
Systems, Dimensions, and Rewards

6 hours passed and she still wasn't able to find any rat holes, her stamina was depleting very quickly and she had to stop from time to time in order to rest, she was unable to find anything to eat on her journey which would have been able to give her a bonus on stamina regeneration, currently Lizzy is hiding inside a bush again to rest.


Lizzy screamed but as always the only thing any animal would here would be the loud clicking noises of a lizard, in this case a very large one.

"Host the system believes it is because of the snakes, the snakes have been hunting the rats in order to feed so it is not impossible that the snakes may have eaten many rats"

"Damn snakes, I'll make soup out of them!"

Lizzy calmed herself down and then continued her forest walk in order to find herself some rat holes, as she walked a thought entered her mind.

"System are there any other system users out there?"

"Host within your planet there are a couple of system users but they aren't able to harm the host and instead they will benefit you"

"why can't they harm me? care to elaborate more?"

"The systems currently available on this lower level dimension only consists of agricultural, business, political, and technological. The system believes the host can grow stronger at a fast pace compared to the technological system"

"So I can be killed by the technological system?"

"If the host becomes lazy then yes the host will indubitably die"

"how's the technological system now?"

"Host from the current state of military, scientific research, and society, it can be taken that the system has not awakened yet or the host of the system has been terminated"

"Okay from what I remember you called this universe a lower level dimension? are there other systems in other dimensions"

"Host there are, a perfect example would be the Unlimited Sword System of a mid level dimension where they practice cultivation, another would be the ones in High level dimensions, an example is the Mechanic System, it has a simple name but its ability allows the user to craft impossible constructs and create the required mechanical parts using existing materials available in order to complete said impossible construct"

"So your saying in that dimension the system owner is able to turn a toaster into a railgun?"

"Yes host"

"Just my luck, I hope they don't come here"

The system went silent and Lizzy's hike went uneventfully for another 5 hours, the sun was already rising when she finally found a small community with 3 holes and 5 rats.


Lizzy didn't waste time so that no snake will steal her kills and immediately spat fantasy acid on the rats, all of them were blanketed and Lizzy left them to die for a bit, she went to each hole and found 5 babies in the first one, 3 on another, 7 on another, she ate them without hesitation and exited the hole she was in.

"Ding! Host has gained a total of 375 Genode/s"

The rats she left to die were no longer moving and their ribs were exposed, blood splattered on the ground and she knew it was from the rats spurting blood as they melted.

Lizzy now with a bigger body took only two bites to gobble up a single rat so she went and gobbled one rat after another before they became disgusting goop.

"Ding! Host has gained 150 Genode/s"

"Ding! Host has gained 150 Genode/s"

"Ding! Host has gained 150 Gen ... "

With an imaginary burp, lizzy left the bloodied rat hole community and found a new tree with a large hole beneath it that could fit her whole body, she believed it was once a snake den if the snake returned she will kill it or just run away, she got herself into a comfortable position which was already a position ready for an ambush.

"System open tasks!"

The task screen appeared in front of her and it showed her progress, the easy task was glowing gold signifying its completion.

Lizzy focused on the task to open it.

[Easy task]


The human residence of the island has had rat problems within the subsequent years and they are having some trouble controlling the rodent infestation, help them with it, a panicked human is the easiest target.

• 20/20 Baby black rats

• 10/10 Adult black rats

Reward: 200 1st tier Genodes, Low tier Chest.

Time: This task has no time limit.

"Will host claim the reward?"


The task on the board grayed out and on it was a timer for the next task showing, 23:59:45, a new screen appeared and it was a familiar one as well since it was her inventory, there was a bronze colored box within it.

Next chapter