

"Wait, what's this news?" said Jean suddenly when he saw the news that the son of a well-known businessman Mr. Daren was in the hospital in a critical condition due to food poisoning.

Instantly Nadia's body stiffened at the news.

"How did Jonathan get in the hospital? what medicine did Jonathan put in his food and drink? and Jonathan had finished his food as well as his drink." Nadia said to herself with fear.

"But I didn't mean to be mean to him, Jonathan who wanted me to be hurt." said Nadia again, still frozen in place.

"Nadia?" called Jonathan with a serious face.

"Yes Jean." said Nadia after waking up from her reverie.

"Didn't you take care of Jonathan last night? you said Jonathan was fine right? then how come Jonathan got food poisoning?" asked Jean with a probing look.

"I ... I don't know Jean, I think Mr Jonathan is fine." said Nadia with fear.

"Yes Nad, don't you worry. Hopefully Jonathan can get through his critical period." said Jean, holding Nadia's cold hand.

Nadia lifted her head said nothing but silence what was going on in her heart.

"What is wrong with me? why should I be sad and feel guilty, when Jonathan was admitted to the hospital? isn't this what I want? Jonathan's death?" said Nadia in her heart trying to ward off her guilt by eating all her food without stopping.

Jean looked at Nadia with an astonished look.

"Are you so hungry Nad? until you eat like?" asked Jean not knowing what happened between Nadia and Jonathan.

"Hem ... come on Jean, finish your meal. We should have fun, right?" said Nadia with a smile.

"Yes ... I should have fun and not be sad. What I wanted already happened without me taking revenge. Karma's at work, Mr. Jonathan is now in critical condition. He could have died. And Mr Daren? how does he feel now? must be sad! the only boy in critical condition. Mrs. Anne? surely she is crying?" said Nadia in her heart with a sore gaze chewing her food without stopping.

"Uhukkk... Uhukkk... Uhukkk"

Nadia choked on her food, coughing.

Immediately Jean took water and gave it to Nadia who was still coughing.

"Hey ... Nadia, eat carefully Nad." said Jean while rubbing Nadia's back.

"Thanks Jean. This food turns out to be spicy." said Nadia while rubbing her wet chin.

"How do you know Nad, didn't you choose yourself." said Jean in surprise.

"Jean, didn't you say we should have fun? what if you order a drink from Korea which is a little hard. I want to enjoy my life today." said Nadia trying to ward off the anxiety in her heart.

Jean held Nadia's forehead when he heard Nadia's strange request.

"You're okay, Nadia?" Jean asked Nadia to confirm before ordering the drink that Nadia wanted.

"I'm okay Jean, I'm just doing what you say. I want to have fun." said Nadia with a smile then chewed her food again.

"All right Nadia, you wait here. I'll order it for you." Said Jean got up from his seat and walked out of the room to order a drink.

After seeing Jean come out, Nadia immediately contacted Ramos.

With a feeling of nervousness and restlessness, Nadia waited for an answer from Ramos.

"Why didn't Mr. Ramos accept my summons? is Mr. Ramos mad at me?" Nadia asked, feeling increasingly nervous about what was happening.

"What should I do now? have they fired me? I think Mr. Ramos has told Mr. Daren and Mrs. Anne everything." said Nadia, stirring her food.

"Nadia." called Jean came with a bottle of liquor and two glasses for himself and Nadia.

"You got that booze, Jean?" Nadia asked with a confused look that she should drink the liquor that Jean brought.

"Of course I easily get the drink. Isn't that what you want?" said Jean as he sat beside Nadia and poured a little drink into the glass he was carrying.

"It's true what you say Jean, I want it. Thank you. You always do what I want." said Nadia while accepting the drink Jean gave her.

"Nadia ... Did something happen to you?" Jean asked, feeling Nadia was hiding something from him.

"Nothing happened to me Jean. I just want to enjoy our togetherness. Come on ... Why do you ask like that? Now drink up, we're gonna have fun today." said Nadia with a smile.

"Thank goodness if nothing happened to you. I thought you were like this because you were influenced by the news about Jonathan." said Jean staring at Nadia's face.

Nadia shook her head not wanting Jean to think that she was really feeling uneasy about all that was happening.

"No Jean, I'm fine. You don't worry." said Nadia, sipping her drink at once.

After enjoying a few sips of his drink, Nadia got up from her seat and stood straight in front of Jean who was sitting staring at her.

"Jean, would you like to dance with me?" asked Nadia with a little dizzy head.

Jean looked at Nadia in disbelief. This was the first time Nadia asked his to dance.

Without answering Nadia's request, Jean got up from his seat and held Nadia's hands.

"There is no refusal from me if you ask Nadia." said Jean staring full of Nadia's beautiful face.

Hugging Nadia's waist and holding her hands, Jean moved his body to the rhythm of the soft music.

Nadia closed her eyes and leaned her head on Jean's chest and kept pace with Jean's dance moves.

Until a few minutes Jean enjoyed dancing with Nadia. Subconsciously, Jean was a little surprised to find Nadia asleep in his arms.

"Oh my God! Nadia! What are you doing? You are sleeping without you knowing it? And I was stupid too, not realizing that Nadia was sleeping." said Jean lifting Nadia's body and laying her on the sofa.

While staring at Nadia's face, Jean spoke to the restaurant waiter he had called.

"Please, for food that is still intact you can pack it into the one I ordered to take home." said Jean intending to bring Nadia home to her rented house.

After everything was done, one of the servants helped Jean bring food while Jean lifted Nadia's body and took her to the car.

"Thank you for helping me." Jean said to the waitress after putting Nadia to sleep in the front seat and putting Nadia's seat belt on.

While running the car slowly, Jean contacted Gladys to immediately go home and wait for him in front of the rented because Nadia needed Gladys to look after her.

"Indeed what happened to Nadia Jean?" asked Gladys anxiously as Jean got out of the car.

"Nadia is drunk, drinking too much." said Jean as he opened Nadia's car door.

"What??? Nadia is drunk? How can?" asked Gladys in disbelief.

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