Josh? We're not talking anymore but you and I, look at us, we're still together. I just sent that to you because the humming of the person at the second floor is clearly audible."

"Yeah I heard about that. How dare you send that to me late at night! That gave me goose bumps! But hey, you really can't forgive him?"

"Who? Josh?"

"Yes. He is trying, reaching out so hard to reconnect with you."

"I just can't. I mean he fooled me."

I heard her sighed, dropped her phone on her desk and looked at me.

"I know he fooled you, including me, I was really fooled by him. But you can't disregard that he knows something about you and your mom Kelly. What if he knows where to find your real mom as well?"

"I don't know Rain. I'm scared."

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