
Another Kind of Man


A huge, snarling lion landed on the dirt in front of her, just as the wolf-woman pounced. For the second time since arriving in Anima, Elia had a moment of seeing her death reach for her, followed by a shocking interruption.

The wolf-woman yelped as the lion cuffed her from the air and she tumbled to the dirt. Within seconds this creature had all three of the wolves bowing, eyes down, no more arrogant swagger, no more sharp promises for her fate.

But then this…. thing turned on her and Elia's heart leapt into her throat. Pounding feet behind her announced yet more arrivals, but Elia was held, frozen in the golden gaze of this massive animal. But she recognized Behryn's voice behind her when he spoke.

"Elia, it's Reth. He's just… it's Reth!"

Elia blinked.

The eyes. Those deep, golden eyes that she'd seen the other night in Reth when they were interrupted and Behryn was asking him to come back.

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