
Can You Tell Me More About Yourself?

Troy peeked out the window through a slit in the blinds. "Not to interrupt your mushfest but I think the police are here." 

Oh great. Eden was still in her pajamas. It didn't really make her feel better that Troy was too. It was more embarrassing to be wearing fluffy pink things than plaid. But it was too late to change now since the police were coming up the driveway. 

The doorbell rang and he got it since he was still up. "Is this the residence of Eden McBride?" they asked. 

"She's in here," he said as he let them in. 

Eden got up from the couch tiredly. "Hey. Tyler's eating in the kitchen. He was soaked through when he arrived so that's why he's wearing borrowed clothes."

"What time did he arrive here?" one of the officers asked. 

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