
Mansion? I’ll just buy one

-Back to Zeref's POV-

"YOU did WHAT?!!!" A slap came from the side and went across my face, tilting my head to the side. Malia and Mike flinched back, behind me.

"But mum-" I stopped midway; I didn't want to argue with her. She was right. I went a little overboard, the Stronghold family even filed a report against us and I was suspended from school for two weeks along with my partners in crime: Malia and her brother.

"Do you realise what you've done!? Did I raise you to do stuff like this?! Crippling people, just because you're blessed with some power. Remember arrogance and pride will never get you far in life. There will always be someone better than you. Humble yourself!!!" My mother shouted at me furiously in front of all the adults. Mr Xanxus, Miss Elena and even Gramps were watching me get scolded. I didn't resent my mother for her actions.

I knew my mother wished well for me. She was scolding me because she loved me and cared for me, so a flicker of happiness glowed in my heart. I had people who cared for me. I had a family. I really needed to change my ways, come back down to Earth. My pride led me to become arrogant and selfish, I'm not the king I was before; I'm now Zeref Amara, a son, a friend, a warrior.

Gramps came and walked in between us and faced my mother, "Rosaline, I feel your anger but know, he's still a child and he acted on impulse. Who wouldn't do what he did if they saw their friend in that state? So I suggest you calm down a little. Elena please take her away."

Miss Elena nodded and took mother away to the other room. "Come on now…" Miss Elena gently pushed mum into a different room.

"No- No- This is- I need to- Zeref-" my mum glared at me with that one deadly 'we will talk later' glare. I've never felt this scared in my life. Once she had left, Malia let out a sigh and everyone's eyes landed on me.

Gramps spun around and gave me the biggest smile, "That's amazing! How did it feel?! Was he begging on the ground? Did you use your gravity magic?!", he started questioning excitedly. Seriously? I thought I was going to get another beating. LMAO! This man! Instead of shouting at me, he was praising me. I smirked in response.

"It was okay I guess, I picked him up and dropped him a couple times, broke a couple ribs, battered his face. Nothing else to be fair." I chuckled arrogantly.

"Humble yourself," Malia reminded me while smacking my shoulder.

"Sweet!" Gramps shrieked and slapped my back out of excitement, "Anyhow getting to the main point, we don't have space to house those two, do you have any plans to fix this matter?"

"Yeah I already thought about that, since our house is too far from school anyways, I was going to buy a mansion move near the school."

"Mmh. I guess with the amount of money you racked up in these 8 years, you're probably one of the richest people in the kingdom. However, you're going to need an adult to stay with-"

"I wouldn't mind supervising the kids, my house is a bit small. Zeref you better buy a luxurious one!" Mr Xanxus butted in, sitting next to us on a sofa. He'd help with security I guess. " Plus, I'm the headmaster. We can walk to school together!" he nodded at me for approval.

Malia and I both made that 'no thank you' face but stupid Mike said "Yes!".

"Fine, I don't mind. I'm going to town now and buying one as soon as possible, I'll take those two with me as well." I said, getting up from my seat.

"Great! Have fun." Gramps replied with a smile.


We were again in the centre of town Malia skipped by my side and Mike and Mr Xanxus followed us behind.

"By the way where are we going, I'm tired of walking." Mike groaned from behind me.

"Shush! We're going to make a transaction." Mr Xanxus replied.

"Zeref I just wanted to say sorry for the inconvenience that my brother and I have caused you guys. I know we're being a nuisance, If you really want we could go live in a foster home or something." Malia spoke to me, looking down at the ground. She probably felt ashamed about what happened, but a foster home. What a dumb thing to say.

"You dummy, who do you think I am. I'd never let my friends be in those types of situations. In fact we're here to buy a mansion owned by the bank, so we can live nearer to school." I scolded her for thinking so naively.

"A mansion! Do you even have the funds for that?" Mike questioned from behind.

"Do I have the funds?" I giggled, "Don't worry about money."


"Sir! Welcome! Welcome! Please come in! We have been eagerly waiting for your arrival master." a young elf wearing a black suit bowed in a submissive manner and his peers did the same bowing in respect.

The bank entrance was grand, two large pillars stood like guards at the entrance and as you came in the marble floor glowed under the light. Mixed with the quiet atmosphere of elf workers' quills on paper and people talking. The place was definitely luxurious and awe-inspiring. A long wide and solitary pathway stretched out to two large stairs at the end, which took people to the Asset department. The bottom floor was for usual transactions of money for everyday things, like taking out loans etc. while the second floor was for buying assets from the bank, like houses that the bank reclaimed from people, who couldn't pay back their mortgages etc.

To the side of my view, Counters and counters were lined up side by side, busy with people asking for money or discussing financial matters with counsellors. All the workers in the bottom floor were dwarves, humans worked in the second floor and all security from the elf race.

"It's fine, you can rise Tybalt. Take me to Miss Rose." I ordered the elf.

"Right away sir!" he replied enthusiastically.

During my 8 years I had succumbed to a huge sum of money. I defeated and sold thousands of A and B rank beasts, even a dozen or so S rank beasts with the help of Gramps, Miss Elena and Mr Xanxus. My funds soon became enough to buy more than 50% of the Bank of Vrimeon's shares. Therefore, I automatically became its owner. The bank of Vrimeon was not owned by the government, it was a plc business, that's why I could buy its shares.

Good investment I must say, by buying it I automatically owned half all of its assets including it's personal security force, money, land and some other things.

"Zeref, why was the head of security calling you master? He's never shown that much respect to my father before either." Malia whispered to me, her face showing me she was half shocked and half confused.

"Well I am the owner of this bank." I smiled and cocked my eyebrows at her.

She burst out laughing mockingly and stopped when she saw me not laughing with her, "You're joking right." she gasped.

"No, I'm actually dead serious. I bought more than half of its shares and all of its assets a year ago, so technically I'm one of the richest people in the whole kingdom."

"Stop pulling my leg, how could you become such a businessman at your young age. I call bullsh*t,"" she punched my arm playfully then looked at the elf, "Hey, Mister. Who's the owner of this bank?"

"Of course that's our dear master, Mr Amara he's standing right next to you." he replied truthfully.

"I told you so." I laughed, punching her arm back.

"NO WAY! You didn't tell me this! What else have you been keeping from me? A wife?!"

"Maybe." I chuckled looking at her face turn red.

"Don't talk to me ever again!" she moved back to Mike's side looking away from my gaze.

After a couple minutes, the long walk to the stairs was over and we reached the second floor.

The clicking of heels could be heard down the hall and then appeared Miss Rose; a tall Chinese woman with small sharp eyes and a killer smile just like Miss Elena but Miss Elena had fairer skin and a bigger forehead.

"Young sir! It's been ages, how have you been?" Miss Rose bowed to me.

"Great, How about you?"

"Very very busy sir, since you left. Pardon me if I'm being hasty, I'm on an extremely tight schedule. So sir, what can I help you with today?"

"Could you kindly show us some properties near Xanxus Academy. We need a couple bedroom mansion."

"And with a sage water pool in it too." Mr Xanxus butted in. I nodded in approval.

"A-And an indoor pool," Mike stuttered before Malia smacked his arm and glared at him.

"Ok," I nodded at Miss Rose.

"Right away sir, actually there's a new property on the market and it's being auctioned, if you want sir, we can go and bid for it right now, the auction starts in 20 minutes."

[New Quest: Bid and win the ownership to the luxury mansion]

[Rewards: 20,000 Exp]

[Would you like to accept the quest?]


I picked 'yes' in my head straight away.

"Yes! Let's go right away!" I exclaimed, excited at the idea of killing two birds with one stone.


The auction hall was a two minute walk from the bank, but the two minutes were hell, Mike just wouldn't shut up. The moaning and whining left my ears bleeding. It was a relief when Mr Xanxus punched his head and made him stop.

"Name sir." An old man with long white hair, wearing formal attire and holding a clipboard and pen, stood at the entrance of the auction house. If I remembered closely there were invites sent out to all the nobles when there was a new special inventory to sell, so this man just checked the tickets.

"We're under the name of Zeref Amara."

The old man peered through his spectacles at the list in his hands, then gazed at us again.

"Sorry but you're not on the list, I can't let you guys in." the old man blurted.

"We didn't ask if we were on the list, move." Tybalt declared with power in his voice.

"I'm sure you know sir, I can't just let you in like this."

Tybalt grabbed the old man's collar and lifted him up.

"Hey! Hey! What's all the ruckus here?!" another old man, this time a bit slimmer came exiting a door, he held a rapier by his waist and was coated in armour. He was a warrior for sure.

"Oh my goodness! Zeref sir, Why are you waiting out here, ple- please come in." the startled old man gestured us in.

"But-" the old geezer with the list was going to say something but stopped mid way. I guess I still wasn't that renowned yet.

The inside was extremely luxurious, shaped like a Shakespearean theatre, There were rows of red coloured seats descending downwards and a wooden stage was placed right at the back. I could see dozens of nobles from fat to skinny chatting away. Miss Rose had left us already as she had an appointment to attend to, but Tybalt (the elf and head of security) came with us.

"Let's sit over there, we always used to sit there when we used to come with dad." Mike pointed at some seats near the front row. Malia looked away in disapproval and distaste.

"Welcome! Welcome ladies and gentlemen! I'm your host for today's auction, Simon Crotchsmall. Please everyone can take their seats. The auction will now commence." a tall man at the centre of the stage spoke through a mic powered by mana.

"Just sit the hell down already, it's going to start!" Malia pushed through from the back and descended down the stairs and sat near where Mike had originally pointed. We all followed her down hastily.

"Here are images of the house, it's a 3 floor mansion, it has 8 bedrooms, 2 sage water pools, its own private 50 metre by 50 metre chrono chamber and an underground bunker, sorry let's not forget it has its own defensive system too. Prices start at 500 platinum coins." The presenter pulled up a screen behind him and using mana portrayed the pictures onto it. It was a great property, I had to admit and it came with many benefits.

*Note: 1 Platinum coin is equivalent to $100,000*

"600 platinum coins!" A man to the furthest to our left put his hand up eagerly.

"We have 600 from the nobleman to the right!" the presenter shouted.

"750 platinum coins!" another man put his hand up.

"850 platinum coins!"

"1000 platinum coins!"

"1050 platinum coins!" after this man put his hand up, the crowd went silent, in thought, 1000 platinum coins was a lot, even acres of land could be bought with that much.

"Going for 1050 platinum coins in 5 seconds! 5..." the presenter said counting down.

"Aren't you going to vote? You fool!" Malia smacked the back of my head.

"Chill! Geez." I rubbed my head in pain.

"1500 platinum coins!" I bellowed lifting up my arm and the hall blasted up in whispers. All the nobles stared back at us and began chattering.

"Kid, do you even have that type of money? What house are you from?" a fat nobleman queried from below.

"You don't need to know who I am, mind your own business." I replied reflecting a cold gaze at the nobleman.

"You arrogant little-" before the man could finish, a sharp pressure could be felt in the atmosphere and the mana particles vibrated in the atmosphere. I was unfazed but looking around I could see the horror in all the nobles' faces. This time I didn't have to exercise any sort of mana, it was Tybalt. He was a low A rank mage at level 70.

Tybalt relaxed his pressure, "Mr Crotchsmall, please proceed."

"An-And it's sold!"


The presenter wasn't lying, the mansion was more than grand and luxurious. As soon as I entered, sofas were placed in the middle of the room with a beautiful fireplace. Behind it was a big decorated table with cushioned chairs. I walked past the table and into the back of the house where I found a big door with a golden handle, leading me into the kitchen. I walked back out to see Xanxus coming in from the side of a sliding door.

"Just checked the garden. It has a big sage water pool." he laughed before going into the kitchen. I smirked and walked into a sliding glass door next to the living room. The room was steamy with beautiful tiled walls and a big painting of a cherry blossom tree hung up on the side. I made my way into the room and found an enchanting sage pool surrounded by rocks and short waterfalls running into it. I sighed in content before leaving and entering back into the living room. The ceiling was high and arched above us. In the middle, hung a crystal chandelier. The colour scheme of crème, gold and white was really a good choice. Mother would have loved this house. I made my way to Tybalt and Xanxus who were standing in front of the bookcase next to the fireplace.

In a rush of excitement, Mr Xanxus turned to me, "Zeref, the book shelf is actually a secret door to our underground bunker and chrono chamber! Can you believe that?!" He had the most stupid grin on his face and I chuckled, amused.

"Wow, let's see then." I replied. Tybalt made his way to one of the books named 'TSS' and pulled it. The book shelf slid open and there was a staircase leading to the downstairs. Tybalt and Mr Xanxus happily ran down the stairs but I already knew what I would see down there so instead, I decided to stalk up the wide, marble steps with golden railings, to the 3rd floor.. As soon as I made my way up the stairs, I saw a long hallway with 8 doors, I'm assuming it was the bedrooms. At the end of the hall was a big, plain white door with golden carvings in it.. I was making my way down the stairs when one of the doors to a room swung open and Mike was thrown out into the hallway next to me.

"OW!" Mike yelled. Malia stuck her tongue out at him before pushing past me and running downstairs.

"What was that about?" I helped pull Mike back up.

"The master bedroom! Malia said that you should have it but I really want it. You wouldn't mind if I had it, right bro?" he smiled at me expectantly with pleading eyes.

Malia's beg was cuter- wait, no! What the hell is wrong with me? I furrowed my eyebrows. "No, my mum gets to have the master bedroom." I walked down the stairs.

"Awe, your mums living here too?" he caught up to me. This brat! I hated him.

"She is my mother," I said in a 'duh' tone and rolled my eyes.

"Right, sorry. I'm just used to speaking my mind." he chuckled nervously.

"I can tell."

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