
Chapter 22: It's better to leave it in pieces...

Jin closed the door behind him. A sigh escaped his lips, he felt broken. He walked to the elevator and pressed the up button. His office was on the last floor and it had a great view of the city. His hands began shaking. Was this anger or sorrow he was feeling?

He waited for the lift to arrive from the bottom floor. His thoughts were running. What did he do to deserve this? Why and how did Sinju get his hands on their script? Why did it feel that Minyu had taken his heart and ripped it out?

Okay, it was not entirely her fault. He did fire her from his company then again if she loved him she would not have broken their engagement. He wanted them to get married next year. The elevator doors opened and he stepped on. The closed silently behind him, he stood there for a few seconds before turning around and pushed his office button.

The elevator screeched and he could feel that it was creeping upwards. The doors opened and he stepped out. At the end of the hall was his door and before his office doors were a tiny reception desk. Hinea had left already. "Good," He whispered out loud.

He opened his office door. He did not even bother to switch on the light. He walked to his desk and flopped onto his chair. He turned on his computer and searched for Behind The Scene. The others tried their best to hide it from him but he wanted to see.

"Sinju, where did our paths separate like this?" Jin asked as he scrolled down the news about their new movie launch.

His thoughts went back to when he was in art school. He and Sinju were friends from the first day. They couldn't be separated and did all their filming projects together. He could not muster any thought why Sinju held such a grudge against him or that he would have sent a spy into his ranks.

He clicked on the video. "Good morning Seoul!" The announcer sounded very cheerful and the corners of Jin's mouth shagged. "We are here with Behind The Scene's director and CEO, Sinju Nakamura."

He blocked out all the sound. He only saw their lips moving as his eyes became unfocused. We better make sure that this movie... The last movie that would save his company would be better than they had planned previously. He opened the right-side drawer of his desk, he averted his gaze from the screen and his heart sank.

On top of all the files was a photo of him and Minyu. They were at an award show for the first movie she was cast in. She was smiling with her arm around his waist, her long sleeveless black dress complimented her curves well.

Tears were fighting at the corner of his eyes. "You will not cry!" He muttered angrily with himself but the tears won. He could feel his heartbreak all over again and he buried his face in his hands.

He completely forgot about the video that he was watching as he sobbed. Did he bring this on himself? He had to fire her for her lack of work ethic. Why... Why did she have to stomp all over his heart?

A knock on his office door brought him back from his thoughts. He slammed the drawer shut, he did not know why he had opened it in the first place. "Come in," he said and his voice croaked.

When the door opened, he pressed the pause button on the video. It kept restarting and the announcer's voice was getting to him. Tae entered with a small smile. "Jin, I thought you left for your mansion already."

Jin heard the smugness in his voice. He ground his teeth. "You sound very smug about something."

"Smug?" Tae asked and cocked his head to the right. "I am not smug. I thought you left already. I am surprised that you are still here."

Jin's brow knotted in confusion. Was tae hoping that he wasn't going to be in his office to do something? "Why are you here?"

Tae stopped in front of Jin's desk. He folded his arms and smiled. "I wanted to ask you a question."

The way Tae said it made him worry. His mind was already spinning with different scenarios, he nodded. "Ask it."

"Do you want to continue with these interviews or should we work with those we have and do recall interviews on Saturday?"

Wait... this was their idea. Would it not be bad publicity if they cancel the interviews after the first day? He swallowed slowly. "Is there a reason why you want to shut down this operation so early?"

"No. It was like Hoseok said. You went out of your way to make their lives hell and to go on like that until-"

"It was not my intention," Jin interrupted, "I don't think that finding raw talent in these girls are going to work."

Tae rolled his eyes. "You just have to trust us."

That was the thing. Jin did trust them but there were some things that he knew he could not trust. Judgment was one of them... He feared that their judgement would ruin this and they might pick a girl with who he would not have chemistry.

"We should continue," Jin said, "or we will lose some fans." It was an understatement, the girls that pitched up for this opportunity were capable of ruining the last thing he held dear.

"All right, then I will see you tomorrow," Tae replied and left abruptly. Jin slammed his laptop shut and stood up. It was not doing him any good by brooding in his office. It was time to face the music and return to his empty mansion.


Yuna sat down in the chair in front of Jungkook's desk. She couldn't believe her ears. She never knew he was suffering. "Kookie, I understand why you kept it to yourself."

Jungkook licked his lips and averted his gaze. It was hard to tell Yuna about his failing business. "I never wanted you to see me as a failure. I wanted to show that dreams can be achieved."

"Your dream is not out of reach," Yuna said, "you can still save your restaurant Kookie."

There was another thing that he hid from her. He told her the basics of his financial dilemma but not how far the business had sunk. He was not going to tell her yet, he had one more plan to save his business even if it meant going to the bank and ask for a personal loan.

"Thank you, Una. I feel better now that I have told you," he replied and smiled.

Yuna nodded slightly and stood up. "I should get your recruit started on his training."

"You are the best sister," Jungkook said jokingly.

"I am your only sister," Yuna sniped back and opened the office door, she was surprised to find Namjoon standing in the doorway. "What are you doing?"

"I wanted to find out if we are going to close early," he said quickly and indicated to the empty restaurant behind him. "There is no one in here."

Before Yuna could answer, Jungkook was next to her and he let out a sigh. "Yes, I think we should close for today."

Yuna's heart broke for Jungkook. His dream was leaving him in pieces and his soul would never mend if the Meaty Way did not push through its time of need.

Hello Army!

I am so sorry for the late update. My story is always running through my mind and how I should proceed. I vow to bring you some twists and turns.

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Marli_Hanekomcreators' thoughts
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