
Chapter 7: There is no way

Yuna took in a deep breath, "Kookie, I am sorry but I just can't do this."

"Why?" Jungkook asked, "You disappeared so quickly that I had to see the two customers off."

Yuna gritted her teeth, why did he have to bring that up? She knew at the tone of his voice that he knew who they were.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," She said and tried to keep her voice light.

"I know who he is, Yuna..." Jungkook's voice sweetened, "You have met your crush Seokjin Kim and something happened between you."

Yuna kept walking, she was halfway to her apartment anyway, "Nimue probably told you everything so why are you asking, Kookie?"

"So that I can hear the story from you, it is just funny that way," Jungkook said teasingly.

So the reason why he was calling was to make fun of her and the awkward situation.

"Kookie, can you please let this go?" She asked in a stern voice, "I do not want to be reminded about the situation that had happened."

"So then tell me what happened," Jungkook asked innocently, "I want to know because I care."

'Yeah right,' Yuna thought and changed her cellphone to the other ear, "No, and I am not going to go to that audition either!"

"Yuna, sis please you have to go," Jungkook said instantly, "It is a great opportunity to go."

"Kookie, my answer is no!" She said loudly, some of the people around the street turned their heads in her direction.

"I don't want to talk about it now," She said quickly and pressed the end call button.

She placed her phone quickly back into her pocket and kept walking in the direction of her apartment. She was not going to let Jungkook talk her into going to that stupid interview... She should have never gotten her hopes up. She had made a complete fool of herself...

Jin and Namjoon had left the restaurant, before they got into their separate cars Namjoon asked, "So... About what happened in the restaurant-"

"What about it?" Jin asked lifting an eyebrow, "I was mean and wanted to correct a mistake that is all."

Jin did not want Namjoon to get any ideas in his head about what was about. He was not sure what had happened. He was angry and bitter about what Minyu had done to him and to top it all off... He was mean to a harmless girl, okay... She was not that harmless. She seemed capable to take care of herself and he liked it.

"Come now Jin... I have seen the glint in your eyes," Namjoon said and clasped his shoulder, "And I know that glint very well..."

Jin rolled his eyes, so Namjoon had already gotten stupid ideas in his head. "I have no what you are talking about."

Jin tried to break free of his grip but Namjoon's grip tightened around his shoulder. "Jin... Invite her to your company's interview competition."

Jin's body stiffened, did Namjoon said what he thought he had? "Excuse me?"

Namjoon stood in front of Jin now, Jin had never seen someone smile so widely.

"I said, invite her to your company's interview competition."

That was what Jin was afraid that he had heard, "No."

Namjoon cocked his head in confusion, "Why not?"

"Are you crazy? I am not going to invite a random girl- I mean the waitress that I have been a jerk to..."

"You are afraid of what would happen between you two," Namjoon said smugly, his grin never left his face.

"That is not it!" Jin said in desperation but Namjoon was not listening to him, "Go and ask the manager her telephone number... I mean she is the answer to all of your problems!"

Namjoon turned from him and was about to enter the restaurant again but Jin stopped him, "You are barking mad!"

Namjoon shrugged him off, "You can not tell me that you did not see it?"

Jin was tired of talking circles with Namjoon... It looked like that he would have to put his foot down.

"I think you misunderstood me, Joonie. There is no way, no way that I will invite the girl that I have been mean to_"

"So you are denying that you had chemistry between you two?" Namjoon asked with his hand on the restaurant's door handle.

Jin was ready to rip out the hair on his head. He should never have told Namjoon about this brilliant idea that Tae, Suga and Hoseok had planned.

"There is no chemistry," Jin said firmly narrowing his eyes. "You are just seeing what you want to see."

Namjoon's mouth hung open, Jin was the one who was blind here. There was no way that he could not have felt that that waitress was perfect and if he had to go behind Jin's back then that was what he was going to do.

"You win," Namjoon faked a defeated tone, "I will see you when you have some time again."

Jin let out a sigh, "Thank you for seeing it my way."

He turned his back on Namjoon and climbed into his car. He was stressed and did not know what tomorrow would bring. But he would laugh Tae, Suga and Hoseok walked into the Company and there was no one for this competition.

He started the engine and drove off, a thought just hit him. Minyu and he shared a house...

"Shit!" He said out loud and hit the steering will with his fist, he had to go home quickly. There was no telling what would await him.

Yuna sucked in a deep sigh as she unlocked her apartment, she was happy she was home. It had been one long day, except for the fact that she had to help out Jungkook at the restaurant.

"I wish that I have said no," She pushed her apartment's door opened.

What was done was done, she could never take it back. A small smile played at her lips, it was satisfactory though. If it had been a movie she would have rated herself a seven for best water scene.

When she closed the door behind her, her pocket vibrated. She slowly got it out and let out a groan at the number. It was her mother who wanted to find out how her first day as a new teacher was.


"Hello, Yuna darling. How was your first day?"

"Hello, Mom. I had a peaceful first day," she lied quickly.

"I am so happy to hear that, honey. Your father and I want to come and visit this weekend," her mother said cheerfully.

Yuna muffled a groan, she remembered the last visit that they had been here. She had to hide most of her posters about actors and stage plays.

"Do you want Jungkook to come to?" she asked at last.

"Yes, he should join us for dinner but Yuna... Did you get rid of your things relating to acting?" her mother asked in a low tone.

Yuna hated that tone, it was the tone of crushing one's dreams.


"So you have not? Yuna, you have a stable job now and I do not want you to continue down this path. I just wanted to make sure that you are not going to try for this competition-"

"There is no way that I am going to that competition, Mom. It is as you have said, I have a stable job now," Yuna replied quickly. She hoped her mother heard the sincerity in her voice.

I am so sorry for the late update, work keeps me busy that I do not find time to write.

Thank you all for your love and support, I hope you will enjoy this journey with me.

Marli_Hanekomcreators' thoughts
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