
The predicament of the father

The sound of the footsteps jolted Master Yichen as he came out of his room to find the staff running here and there. The expression on their faces was baffling. He peeked out of the window and saw extra bodyguards were recruited which was quite puzzling to him. 

But he noticed something unusual. The additional men were not Xin soldiers but they belonged to Ryuu's special team. The uniforms on their body were telling him. 

He walked further and reached the corridor where a team of doctors appeared with their equipment and he would be wrong if he said he was not feared. He was quite aware of the feeling of fear. All his life he ruled by installing this feeling of fear in his enemy and today he was experiencing it himself. 

"Master, Yichen," They bowed and didn't wait any longer before entering the left-wing of the Mansion. 

He exactly knew what was there. 

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