
Chapter 1

Saturday afternoon, I had just moved into my new apartment, unpacking my luggage and setting my weeb things up for the first night. My mother was waiting for me to go out and give her a final goodbye kiss, as i had already given her many, but my love for her is wider than the universe itself, so a few more wouldn't hurt.

"Oh look at you Serena, my baby is all grown up!" she exclamed.

"Mom I'm twenty two, im not a baby anymore" i said in an embarrassed tone.

shaking her head she said "nuh uh uhhh, you will always be my baby, now give mommy one last kiss"

i hugged her and gave her three kisses, one on each cheek and one on her forehead. Smiling back she did the same.

"You should go back before Brendan gets worried, its a long trip back home" i explained

"nonsense i will get back home the time i want and there is nothing he can do about it" she said while trying to hold back tears.

"Aww mom, i'm really gonna miss you.." i said, failing to hide my sadness i exploded into tears in her arms. She couldn't help but to join me. After calming down it was time for her to go.

"good bye sweetie, i'll be sure yo call you every weekend and i'll send you gifts and visit you once a month" she said as she got into her car

"i'll be here waiting for you mom!" i said as she drove off

It was already 4pm and i hadn't finished unpacking. "this is gonna take a while" i sighed. It finally happened, the college life i've been dreaming of since I was a kid. I was finally going to become the person i've always wanted to be.

After 7pm everything was looking alright, the only thing that was left was my clothes. I had forgotten to get something to eat so i decided to get dressed to go out. i've never been the type of girl to dress in slim dresses and tight clothes. It was always the usual jeans and hoodie. After changing into my favorite hoodie and jeans i walked out. making sure im have all my key items i made my way to the nearest fast food restaurant.

"maybe a burger and a coke will do for tonight" i mumbled to myself while looking down. i wasn't paying attention to where i was going and this stranger crashed into me. Tipping me off balance i fell to the ground. Preparing myself for an assortment of curse words and probably even a slap, i was offered a helping hand!

"are you okay? lemme help you there" said someone with the sweetest voice i've heard- from a boy?

"s-sorry i wasn't looking where i was going i didn't mean to crash into you" i said in a stern, yet kind voice.

"be careful next time, okay tiny?" he said giggling

"Tiny?!" i thought to myself. This was the first time a person took acquaintance of my height and i didn't know how to feel about it.

"okay, i will" i said while trying to hide my face.

"okay then, see ya round" he said while making the cutest face i've seen a guy make, i questioned if he even was a guy.

after getting my food and walking back home i got a message, it was from the college i was going to. They wanted to have a meeting with all the new students tomorrow?!. i was planning to go to bed late and watch a couple animes i've been wanting to catch up with, but i guess those plans are ruined. oh well, i said i would do anything to get into this college and i will.

after finishing my food and packing my clothes i layed down on my bed, slowly drifting off. I had already turned on my alarm clock and was ready for the next day.

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