
The Rabbit is actually...?!

The rabbit's ears twitched and Fu Jie couldn't help but be intrigued by it for some unknown reason as he started getting more and more fond of the rabbit.

The rabbit opened its mouth and Fu Jie felt as if he had never seen a creature cuter than this. 

Xiao Jingyi and HuiXieye had to be crazy to want to cook such a loving little cutie! 

In the next minute, the rabbit bit the side of Fu Jie's mask, and Fu Jie blinked in surprise. 

'What is it trying to do? Does it want to see my handsome face?' Fu Jie questioned in his mind. 

'Master, cook it,' HuiXieye seemed to have not changed its thoughts as it advised. 

'No way!' Fu Jie refused immediately without even bothering to consider it. 

The rabbit pulled back and shockingly enough, the lower part of Fu Jie's mask broke off completely. 


'HuiXieye, don't you think this rabbit is abnormally strong...?' Fu Jie questioned in disbelief. 

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