
Chapter 16: Time to find this Mystery Girl

Hoseok glanced down at his phone where he had input the name of the restaurant that Namjoon gave him. He had never heard of this place then again... He never really got out much.

"At the following intersection, turn left." The phone's GPS said abruptly.

Hoseok sighed and turned left. He looked around, he did not recognize this part of town at all. When he drove half way down the street he saw someone waving at him, a smile played on his lips and he pulled up.

"It is about time you got here," Namjoon said as he climbed out of his vehicle.

"I never heard of this place." Hoseok replied with a slight roll of his eyes.

"It is a shame really." Namjoon said and folded his arms. "I brought Jin here yesterday and-"

"Wait... You mean to tell me you have only met this girl yesterday?" Hoseok interrupted.

"What about it?" Namjoon asked and cocked his head to the left.

"I thought that maybe they know each other for a few days." Hoseok replied as his eyebrows furrowed.

Namjoon's face contorted in laughter, "You were hoping that she was the reason that Jin made a dramatic end with Minyu?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Maybe... You said they had chemistry?"

"They do. Let us go in and get a table so that I can tell you what I saw between them." Namjoon said and turned around to open the door to the restaurant.

Hoseok let out a small sigh. This better be good, he has to write a new script with a fresh idea so that they can beat Sinju at his own game. This was their last chance, the board had said if they cannot save the company they would have to sell it.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen."

Hoseok paused at the door that Namjoon was still holding onto. Was this the waiter? He should not let his imagination get the better of him. Namjoon smiled and closed the door behind him."Jungkook, this my friend Hoseok. He works with Jin and they started with the interviews today."

Hoseok turned his head slightly to stare at Namjoon. Did he tell this stranger what was happening at their firm? That was not his news to share.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Hoseok." Jungkook held out his hand.

Hoseok's attention snapped back to him and he stared at his hand, reluctantly took his hand. "Nice to meet you."

Jungkook let go of his hand, "Let me get you a table and get the kitchen working," He indicated to them to follow and brought them to a table in the back. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"We will start with two coffees," Namjoon replied as they both sat down.

Jungkook nodded and left them alone. Hoseok was staring around him, this place was small yet cozy. It was not the type of place he would have chosen to hang out but he would love to return if the food was any good.

"Do you like what you see?" Namjoon asked.

Hoseok turned his attention on Namjoon. "I like the atmosphere this place has. It is cozy and... Why is there no one here?"

"I do not know." Namjoon replied with a small shrug.

Hoseok chewed his bottom lip. It was strange for a restaurant to be without customers and that there was one male waiter and one kitchen staff? "Joonie-"

"I know what you are going to say Hoseok. The man that showed us to our seat is the manager of this place, he has one chef who is a brilliant cook if I may add. The waitress who was here yesterday is his sister and she only came to help him out-"

Jungkook returned to their table with two coffees. He placed them down with milk on the side and the sugar bowl. "Anything to eat?"

Namjoon indicated to Hoseok with his eyes that he will continue their conversation after Jungkook leaves. "You can bring us the chef special."

Jungkook grinned. "Are you sure, you want to venture there?"

Hoseok gulped as he looked at Jungkook's expression which was contorted with mischief. "Sorry... What is the chef special?"

Namjoon laid back in his chair. "Do not answer him, Jungkook. I want it to be a surprise."

Jungkook slinked away from the table, Namjoon watched as sweat dripped slightly from Hoseok's brow. "Ypu are ordering something spicy aren't you?"

Namjoon smirked and changed the subject. "Back to the girl I want to have the job."

"Wait a minute... You want us to cast her anyway without giving her an interview? There is no way in HELL that Tae would go for that," Hoseok interrupted and picked up the milk pitcher.

"You will agree with me when you hear my story." Namjoon boasted and poured sugar in his coffee, he began to stir it slowly.

"You will have to convince Tae with Suga. I am here to et inspiration for the new script that I have to re-write and-"

Jungkook returned to their table with two plates. Each had a two skewers, one was covered in a red liquid, the other... "What is that?" Hoseok asked.

Jungkook placed the first plate in front of him and the other before Namjoon. Jungkook folded his arms, "I give you my very own kimchi skewer. It is kimchi cabbage which covers juicy meatballs. The other one is to swallow down the spice with."

Hoseok gulped, the red liquid dripped from the cabbage. Namjoon was trying to murder him with food. Namjoon chuckled, "Don't worry I will make sure he tastes it."

Jungkook gave a slight nod as he left them alone. Hoseok gaped at Namjoon, "Are you trying to kill me?"

"No, I want you to taste the food it is amazing."

"The spice is walking of my plate." Hoseok replied and leaned back in the chair.

"Oh? Are you afraid of a little spice? Just have a bite and I will tell you further about what happened between Jin and the waitress."

Hoseok looked doubtful and let out a defeated sigh. "Alright. I will take the bait."

Namjoon grinned and picked up his own skewer. "To good health."

Hoseok's hand trembled as he picked up the skewer. His lips parted slowly as he took the first bite. His mouth filled with an explosion of different spices that the tip of his tongue went numb along with his lips.

"Now try the sweet one," Namjoon said and licked his lips after placing the second skewer in his mouth. His eyes beamed as the sweet flavour of honey filled his mouth.

"You- are," Hoseok panted as the heat went to the back of his throat, "Trying to kill me."

"No, I just wanted you to to loosen up." Namjoon replied with a smirk.

Hoseok was to scared to try the second skewer. He did not believe that it would get this spice taste out of his mouth. But if Namjoon kept to his word... He picked it up and placed it in his mouth. The taste of honey, to his surprise, cooled his mouth immediately.

"This is amazing." Hoseok's eyes widened in delight as feeling returned to his tongue and lips.

"I know right." Namjoon nodded in agreement, "But let me continue on what happened."

Hoseok entwined his fingers and leaned forward on the table with a smile. "Tell me every single detail about what happened."

Namjoon told him everything, he told him how the girl acted as if she did know who he was and she might have been on her nerves. He told Hoseok about what a jerk Jin was to her and then... She did not care who he was... She laid it on him.

"When can I meet this girl?" Hoseok asked, he was beaming... He has ideas for the new script.

Jungkook returned at this time. "Meet who?"

"Hoseok here, would love to meet your sister." Namjoon

Hello Fellow Army

I am sorry for all my slow updates. Work is keeping me busy and I try my best to write when I can :)

Marli_Hanekomcreators' thoughts
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