
Don't judge someone by their easy smiles

Meanwhile, A person was lost deep in his thoughts starting at the otherworldly marvelous fountain that stood in the middle of the grand grassy garden. The sound of flowing water could be heard in the quiet surrounding. The beautiful neoclassical fountain had brought great architectural intrigue and tranquility to the already glamorous vintage mansion.

Looking at the streaming water, Long Yuan wondered if his life would ever be as peaceful and steady as the burbling water. The usual enthusiastic and humorous Long Yuan was nowhere to be seen, but in place was this solemn and intense man.

Someone rightly said not to judge one with his easy smile and harmless humor, his smiling demeanor might be a facade to hide his agonizing real self.

He heard the approaching footsteps and without turning back he asked the other person. "Done with the phone call?" His brother Long Wei who accompanied him to this side of the estate had been over the phone for the last fifteen minutes.

" Yeah! I told her about sister-in-law and it looks like she is really excited to meet her." Long Wei replied.

"Well, she will be utterly disappointed then." Long Yuan chuckled as he thought how shocking it was going to be for everyone once they meet her. His new sister-in-law was a completely different person and it was almost impossible that she would be a friendly and cheerful woman.

"That's possible." long Wei Sighed. He was aware of the fact that how garrulous his wife was and maybe that was the reason why Song Lily (Long Yuan's mother) liked his wife irrespective of her non-noble origin.

"First brothers monotonous life is going to take a U-turn, " long yuan said after some time.

" Yeah, it will be interesting."Long Wei chuckled."And so is yours."

Long Yuan arched his brow at him as if to explain what he was implying.

"Auntie is of the view that since you and Liu Shishi engaged before brother Jie, you guys should register your marriage before him too. Or you can say that she wanted at least one tolerable daughter- in-law who will favor and obey her."

"Good for her,"Yuan said indifferently as if they were not talking about him at all.

Long Wei didn't understand what was going on in his mind or if he had lost his brain cells. He could not resist but ask.

" Why are you doing this yuan?"

Yuan smiled sadly but didn't reply. There was no meaning in replying to him.

"You know, we are always here for you little brother. Yuan, you might think you can fool me with your smile but don't forget I am your elder brother."

Long Yuan nodded but again kept silent.

"Don't destroy your life, Yuan."

This time yuan answered his brother.

"I am marrying her brother and it's final."

"Don't do this if you are doing it for your mother's sake."

"Mother? Whose mother brother? Do I have one? Sorry I don't remember one?"He sarcastically replied.

"Little brother think carefully before taking any decision. This is your life and I have no right to tell you what to do with it. I just want you to be happy in your life."


'What was happiness?'Yuan wondered. His life had been anything but happy, courtesy to his shitty parents. His mother was too absorbed in herself and her social circle that she never tended to her children. She was unhappy with her marriage and therefore blamed her children and when the word happiness truly came to his life it was mercilessly taken away.

"Second brother, don't worry about me. You should worry about sister- in-law she needs you more and as for what you said, I am not destroying my life. She is the only one I will marry, " Yuan said firmly. He wanted to tell his brother that there was no life left to be destroyed and he was merely surviving not living. He died a long time ago .

just one chapter for today!

my mind is blocked I don't know what to write.

I want to stay away from negative feelings! you know I feel like the story is not good enough and I'm merely wasting mine and your precious time and energy!

I don't know what to do

tanu_samcreators' thoughts
Next chapter