
One month?!

By the time Fu Jie woke up with a jolt, he was already back in the sect and when he reached up to touch his face, he found that the mask was also there. 

"What the...?!" He looked around in panic as he tried to make sense of the situation.

He was sure that it was not a dream so when he realized the sneaky move that Xiao Jingyi had used to send him back, the only thing he could do was curse the man a million times in his head. 

'That bastard can never be trusted!' 

'Master, you keep saying this and then you go trusting him again,' HuiXieye sighed as the sword commented. 

'He really goes and does whatever he wants! How can I not be mad?!' Fu Jie fumed as he sat up straight and pushed himself off the bed, 'I swear, the next time we meet, I'm beating some good sense into that dogsh*t brain of his!' 

'Master, there you go again. Saying things that you would ever be doing.' 

Next chapter