
Blood Dragons

"Blood Dragons?" I asked confused. I never heard of a blood dragon before. Why did they seem so terrified by this realization? What was it about a blood dragon that had them sitting in stunned silence?

"Blood Dragons are a very rare breed. So rare and so powerful that other Dragon's even call them 'God amongst Dragons'. It is said the Blood Dragon's can use the blood of any being, and use that to amplify their abilities. So for example, if you kill another magic being they would be able to use their aura and magnify their attacks. Obviously the weaker the blood, the weaker the attack. Of course this doesn't come without draw backs." I watch Drake's face distort as he spoke. It wasn't in disgust, more like admiration.

"What kind of draw backs? Shouldn't Sebastion be here for this?" Sebastion should be here so he could learn of this too, especially since he was of the same blood line after all.

"Sebastion is in a...sensitive mind set right now. After hearing you where attacked and your limp body, he became unglued." Master muttered under his breath. I could only imagine Sebastion launching himself at Master upon my arrival. Fending off me was one issue, but Sebastion was just as bad when it came to temper and to skill. Of course his anger is worse than mine and he was worse when it came to explaining situations.

"As for draw backs, it is so very rare that a Blood Dragon is able to give birth. Let alone with twins. It is said that it takes a very strong vessel to be able to carry out the birth of the powerful blood dragons. So the fact that there are indeed two of you is astounding. A miracle. It explains why Lord Draynar disappeared for as long as he did." Drake said leaning against the chair, his eyes where searching mine. He was waiting for my reaction to this information. But I couldn't offer him a very good one because a part of me wasn't willing to accept their answer. At least not yet.

"So how do you know all this? There are no books in history that cover blood dragons, so I find it suspicious that you are so well informed." I offered as my response. A grin spread across his face, his eyes lighting up.

"Silly. I thought you of all people would have put it together by now. You are normally so preceptive but I guess since this is your first time being exposed to the truth I will let it slide. We are dragons of course. We belong to the Dark Dragon clan. I am Crown Prince Drake Bane. This is my little and only brother Argus Bane." So they are Dragons as well. I guess that would make sense. "We keep the secret of the Blood Dragon's a secret for a very good reason. If Drakos was to find out about your kind, he would use that against us. We are the only race that he hasn't successfully tormented and that makes him very angry." He almost sounded pleased by this information. Like pissing Drakos off was his life long goal.

"So there are more of you. Where are they?" If there was more of them, then they shouldn't need the help of commoners. They would already be knee deep into the guild and tearing them apart. Aren't dragons suppose to be formidable?

"It's not that easy. Sure Dragons are strong, but they are still weak against Drakos's special ability. If we all went charging in with out a care, Drakos would only become stronger and then he really would take over the world. It's hard enough to find Mage's strong enough to hold him off while we find a way to stop him." I opened my mouth to ask another question but he silenced me with a wink. "I know I know. Every Kingdom use to have a what we called Guardian Mages. These Mages had special abilities that would work against Drakos's ability. They where assigned to protect the Kingdoms from Drakos's influence, but over time they mysteriously passed away or where assassinated. Very few remain to this day, and that is why Drakos hasn't been able to fully conquer all of Andris." Andris was the country we resided in currently. It was made up Seven Kingdoms, with Seven Powerful rulers. Drakos, King Travis; Drakos minion, King Harold of the Eastern Kingdom, Bastion of the Northern Kingdom; deceased, King Gracin of Western Kingdom, Queen Amelia of the Capital, and Queen Jasamine of the Sea.

Four of these Kingdoms where not under the influence of Drakos. Queen Amelia, Queen Jasamine, King Gracin, and King Harold. Bastion had died obviously due to not obeying and following the ways of Drakos. So that really only left King Travis and what ever small territories he could conquer. So the reason that Drakos hasn't made any progress on world domination is because magic still in fact existed. If he where to get his hands on something so powerful and rare, he could deal with the Mages directly and throw down the walls of each Kingdom and make them bend their knees. His plan after all was world domination.

"I assume Drakos can't steal my magic or Sebastion and I would already be dead. So his actual plan is to make us break and use us at his will." I summarized blandly. It put a sour taste in my mouth just thinking about it. Would Sebastion and I ever really break under his will? I would like to say that my mind is strong and that would never happen, but he did almost make me break once. Of course it wasn't to his will, but still. That wasn't something I was willing to find it either.

"Unfortunately that seems the case, my lady. Which means we will be needing to take extra precautions to keep you and your brother safe." My head was now throbbing. What was I suppose to do with all this information? I couldn't really process it because it sounded so ridiculous, but it also made sense as well. I wanted to ask more, but I wasn't sure that I could handle any more for today. Right now all I wanted to do was see Sebastion and make sure he was ok. After all, Sebastion was my only family, and the only one I could trust.

Drake reached a tentative hand out to me, slowly reaching for my hand. I wanted to hesitate and drag my hand away from him, but something deep down told me to keep still. His fingers wrapped gently around mine, a warm rush spreading across my body like a security blanket. Despite my unease and my anguish, he still managed to calm me. Why was it that he was the only one that had this affect on me? I sighed and squeezed his hand slightly despite my inner protests. I couldn't give them the wrong idea, I still couldn't trust them. At least not completely. There was a lot about this that still didn't make sense to me.

"Come on. Let's get you out of here my little rose. We placed you down here so your brother wouldn't get any ideas and storm in while we where chatting. He can be quite hot headed when he is upset." Drake rose from the chair and dragged me to my feet. Not letting go of my hand I walked slowly behind him, almost dragging my feet. Where was here any way?

"Where exactly are we anyway. I don't recall the Manor having a dungeon." I said staring at the stone hallways we walked down. We passed many empty cells. They all looked identical to mine. Torches lined the wall and filled the damn hallway with light. If it had not been for the torches, this whole dungeon would be cast into a deep darkness. A darkness that would drive you made if you where to be in it long enough. There wasn't a single window in the whole room, which meant that little oxygen would circulate as well. That's why the air felt so stale.

"You are in the Eastern Kingdom dungeons. I had Argus bring you here while you where under a temporary sleeping spell. According to what I had been told, you put up quite the fight." I flushed with embarrassment. I knew what he was referring to. My little scuffle with Argus and his Henchman. I would have killed them if it had not been for my injured shoulder and their advanced skills as warriors. It wasn't everyday I could find people able to keep up with me.

"Consider it luck that you still stand here." I mumbled under my breath as he lead us towards a narrow staircase. The stone steps where cracked and crumbling. The shifting of the castle during the seasons caused these cracks, they where to natural to be anything else. Argus chuckled behind me, a deep throaty laugh as we ascended the stair case. At the top, sat a double wooden door. It was slightly a jar and there was distant chatter pouring through. It sounded angry the closer we approached. Drake passed Argus an uneasy glance as he pushed the door open. It swung easy and with out a single creak. Light burst from the door. I let go of Drake's hand so I could shield my eyes with both my hands.

As they adjusted, the bickering had stopped. Slowly dropping my hands, I was met with a fierce set of green eyes. They where dark and angry. Two pools of jade that looked ready to shatter even at the slightest touch. I was taken by surprise as two hands gripped my arms roughly. Sebastion was beyond pissed, in fact I don't think I had ever seen him so angry before.

"You damned pea brain! What the hell where you thinking leaving the Manor like that? Do you know how hard I had to refrain from killing everyone?" He huffed angrily as he shook me lightly. I couldn't help but smile at the tortured expression on his face. I knew he was worried, but the fact he would kill everyone just for me was truly touching.

"Ah Sebastion you where worried. Truly I am touched." I said jokingly. I grunted in surprise as he let me go, but only to wrap me in a head lock and dragged his knuckles across my head. My scalp burned under his pressure, but I still laughed anyway. Sebastion had a unique way of cheering me up, even if he didn't intentionally mean it. But it was comforting to know that he was in fact okay and not in any imminent danger. So I would let him treat me roughly if it meant that he would soon enough forgive me.

"From now on you and I stick together. Those bastards won't be able to handle both of us together!" Sebastion said letting me go. I rolled my eyes and smoothed my hair against the back of my head. His enthusiasm could be a bit much some days, but what else could I expect from him? He as a loyal and doting brother after all.

"Sebastion you are too much sometimes I swear." I mumbled, but the smile still wouldn't leave my face. If there was anyone I truly cherished the most, it was Sebastion. I pinched is cheeks roughly in response to his rough treatment of my poor head and he chuckled, pushing away my hands.

"I am glad you are doing better. I won't lie and say I was worried about you when Master brought you back to the Manor. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't even make sure you where okay." I let go of his face and his smile dropped, leaving an anguish look in it's place. I sighed and ruffled his hair.

"Sebastion, you won't always be there to protect me. Just like I won't always be able to protect you. Regardless of how close we are, there will always be times when we can only rely on ourselves. So stop beating yourself up over this. Besides, they never stood a chance against me any way." I grinned and he chuckled in response. He was forcing himself to be happy around me, but deep down I knew he blamed himself. What could he have really done?

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