

"Back up. I never understand what you are thinking-" she said but was interrupted halfway. He gave her a resounding slap that made everyone who was a present gasp. They were completely shocked by what had happened. Yes, the whole class was stunned but Shiro didn't care. They needed to get out immediately.

"Shut up and listen." He told her and Klaus cut in immediately. He was angry about what Shiro had just done but he couldn't just help it. If Shiro could slap her because of anything, then he was very serious. He hadn't heard him clearly at first so he asked him to repeat what he had said.

"So are you going to tell us what's happening?" He asked Shiro, waiting for him to reply. Selena couldn't believe it. She stared back at Shiro with shock reeling from her body. Her cheeks had turned red and the outlines of his hand could be seen. He began to explain, Selena hearing every bit of it.

Even though she was embarrassed, she wanted to scream at him in the face and tell everyone that he was a lunatic and that something was going on with him. But as soon as he started explaining, the words sank back in and she did as he said, promising herself that she would forever hate him if he was lying about the whole thing.

"Someone was at the school gate. When the gym teacher went to check it out, something happened. And now those gym teachers are killing each other." He said as he looked around, wanting to know if they would believe him. They looked back at him, confused. How could that be possible? How could the teachers be killing themselves just by being bitten? Klaus asked and glanced back at Selena who was still holding her cheeks in shock.

The shock was beginning to soften and she had come to realize that there might be truth in it after all. But he did not make sense. How could that be possible? "We're supposed to believe that?" Klaus asked before Shiro turned away and left the class immediately without Selena. He had done his best for her and there was nothing else he could do for them. Klaus and Selena exchanged glances before they ran off, joining him outside.

He was surprised when he saw them behind him. He smiled, happy that they saw the truth in what he was saying. He just hoped that he hadn't been hallucinating back there. He glanced back when he saw Klaus retreat.

"What is it? You forgot something?" He asked Klaus who responded almost immediately. "If what you said is true, then we need weapons." He said and grabbed something from the room beside them. It was a short, big stick almost like a club. Buy it was a cruel piece of wood that could do a lot of damage if hit once, and we'll.

"Here you go, Klaus. What about you?" Shiro asked, surprised that he was not taking the second one.

"I might not look like one, but I'm a black belt in karate. Anyway, let's get out of here." He said and handed the club to Selena who took it nervously from him.

She just joked that he want going make her look stupid carrying this. What if it was all a lie, and a hoax? They would never talk to him again and they would brand him a lunatic who was behaving to see things. They ran down the stairs immediately and got to the corridor where Shiro had seen the whole thing happen.

It was real. There was blood on the ground but the gym master and the man he had beaten were no longer there. They had already risen to go attack the others. The other teachers were in very big trouble. Selena had a plan immediately. She wanted to call her father who was a police officer.

"Let me call the police. My dad is an officer." She said, reminding Shiro about that. He was surprised that it had escaped his memory because of how familiar they had gotten since they were little.

Her father had never had anything against him since he was well aware of who he was since they were little. But he was wary when he saw Selena with a new guy. He would always ask many questions to make sure that things were right. Shiro turned around, shocked. So she even brought phones to school, perhaps not everyone was innocent. She was always seen as the most behaved girl, little did know that she was just like the others.

She took the phone out of her school bag and dialed his number immediately, making some mistakes and correcting them before he finally got the number. Her fingers were shaking as she finally pressed the green button to call him.

"Rules were meant to be broken, right?" She said when Shiro had asked her how she had managed to bring a phone to school.

She put the phone in her ear and waited for her father to pick but what she heard next shocked her to the marrow. She had never heard that. She had always called her father and he would always pick. "No way..." she said as she took the phone from her ears slowly. No way she was hearing this. "What is it?" Shiro and Klaus asked at the same time.

"Please wait again and call later. The police emergency line is busy at the moment. Please wait again and call later." It was at that moment they knew what was coming. And they'd sooner braced themselves for it else they would not survive it. And none of them wanted to die. She kept trying the phone number again and again, praying that her father would pick up. That would assure her that he was OK. It was that reassurance alone that she wished for now and it looked like her father had joined them.

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