
The Blue Serpent Gang

Chapter 23


As I jumped from the second floor the world suddenly became slower and I could see that there are around 11 people surrounding the dilapidated house that we were hiding. As slowly falls down I quickly pick the broken glasses around me and began throwing them towards those people on the ground.

Before landing, I saw another 3 people riding a car and carrying rifles while looking in the direction of the house.

"This is troublesome…" I thought.


A figure flew out from the second floor and before landing it rolled on the ground and landed behind a wrecked car.

Then before the 11 people could react, their bodies fell lifeless on the ground with blood flowing out from the slits on their throats.

A car suddenly stops at about 30 meters away from the group and a tall bulky man suddenly kicks the car's door and jumps out. The man's hair is blonde with many traces of blade scars all over his face and arms. He is wearing a dark blue sleeveless shirt and a pair of army baggy pants with army boots.

He pointed his rifle towards the wrecked car and began shooting wildly.

"Aaah! Die! Die!" he shouted as anger contorted his face.

After emptying a clip from his rifle, he immediately began loading. Meanwhile, his companions jump out of the car and also began shooting at the wrecked car which riddled it with holes.

"You dare kill my men! I will kill you!" the man once again shouted as he began shooting.

Bratatatat! Bratatatat! Bratatatat!

Bang! Bang!

Ting! Clink!

The sound of gunfire followed by the ricocheting of bullets and the clinking sound of empty cartridge reverberated through the air.

Not long later, the gunfire stops as the man signaled one of his men to check the wreckage.

Holding his weapon firmly in his hand, the henchman slowly walks to the side while pointing his gun at a ready facing the car which is now full of holes and in tatters.

"Humph!" the man uttered as he jumps to check the location of their enemy.

"He… He's not…"



Before he could say anything, the henchman suddenly stops as he looks at his boss' with his eyes in despair. He held his neck trying to stop the blood which is slowly flowing out from gushing.

But before he could do anything his head tilted to the side and he fell to the ground lifelessly.

"Damn it! Where did that come from!" shouted the blonde-haired man.

He looks around and began shooting the houses.

"Come out! You coward!" he shouted as he began shooting.

However, he now feels fear creeping down his spine and his scalp tingling. It was as if two cold glares are looking at him from somewhere hidden just waiting for him to show an opening and it will attack.

"Boss, let's call for reinforcements… We need more men and we could even just bomb this whole place." His remaining henchman suggested while walking towards the car while being on guard.

"Start the car!" the blonde-haired man said as he cautiously looks around him.

"You are messing with the Blue Serpent Gang! We will make sure that you will pay for killing my men!" the blonde-haired man shouted as he threatened.

He quickly turns around and jumped inside the car.

"Go! Drive!" he shouted.

However, the blonde-haired man noticed that the car is still not moving, so he turns his gaze towards the driver's seat. What he saw almost made him jump in terror.

This is because a foot-long metal piece is currently embedded on his subordinate's head. He immediately pointed a handgun towards the side of the car where the metal piece might have come from. However, he could not see anyone in that direction. Plus that direction is just a field of grass and there are no houses in that area. This made him break out in a sweat.

"Shit! Shit! What is this? What is happening?" he said as he speed-dialed a number.

'Hey! What the fuck! Why are you calling me? Do you know I'm busy?!' the guy on the other line shouted.

But the blonde-haired man was immediately filled with anger, as he could hear the moaning of a woman from the background.

He knew that his boss is entangled with a woman in bed this early in the morning. He knew the voracious appetite of his boss when it comes to women. It was as if that man is a sex-machine.

"Bo… Boss… they're all dead… The guys you sent in the suburbs in the southeast area are all dead. We… we… Ugh!" the blonde-haired man was not able to finish his words as he felt something cold on his throat.

I slowly extended my hand and took the phone from the blonde-haired guy's hand.

'Hey! Bastard! What are you saying?!'

When I heard that voice on the other line, a flood of memory that was hidden deep at the back of my mind suddenly came flooding in. Anger, regret, guilt, sadness, and desire for revenge began to cover my heart.

"Wait for me… I will come for your head soon…" I said in a low voice as I broke the phone.

I then shifted my gaze to the blonde-haired guy who is shivering in fear inside the car.

"What… What do you want?! We are the Blue Serpent Gang! We belong to one of the gangs under Boss Lin Ting… If you free me now, then I might be able to spare your life… or… or else..." the blonde-haired guy threatened.

I look into his eyes and could see fear written all over his face. I just chuckled at the stupid guy. He threatened me and thought that I would be afraid when I even threatened his boss. What a foolish being.

I suddenly wanted to slice the man's neck when he suddenly shouted.

"Wait… wait! I… I could tell you the location of our safe houses. Just… just please… spare my life…" the blonde-haired guy begged as tears seem to appear from his eyes.

I did not say anything and just wrapped his body with my Qi.

I then tore the car's door and grab the man from inside. I began to remove all of his weapons and gadgets. This guy is armed to the teeth, in his body; he has knives, blades, a small handgun on his leg, and a .45 caliber handgun on his back. His belt is filled with ammunition for the assault rifle.

As I strip him of his weapons and gadgets, I threw him inside the trunk of the car.

"If you try to escape, I will kill you," I warned then return back to the dilapidated house.

When I open the door, I saw the three women looking in my direction in fear.

"Let's move…" I said.

We drove out from that suburban area towards a small building just outside of a small community.

"This is one of the places where the gangs and members of the syndicate hang out. In that building I saw a map of the city." the woman named Yang Chen said.

Although she is still a bit shaky from her traumatic experience, she seems to be the most knowledgeable of the three when it comes to the gang that took them to the suburbs.

We sneaked inside a ruined three-story apartment block. From the looks of it, the apartment block experienced gun battle as many bullet holes could be seen on its walls.

We enter an apartment and began planning our next move.

Meanwhile, I learned that the blonde-haired guy's name is Kong Lao Ji. He is one of the small bosses under the Blue Serpent Gang.

The Blue Serpent Gang is one of the largest gangs in H city under the Hallowed Leaf Syndicate. The reason for this is because the Blue Serpent Gang gathered the rest of the smaller gangs in the outskirts of the city and turned them into their private army.

They are the cannon fodder of the Hallowed Leaf Syndicate against their enemies. Due to their large number, the Blue Serpent Gang is feared as the rulers of the eastern side of the outer territory of City H.

The blonde-haired Kong Lao Ji did not have any resistance as I pried this information from his mouth. He even gave me all of the names of the addresses of the hideout of the Blue Serpent Gang in the Eastern side of the outer part of City H.

After getting the information I needed, I did not hesitate to take the life of Kong Lao Ji. I could not let him free after he saw my face. I need to make my enemy think that they are fighting an invisible enemy which they could not see. That way, they would slowly break out in fear and feel anxious, and lose their edge against me.

Meanwhile, in the suburbs, a large army of more than 100 men armed with rifles and heavy weaponry entered the city with caution.

In front of the group is a man decked in a military uniform. He looks dignified as he alighted from an army Humvee. He puffs thick smoke as he scanned the ruined houses around him.

"Fan out and search the area for close on who our enemy is!" he shouted.

With his command, the seemingly well-disciplined soldiers jumps out of the army trucks and began scouring the whole suburban home area.

The man suddenly threw the cigarette in his hand and squatted as he checks the ground.

"It seems that there is a vehicle that left this area… Four… No five people… Going… in that direction." He muttered as his eyes look in the direction where Xin Wie and his group left.

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